“queue” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “queue”:

– A queue is an abstract data type or a linear data structure, in which the first element is inserted from one end.

– People who want to be a promenader have to wait in a queue outside and buy their ticket as they go in.

– The word “queue” comes from the French languageFrench word for “tail”, but when talking about a queue of people in English it is pronounced “kyoo”.

– An example of a queue are lines of people waiting.

– There is usually a long queue of people waiting to kiss it.

– A queue is a “First In First Out” structure.

– Hence, you have to queue if you want to watch the first show in a day.

– A queue is a line of items.

queue some ways to use
queue some ways to use

Example sentences of “queue”:

– When someone comes to join the queue they have to go to the back of the queue and wait until it is their turn.

– People joined a queue even if they did not know what the queue was for.

– I do think it’s probably a job queue issue.

– The process of adding an element to a queue is called “enqueuing” and the process of removing an element from a queue is called “dequeuing”.

– People waiting in a queue are not always standing around.

– It “looks” like there are hooks ready in queue at Template talk:Did you know.

– From second to final shows, if you queue a line, you can sit a seat on the second floor.

– Perhaps the most famous queue in United KingdomBritain is the queue for promenade tickets at the BBC Proms.

– For example, it can do the jobs in the job queue overnight.

– Players can also pay $20 to access a separate priority queue for a month.

– In Computer science, a queue is a data structure, used for storing items, before they are processed.

– Anyone who wants to be near the front should join the queue early, especially for the very popular concerts, and at the weekend.

– I have complained on about DYK Queue #2.

– The people who are at the front of the queue can have the first choice of where to stand for the concert.

– This queue is then randomised so that three or four hooks show at once, and the hooks displayed on the main page are never fixed, so that they change with every page load.

– Items that are between the first and the lat element of the queue are not directly accessible.

– A queue is a line of people standing behind one another who are waiting for something.

- When someone comes to join the queue they have to go to the back of the queue and wait until it is their turn.

- People joined a queue even if they did not know what the queue was for.
- I do think it's probably a job queue issue.

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