“quantity” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “quantity”:

– Some states such as Colorado and California are completely legal for use of cannabis in all forms including flower, hashish, edibles, tinctures, hash oil and even flavoured or alcoholic drinks for adults 21 or over excluding some laws for the quantity you can possess, distribution and where you can smoke in these states.

– Ok – moving on, I’ve got two more trains of thought to put out there before finishing up! Quality over quantity – there are two ways of interpreting this statement and it really isn’t appropriate for what this discussion is about.

– In the field of electromagnetism, flux is usually the integral of a vector quantity over a finite surface.

– As the price and the quantity demanded of a good are inversely related i.e.

– It allows a large quantity of cargo to be bundled into a single unit.

– For example, the quantity ’empty weight’ is specified by the parameters.

– Any quantity of energy absorbed by the electron in excess of this amount is converted to kinetic energy according to the conservation of energy.

quantity - some sentence examples
quantity – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “quantity”:

– Therefore, considering the small size of endospore, a small volume of it can already contain a large quantity of it.

– It follows the law of demand where as price increases, demand decreases and vice versa showing an inverse relationship between quantity demanded and price.

– The total quantity of letters and numbers on the plate is never higher than eight.

– Thomson knew that the atoms were electrically neutral, but he established that, for this to occur, an atom should have the same quantity of negative and positive charges.

– From 17-31 December 2009, Coldplay auctioned a quantity of significant band memorabilia, including their first guitars.

– The longer period of sunshine, greater the quantity of solar radiation will be received by a portion of earth.For example, at the equator the length of days and nights is 12 hours in all the months but the tropics of Arctic and Antarctic sunshine duration varies between 0 and 24.

– For quantity datatypes, this flag will strip off any units of measurement, unless the flag is also given in which case the raw unit of measurement will be returned.

– Initially, these Colonycolonists produced wheat for their own subsistence, but later the quantity cultivated was sufficient to begin sending wheat to continental Portugal.

– We should strive for quality, not quantity here.

– The minimized quantity of boundary molecules results in a minimized surface area.

– Diets are about eating the right quantity and type of food at the right time.

– The quantity of lignin is probably the main factor in their hardness.

- Therefore, considering the small size of endospore, a small volume of it can already contain a large quantity of it.

- It follows the law of demand where as price increases, demand decreases and vice versa showing an inverse relationship between quantity demanded and price.
- The total quantity of letters and numbers on the plate is never higher than eight.

More in-sentence examples of “quantity”:

– In biology, especially in electrophysiology, a signal or biopotential is an electric quantity voltage or Electric currentcurrent or charged ions.

– As the body gets used to the substance, the quantity needed to get the desired effect wil increase.

– There are many quality articles out there, and it’s perfectly possible to have both quality “and” quantity without a GA process ever existing.

– A sensor is a device that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a ‘signal’ which can be read by an observer or by an instrument.

– For instance, a house is divided into rooms, a nation into states, a type of quantity into numbers, and so on.

– This quantity is derived from the logarithm of its luminosity as seen from a distance of 10 parsecs.

– It’s hard to oppose, because the quality and quantity are both excellent.

– So, SIM analysis allows for a smaller quantity of a compound to be detected and measured.

– Most RTSs are God game, that is, the player does not control a single member or unit while playing, but controls all aspects of the game: direct the units, their tactics, improvements and attacks, and direct the planning and Construction of the base, its improvements and the quantity of resources and production.

– In economics, land means all natural resources that cannot be produced in a larger quantity if prices go up, such as geographical locations and mineral deposits.

– It displays a quantity in terms of imperial/US customary units and metric units.

– An analog-to-digital converter is an electronicselectronic continuous quantity to a discrete time digital number.

– The British Rail Class 108 diesel multiple units were built by BR Derby from 1958 to 1961, with a final production quantity of 333 vehicles.

– It displays a quantity in terms of metric units and imperial/US customary units.

– That’s because formula must contain a certain quantity of each nutrient that is described on the label.

– When the last thing in a group it pointed to, that number is the quantity of the group.

– And in the 18th century, Coulomb started research into a fixed quantity of static electricity.

– France is the country in the world that produces the biggest quantity of cider.

– Of all the metallic alloys in use today, the alloys of iron make up the largest proportion both by quantity and commercial value.

– From the term slab and his derivatives there are a big quantity of toponyms among them.

– As a result of this conquest, he left the territory with an immense quantity of spoil, using 90 captured elephants to carry treasure and stones from quarries to erect a mosque in his homeland.

– In addition to accuracy and precision, measurements may also have a measurement resolution, which is the smallest change in the underlying physical quantity that produces a response in the measurement.

– The quantity in parentheses on the right hand side is in fact.

– This definition applies rather widely and includes all ways in which one quantity could be determined by other.

– It might have happened earlier, as the Americans claim that this definition came about in the 17th century when European traders began making a large quantity of distilled spirits and wine available to American Indians.

- In biology, especially in electrophysiology, a signal or biopotential is an electric quantity voltage or Electric currentcurrent or charged ions.

- As the body gets used to the substance, the quantity needed to get the desired effect wil increase.

– The law relates the quantity and wavelength of electromagnetic energy given off by a black body radiator at different temperatures.

– As an example, the decimal quantity 12.345 can be expressed with various numbers of significant digits or decimal places.

– American Eagle shows that he cares more about the quality of his edits then the quantity of them.

– It is available in as much quantity as desired, with zero opportunity cost to society.

– In 1947, Gerard Kuiper showed that the thin Martian atmosphere contained extensive carbon dioxide; roughly double the quantity found in Earth’s atmosphere.

– An important characeristic of dipoles is their dipole moment, which is a vector quantity with both a Magnitude magnitude and direction.

– This city is also called “Cardamom City” because of the large quantity of cardamom trade in this area.

– The term “To each according to his contribution” simply means that each worker in a socialist society receives “wages” and benefits according to the quantity and value of the labor that he or she contributed.

– It is known for the quality and quantity of early 13th-century Gothic sculpture.

– In some hymenoptera, the male provides a huge quantity of sperms, enough for the female’s long life.

– The reciprocal quantity represents the dilution which can appear in Ostwald’s law of dilution.

– If it is given under the skin, or intravenously, a quantity of 15mg may be enough to kill an adult.

– If the map has a combined use of different BS# row templates, the editor should choose the startCollapsible template which provides the same icon grids quantity as the greatest BS# row template used in the map.

– The vegetation of Curitiba is also characterized by the existence of a large quantity of purple and yellow “ipês making a spectacle of beauty to the landscape of the city during the flowering in the end of winter.

– The flux is defined as the quantity of fluid flowing through “S” in a unit amount of time.

– However, due to the quantity of manure applied to fields, odor can be a problem in some agricultural regions.

– In physics, a moment is a combination of a physical quantity and a distance.

– A conversion factor is a ratio that lets one convert a measured quantity to a different unit of measure without changing the amount.

– After a certain quantity of electrons have passed, the current through the gap decreases, until the normal current through the diode at the threshold voltage begins.

– He had to find a related quantity called “amplitude” and multiply amplitude by amplitude to get the intensity he wanted.

– As such, in order to increase the surface area of a mass of liquid by an amount, “δA”, a quantity of work, ” This work is stored as potential energy.

– The colours change constantly depending on the quantity of minerals or organisms in the water and the angle of sunlight.

– In physics, a field means that a Matterphysical quantity is assigned to every point in space.

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