“qualitative” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “qualitative”:

– This qualitative approach to molecular orbital theory is part of the start of modern quantum chemistry.

– Chemical education research collects both quantitative and qualitative data.

– It is also noticed that BRIC countries have undermined qualitative factors that is reflected in deterioration in Doing Business ranking 2010 and other several human indexes.

– Another critical contribution of medical anthropology has been with regard to critical qualitative data.

– In short, while epidemiology is good at understanding numerical patterns and biological causes for disease/health conditions, it is unable to fully explain all the factors that underlie certain diseases/health conditions, and this is a gap that medical anthropology has been able to pick up on and complement by providing rich qualitative data which looks at health and diseases from a holistic perspective.

– Although field research is generally characterized as qualitative research, it often involves multiple aspects of quantitative research in it.

– Field research is defined as a qualitative method of data collection that aims to observe, interact and understand people while they are in a natural environment.

qualitative some ways to use
qualitative some ways to use

Example sentences of “qualitative”:

- In 2015, she gave a keynote address in Florida at the Qualitative Report conference and was invited again for the same conference in 2020.

- Many reactions are used in qualitative chemistry.
- For example, they investigate how culture affects research studies, are able to pick up on seemingly "irrelevant" yet important small details that a epidemiologist might miss, and they are able to provide qualitative data whereas epidemiology only focuses on quantitative data.

– In 2015, she gave a keynote address in Florida at the Qualitative Report conference and was invited again for the same conference in 2020.

– Many reactions are used in qualitative chemistry.

– For example, they investigate how culture affects research studies, are able to pick up on seemingly “irrelevant” yet important small details that a epidemiologist might miss, and they are able to provide qualitative data whereas epidemiology only focuses on quantitative data.

– But some areas, especially in social science, use qualitative methods, such as interviews or detailed observations of human or animal behavior.

– Ethnographers mainly use qualitative methods.

– This behaviour is also used as a qualitative test for the presence of double or triple bonds in a molecule, since the reaction makes the permanganate solution colorless.

– Both in vitro diagnostics, the tests are genesig Real-Time PCR Coronavirus created by Primerdesign, and cobas SARS-CoV-2 Qualitative assay for use on the cobas® 6800/8800 Systems by Roche Molecular Systems.

– Raman: Is used for the qualitative and quantitative study of inorganic, organic and biological systems often as a complimentary technique to IR.

– Wet chemistry techniques can be used for Qualitative chemical analysisqualitative chemical measurements, such as changes in color, but often involves more quantitative chemical measurements, using methods such as gravimetry and titrimetry.

– Ordinary differential equations: Analysis, qualitative theory and control.

– The equation is named after Thomas Young Thomas Young, who developed the qualitative theory of surface tension in 1805, and Pierre-Simon Laplace who completed the mathematical description in the following year.

– The qualitative interviews could be either informal and conversational, semi-structured, standardized and open-ended or a mix of all the above three.

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