“qin” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “qin”:

+ According to the Chinese historian Sima Qian, Qin Shi Huang ordered this army to be built long before he became the first Emperor of all China in 221 BC.

+ In 207 BC, former Qin dynasty general Zhao Tuo/Triệu Đà founded the kingdom Nanyue/Nam Việt with its capital at Panyu.

+ Nowadays, many qin players perform at concerts in large concert halls, almost always, out of necessity, using electronic pickups or microphones to amplify the sound.

+ Because of the difference in geography in China, many qin schools known as “qin pai” developed over the centuries.

+ The First Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang also called Shi Huangdi, started the Qin Dynasty.

+ This Chinese imperialism began with the Qin Dynasty: in 221 BC, Qin Shi Huang conquered the various warring kingdoms and created the first Chinese empire.

+ The format uses qin notation with staff notation and/or “jianpu” notation.

qin in-sentences
qin in-sentences

Example sentences of “qin”:

+ The second, and final emperor, Qin Er Shi, was overthrown by a popular rebellion after the first Qin emperor died.

+ Chongqing is said to be the semi-mythical State of Ba that began in 11th century BC, when the Ba people began living here until they were destroyed by the State of Qin in 316 BC.

+ As the ruler of Qin EmpireChina, the First Emperor ordered great undertakings: his men put together earlier bits into a China to the Pearl River in the south.

+ This notation form was called “jianzi pu” 〔減字譜〕 and it was a great step forward for recording qin scores.

+ Before the Qin Dynasty united China, there were hundreds of small states that fought each other for hundreds of years in a war to control China.

+ The Qin Dynasty made its mark in China’s history.

+ The Han dynasty was founded by Liu Bang after the Qin dynasty ended.

+ By the 20th century, there had been attempts to try to replace the shorthand notation, but so far, it has been unsuccessful; since the 20th century, qin music is generally printed with staff notation above the qin tablature.

+ Because qin tablature is so useful, logical, easy, and the fastest way of learning a piece, it is invaluable to the qin player and cannot totally be replaced.

+ The Qin emperor ordered a new city to be constructed, called Jiang.

+ The new emperor maintained a legalist ideology just like the Qin dynasty but also had ideas of Confucianism to have a centralized system showing benevolence.

+ The second, and final emperor, Qin Er Shi, was overthrown by a popular rebellion after the first Qin emperor died.

+ Chongqing is said to be the semi-mythical State of Ba that began in 11th century BC, when the Ba people began living here until they were destroyed by the State of Qin in 316 BC.
+ As the ruler of Qin EmpireChina, the First Emperor ordered great undertakings: his men put together earlier bits into a China to the Pearl River in the south.

More in-sentence examples of “qin”:

+ The earliest surviving qin in this modern form, preserved in both Japan and China, have been dated to the Tang Dynasty.

+ Most qin schools and groups are based in China.

+ The earliest surviving qin in this modern form, preserved in both Japan and China, have been dated to the Tang Dynasty.

+ Most qin schools and groups are based in China.

+ In the Wanli era of the Ming dynasty, there are 20 places of interest in the garden, and Qin Yao make poems for each of them.

+ In 1591, Qin Yao failed in the government.

+ He made himself the Emperor of China and founded the Qin Dynasty.

+ It was created by the warlord Qin Shi Huang during the Warring States Period and defeated several other states in the area to unite China.

+ In 1950, Premier Zhou Enlai appointed Qin as a counselor of the Ministry of Food Industry and the Ministry of Light Industry.

+ The name in Chinese means “island of the Qin Emperor” or “Emperor Qin‘s island”, since it was where Emperor Qin Shi Huang sent men to search for immortals, or living beings who cannot die or grow old, across the sea.

+ The Terracotta Army is the buried army of Qin Shi Huang, an ancient Chinese emperor.

+ The third is “an yin” 〔按音 / 案音 / 實音 / 走音〕, or “stopped sounds.” This forms the majority of most qin pieces and requires the player to press on a string with a finger or thumb of the left hand until it touches with the surface board, then pluck.

+ The rich tones of the qin can be categorised as three distinctively different “sounds.” The first is “san yin” 〔散音〕, which means “scattered sounds.” This meant simply pluck the required string to sound an open note.

+ Court officials in the Han Dynasty believed that small seal script characters, which were standardized under Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi when he unified China, took too much time to write because Chinese characters at the time were written using curved lines instead of more angular lines.

+ To enjoy qin songs, one must learn to become accustomed to the strange style some players may sing their songs to.

+ The Qin dynasty ruled in History of ChinaChina from 221 BC to 206 BC.

+ Many are still playable, the most famous perhaps being the one named “Jiuxiao Huanpei” 《九霄環佩》, said to have been made by the famous late Tang dynasty qin maker Lei Wei.

+ The rulers of Qin and Zhao were from the same family, but the two lands fought against one another frequently.

+ According to Robert Temple, the qin played an important part in the gaining the first understanding of music timbre for the Chinese.

+ Many traditionalists feel that the sound of the fingers of the left hand sliding on the strings to be a distinctive feature of qin music.

+ The sound chamber of the qin is constructed with two boards of wood, typically of differing wood types.

+ Today countries like Japan also have their own qin small traditions.

+ Qin was a metropolitan graduate in 1493 and also the descendant of Qin Guan, a famous lyricist in the Northern Song dynasty.He built it on the basis of old building, making hills and ponds, planting flowers and trees, building houses, and changing it to a garden. After the death of Qin Jin, the garden was inherited by his family member Qin Han and his son Qin Liang. In the summer of 1560, Qin Han built another garden at the top of Huishan,  called “Feng Gu Shan Zhuang” or “Villa of Phoenix Valley”.

+ After the death of Qin Liang, the garden was owned by his family member Qin Yao.

+ Today this is generally interpreted to mean C D F G A c d, but this should be considered do re fa so la do re, since historically the qin was not tuned to absolute pitch.

+ In addition to learning to play established or ancient pieces very well, highly skilled qin players may also compose or improvise, although the player must be very good and extremely familiar with the instrument to be successful at it.

+ This movement saw the Qin DynastyQin and Han periods as the model for Tang period as a model for poetry.

+ Traditionally, the qin was played in a quiet studio or room by oneself, or with a few friends; or played outdoors in places of outstanding natural beauty.

+ The qin is a very quiet instrument, with a range of about four octaves, and its open strings are tuned in the bass register.

+ The most famous wall was built between 226–200 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Hong, during the Qin Dynasty.

+ The time when the First Emperor’s family ruled Qin EmpireChina is named the Qin Dynasty, but it was very short.

+ Turtle shells with writing like ancient Chinese writing from the Shang Dynasty emperor Qin Shi Huang made everyone write the same way.

+ It is believed that the word China cam from the word “Qín”, in which the Qin dynasty unified China.

+ Each part of the qin has meaning, some more obvious, like “dragon pool” 『龍池』 and “phoenix pond” 『鳳沼』.

+ According to tradition, the qin originally had five strings, representing the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth.

+ Dating back to the Qin family of rulers, Xuanwu Lake has a history of about 2,300 years.

+ During the Ming dynasty, Qin Jin, bought “Ou Yu” of Huishan Temple.

+ The land in some parts of China is easy to cross, so Qin Shi Huang started building the Great Wall to make it more difficult for the Xiongnu to invade China.

+ Normally, qin players will learn the rhythm of a piece through a teacher.

+ In the 20th century, Japanese scholar Fujita Toyohachi said Buddhism entered China during the Qin dynasty.

+ There are two sound holes in the bottom board, as the playing techniques of the qin employ the entire surface of the top board which is curved / humped.

+ In a third, he appears as a royal Astrologyastrologer named “Lao Dan” living at the time of Qin Dynasty.

+ The Qin emperor Qin Shi Huang in 221BC created the first centralized state in China based on his political philosophy of legalism and made everyone write the same way.

+ Chinese tradition says the qin originally had five strings, but then two were added about 1,000 BCE, making seven.

+ But it would be a mistake to say that qin music has no rhythm or melody.

+ The Qin ruled China for only a very short time, during which they built both the Terracotta Army and parts of the Great Wall of China.

+ Written qin music did not directly tell what notes were played like many outer musical instruments; instead, it was written in a tablature detailing tuning, finger positions, and plucking technique, thus made up of a step by step method and description of how to play a piece.

+ Work started when he was King of Qin in 247 BC.

+ Many qin players attend yaji, at which a number of qin players, music lovers, or anyone with an interest in Chinese culture can come along to discuss and play the qin.

+ Since qin tablature does not indicate note value, tempo or rhythm, the player must work it out for him/herself.

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