“pygmy” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “pygmy”:

– It is closely related to the Pygmy Killer Whale and the Pilot Whale.

– The maximum lifespan of an American pygmy shrew is believed to be about 16–17 months.

– The javelin frog, pygmy rocket frog or cairns tree frog is a small frog from northern Australia.

– The feathertail glider, also known as the pygmy gliding possum, pygmy glider or flying mouse, is the world’s smallest gliding mammal.

– The mountain pygmy possum was first described as a Pleistocene fossil by Robert Broom in 1896.

– The Pygmy Killer Whale is a mammal of the oceanic dolphin family.

– Only the pygmy right whale is smaller.

pygmy some example sentences
pygmy some example sentences

Example sentences of “pygmy”:

– The spined pygmy shark is one of the smallest sharks in the world.

– The pygmy possums are species of small possums that together form the marsupial family Burramyidae.

– The American pygmy shrew is the smallest mammal native to North America.

– Predators of the American pygmy shrew include hawks, brook trout, owls, snakes, and domestic cats.

– The Northern Pygmy Owl tends to perch in a diagonal position rather than an upright position.

– Weasels are the main predators of pygmy rabbits.

– There is not much information on the climate or history of the island, but the animals inhabiting the island are known, such as the pygmy three-toed sloth, or Derby’s woolly opossum.

– The pygmy rabbit is the world’s smallest leporid.

– There are five living species of pygmy possum, in two genera.

– The pygmy hippo is herbivorous, feeding on ferns, Dicotyledonbroad-leaved plants, grasses and fruits it finds in the forests.

- The spined pygmy shark is one of the smallest sharks in the world.

- The pygmy possums are species of small possums that together form the marsupial family Burramyidae.

– The pygmy rabbit is different from other leporids by its small size, short ears, gray color and small hind legs.

– In winter you can see Pygmy Cormorants in Belgrade, at the rivers Sava and Danube.

– The pygmy slow loris is one of a number of species of slow loris.

– The Etruscan shrew is also known as the Etruscan pygmy shrew or the white-toothed pygmy shrew.

– The Pygmy Antwren is the smallest of the antbirds.

– The pygmy hippopotamus has many terrestrial animalterrestrial adaptations, but like its larger cousin, it is semi-aquatic.

– The pygmy killer is an average-sized dolphin.

– The pygmy hippo is reclusive and nocturnal.

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