“purity” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “purity”:

+ One says that the blue represents the color of the sea and the white represents the waves, and others include white for the waves and blue for the sky and white for purity and breakaway from tyranny and blue for Greece.

+ One particularly harsh critic said that he was a “mean mercenary, who, having adopted a cause for the sake of plunder, quits it when convicted of that charge.” In turning him down for an East India Company posting, George Johnstone wrote, “Although I am satisfied with the purity of your conduct, the generality do not think so.

+ The carat, a unit of mass for gemstones, and of purity for gold, takes its name, indirectly, from the Greek word for a carob seed, “kerátion”.

+ Some of the prophets and wisdom writers seem to question this; they argue that God demands social justice above purity, and perhaps does not even care about purity at all.

+ The superiority and purity of power was to be maintained.

+ In mythology and heraldry unicorn symbolizes innocence, purity and feminine power.

+ DSC has gained quite a lot interest in drug purity investigation because it requires samples with low quantity and is considerably fast in terms of analysis time.

purity - example sentences
purity – example sentences

Example sentences of “purity”:

+ Higher grades of purity require both processes, lower grades use only the first process.

+ Plate readers are used mostly in research, to find drugs, and to help test the purity of chemicals in pharmacies and laboratories.

+ Higher grades of purity require both processes, lower grades use only the first process.

+ Plate readers are used mostly in research, to find drugs, and to help test the purity of chemicals in pharmacies and laboratories.

+ Its purpose was to maintain the superiority and purity of power of the elite castes.

+ The colors have no special meaning in the flag, but in the coat of arms white stands for purity and innocence, red for bravery and strength and blue for watchfulness, perseverance and justice.

+ Contamination of the cathode compromises the purity of the metal of interest and the data obtained for that metal.

+ She wears a white gown to symbolise purity and usually a tiara or crown.

+ The words “和敬清寂 ” meaning harmony, respect, purity and tranquility, are the basis of the tea ceremony.

+ The ermine was a symbol of purity for Leonardo.

+ He is annoyed by Alyosha’s real purity and tries to introduce him to Grushenka, hoping that she will shake his religious faith.

+ She tells him not to spoil the purity of their love.

+ In the middle is white, which stands for truth in word and actions and purity in our thoughts.

+ Many religgions require that those worshipping should be in this state.Ritual purity is a state of ritual cleanliness.

+ According to Rowling, to characters for whom wizarding blood purity matters, Lily would be considered “as loathsome as a Muggle”, and derogatively referred to as a “Mudblood”.

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