“pure” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “pure”:

– For example, if a 530Hz pure Pitch tone is presented to a subject’s right ear, while a 520Hz pure tone is presented to the subject’s left ear, the listener will perceive the illusion of a third tone.

– For pure water this is 100° Celsius or 212° Fahrenheit.

– A hooker is the opposite of a pure performer.

– This is reduced to selenium again, making pure selenium.

– It also contrasts with Docetic beliefs, by which matter is basically evil and Jesus was said to have been pure spirit.

– Heat is added in the process of distillation which extracts a pure liquid.

– Adult Siberian cranes are 140 cm . Their plumage is pure white, except for some wing feathers, which are black.

– It can be made in pure form by burning powdered tin in air.

pure some example sentences
pure some example sentences

Example sentences of “pure”:

– We should create a world of pure relativism, where morality and religion are strictly relative to each person’s individual notion of reality itself.

– They all mean this: when the pure advection equation–which, by definition, “is free of dissipation”–is solved by a numerical approximation method that reduces the amplitude and changes the shape of the initial wave in a way analogous to a diffusional process, the method is said to contain ‘dissipation’.

– The books the Muckrakers wrote led to changes in America during the Progressive Era, such as the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 and the breakup of the Standard Oil company.

– Most of that is pure science fiction however and no solid evidence has been produced of a true “warp drive” on a large scale.

– There is a story that the birds will come alive if a truly pure woman walks between them.

– Research has shown the combination to be very much more effective than paracetamol, and much less addictive that pure codeine.

– A less pure form is made by reacting sulfuric acid with phosphate rock.

– Lots of people think that finding a Mathematical proofproof of the hypothesis is one of the hardest and most important unsolved problems of pure mathematics.

– The Sun looks the same from the Moon as it does from Earth’s orbit, somewhat brighter than it does from the Earth’s surface, and colored pure white, due to the lack of scattering and absorption in its very thin atmosphere.

- We should create a world of pure relativism, where morality and religion are strictly relative to each person's individual notion of reality itself.

- They all mean this: when the pure advection equation--which, by definition, "is free of dissipation"--is solved by a numerical approximation method that reduces the amplitude and changes the shape of the initial wave in a way analogous to a diffusional process, the method is said to contain 'dissipation'.
- The books the Muckrakers wrote led to changes in America during the Progressive Era, such as the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 and the breakup of the Standard Oil company.

– Steel with more carbon is harder and stronger than pure iron, but it also breaks more easily.

– Sanger is the fourth person to have been given two Nobel Prizes, either individually or in tandem with others.Maria Skłodowska-Curie received the Physics Prize in 1903 for the discovery of radioactivity and the Chemistry Prize in 1911 for the isolation of pure radium.

– Although he was famous as pure folk blues artist he also played jump blues in a band.

– Breathing pure O in space suits causes no damage because there is a lower pressure used.

– In its pure form, ammonium nitrate does not burn; but it increases fires a great deal.

– A very pure form of iodine is made by reacting copper sulfate and potassium iodide.

More in-sentence examples of “pure”:

– Seconds after she lands, Samus’s PED Suit is in constant Hyper Mode because Phaaze’s atmosphere, pure Phazon, is corrupting her.

– Dogs whose parents were the same breed will also be that breed: these dogs are called purebred or pure pedigree dogs.

– In March 1992, she released her first album with them on Too Pure Records.

– Altarpieces of Jesus on the cross were made to remind Christians that Jesus, who was pure and did not sin, died a horrible death like a robber and murderer so that Christians could be forgiven.

– Its name was first “Ununhexium but it changed on May 30st, 2012, when the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry changed it.

– The anode is of pure mercury, and the electrolyte is a solution of cadmium sulphate.

– Colorless marbles are a very pure source of calcium carbonate, which is used in a wide variety of industries.

– The  painted in Sigiriya in Sri Lanka around 485 AD use the “fresco lustro” technique which varies slightly from the pure fresco technique in that it also contains a mild binding agent.

– It is made of 450kgs of pure silk, and it includes hundreds of pounds of precious metals, 670 kgs of silver dyed black, about 120 kgs of pure gold and 50 kgs of silver.

– They are difficult to define, but they are not pure delusions.

– Coke is an almost pure form of carbon.

– This ended the introduction of the Pure Food and Drug Act. Similar products were also available across Europe.

– A thin pure piece of copper and a thick impure piece of copper are placed in copper sulfate solution.

– When the competition added Argentina, it returned to a pure home-and-away format, with a total of 12 games played.

– Wood is largely cellulose and lignin, while paper and cotton are nearly pure cellulose.

– In simple terms, if you take the mass of something and then multiplicationmultiply it by the speed of light, and then multiply it by the speed of light again, you will get how much pure energy a given piece of something has.

– This action infuriated the young Popeye so heavily that his anger became pure strength; he quickly got back on his feet and punched whale with all his might, instantly killing the proud alpha and proceeded to take on the rest of the pod.

– Delete; there is more than a pure list, so the potential for a copyright violation is there.

– This way, small but very pure bits of these “new” metals could be made.

– A person with a pure heart was seen as someone who had committed no crimes or done any wrong.

– It must be pure text.

– Its eyes are pure black.

– Almost 30% of Mexicans are pure Native American and 10% are European.

– Their plumage is pure white, except for some wing feathers, which are black.

- Seconds after she lands, Samus's PED Suit is in constant Hyper Mode because Phaaze's atmosphere, pure Phazon, is corrupting her.

- Dogs whose parents were the same breed will also be that breed: these dogs are called purebred or pure pedigree dogs.
- In March 1992, she released her first album with them on Too Pure Records.

– They are insoluble in pure water but dissolve in dilute salt solutions.

– It is the most common feedstock for making pure hydrogen.

– In 1990 the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry decided to use the new system with Arabic numerals, to replace the two old group systems that used Roman numerals.

– The dorsal surface of the tiger shark is bluish-green to dark grey or black, and the belly is yellowish-white to pure white in colour.

– Water is the only common, pure substance found naturally in all three states of matter—for other substances, see Chemical properties.

– This was to separate the pure breed cat from the many mixed domestic short-haired cats that live all over North America.

– The four Pure Land gardens of Hiraizumi show the ideals of Pure Land Buddhism.

– Before the early years of Islam Islam Khalid bin Walid, corresponding to a soldier in his youth was notorious in pure Quraysh.

– Treatment separates water from waste and makes the water more pure before it goes into streams or other bodies of water.

– Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas thought that a pure chocolate flavor would overwhelm the taste of the restaurant’s hamburgers.

– A modern converter called basic oxygen furnace uses pure oxygen instead of air.

– Such reactions gave chemists a much wider choice of enantiomerically pure molecules to start an organic synthesis.

– Once here, Numbuh 1 crosses a river of pure fluoride and gets to a Dentadrone spawner to short circuit the entrance to Knightbrace’s lair.

– They tried to be morally pure in even the smallest ways.

– Concrete made with blast furnace slag is almost pure white compared to ordinary concrete which is greyish.

– Senna candolleana or Golden Senna associates with “Lithrea” and “Porlieria chilensis” in Central Chile Matorral or forms pure stands.,.

– The pure form of the flavoring is known as ‘vanillin’.

– Punk felt embarrassed by having his head shaved and he considered himself to be always pure unlike his followers, Punk appeared under a mask to cover his bald head on the May 29 episode of “SmackDown”.

– Alloyed gold is harder than pure gold and so more suitable for applications such as jewellery.

– When skiffle faded some of the musicians began to play pure blues music.

– Mario and his friends set out to collect eight Pure Hearts in each chapters, in order to destroy the Chaos Heart and prevent the black hole from destroying the world.

– He was not a full-time professional player; he got his PhD in pure mathematics in 1926, and worked as a school and college teacher.

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