“punishing” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “punishing”:

– In later days, from 1283 on, the Teutonic Knights, after returning from the crusades, became absolute rulers of Prussia and the Baltic sources of amber, as well as the manufacture of objects made of amber, punishing transgressors with death by hanging.

– However many people felt that before accepting the position of the caliph, Ali should have focused his attention on finding and punishing the murderers.

– Many of them believed that they were not just punishing Louis for a crime, but also destroying the idea of monarchy.

– Reasons they give for hurting themselves include expressing anger, punishing themselves, creating normal feelings, and distracting themselves from emotional pain or difficult situations.

– When Bilal learned about Muhammad and became Muslim, his master started punishing him.

– Individuals, groups, police, and huge crowds of people could hurt or even kill African Americans, without the government trying to stop them or punishing them.

– The Ottoman Empire responded to the Arab Congress by punishing Arab nationalists.

punishing in sentences?
punishing in sentences?

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