“psychoanalysis” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “psychoanalysis”:

+ The disciplines include psychology, philosophy, biology, physiology, psychoanalysis and sociology.

+ Freudian psychoanalysis uses a type of treatment where the subject talks, including free associations, Fantasyfantasies, and dreams.

+ Anthony Clare, psychiatrist and broadcaster, described Freud as a “ruthless and devious charlatan”, and that “many of the foundations stones of psychoanalysis are phoney”.

+ Beck found no evidence that psychoanalysis is effective in treating depression.

+ Since then, psychoanalysis has expanded and been revised, reformed and developed in different ways.

+ Also the psychoanalysis was founded in Vienna by Sigmund Freud.

+ Spock was the first pediatrician to study psychoanalysis to try to understand children’s needs.

+ Freud believed mental disorders are a result of repressed memories and emotions from childhood; psychoanalysis is designed to search for these hidden memories and emotions and bring them to the patient’s attention.

psychoanalysis how to use?
psychoanalysis how to use?

Example sentences of “psychoanalysis”:

+ In the 1920s he was a pupil of Sigmund Freud in Vienna and made important contributions to psychoanalysis “Charakteranalyse” 1933; engl.

+ Freud acknowledged that poets and philosophers had gained insights into the unconscious which psychoanalysis sought to explain systematically.

+ Hamsun voluntarily went to psychoanalysis during 1926 to 1928; the psychoanalyst made notes.

+ This method became a foundation upon which psychoanalysis was built.

+ During the psychoanalysis of Knut Hamsun, notes were made by his psychoanalyst, Johannes Irgens Strømme; sometimes the notes are referred to as the Strømme/Hamsun manuscript.

+ The basic ideas of psychoanalysis are: Freud, Sigmund 1922.

+ Notes from the psychoanalysis of Hamsun, were published in 2017; the photocopied notes were from with his psychoanalyst; photocopied notes were part of art that was published in Vagant.

+ He wanted to demonstrate how the study of psychoanalysis is important in the understanding of the growth of civilization.

+ The next development, in 1926, was the first psychoanalysis of what motivated people to want to play sports.

+ Because of the lack of scientific evidence supporting most Freudian ideas, psychoanalysis is rarely used by clinical psychologists and has been replaced by more effective forms of therapy.

+ His research of this theory – the idea he had – led him to create “talking therapy” – psychoanalysis – where he tried to figure out what could cause the mind to do things like this.

+ At university, Ballard was writing avant-garde fiction heavily influenced by psychoanalysis and surrealist painters.

+ A letter was sent – sometime before 2 April 2001 – from the national library, to the Ministry of Justice, regarding the library’s to publicize the psychoanalysis and a professor of literature.

+ He learned to practice a kind of psychology called psychoanalysis with his teacher Jacques Lacan in the early 1950s.

+ In the 1920s he was a pupil of Sigmund Freud in Vienna and made important contributions to psychoanalysis "Charakteranalyse" 1933; engl.

+ Freud acknowledged that poets and philosophers had gained insights into the unconscious which psychoanalysis sought to explain systematically.

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