“psalm” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “psalm”:

– While he was in hospital he wrote an anthem “Cast me not away” to words from Psalm 51.

Psalm 151 is a short psalm that is controversycontroversial because it is in some versions of the Bible but not others.

– Other Christians saw no harm in it, or encouraged people who wanted to meditate to instead chant the name of Jesus Christ, or a name for God, or a line from a psalm or Christian prayer.

– The Eastern Orthodox Church accepts Psalm 151 as part of the Bible, but Roman Catholics, most Protestants, and most Jews do not.

– On the front side a verse from the Bible is inscribed: Psalm 77:19: “Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though Your footprints were not seen.” Inside the memorial is the room with all the 69 names of the soldiers that died at sea.

psalm how to use?
psalm how to use?

Example sentences of “psalm”:

– He wrote an introduction to a book of psalm tunes in which he criticized the state of the church in England.

– This meant that the choir stands on opposite sides facing one another and they sing the verses of the psalm alternately.

– There has been a lot of debate over whether or not the psalm should be considered part of the Bible.

– Two different pieces of two different psalms were treated like they were one big psalm when they were not.

– The psalm has been known about for a long time and the Greek version was used for study for hundreds of years.

– One of the best-loved parts of the Old Testament is a song called Psalm 23.

– He also composed service service settings, psalm chants, hymn tunes, and a cantata, “The Prodigal Son”, for choir and chamber orchestra.

– Perhaps the most famous one is Psalm 23, which starts “The LORD is my shepherd”.

– When the Dead Sea Scrolls were found and translated, part of Psalm 151 was in them.

- He wrote an introduction to a book of psalm tunes in which he criticized the state of the church in England.

- This meant that the choir stands on opposite sides facing one another and they sing the verses of the psalm alternately.
- There has been a lot of debate over whether or not the psalm should be considered part of the Bible.

– Among his other works are four symphonies concertino for cello and orchestra, a psalm setting for chorus and orchestra, music for the theater, solo piano music, and songs.

– The Greek version of the psalm says that it was written by King David after his battle with Goliath.

– She said the Psalm 51, a prayer for divine mercy, in “the most devout manner”.

– They are based on Psalm 98, 96:11-12 and Genesis 3:17-18.

– Meshech in the Bible can also mean the tribe that came from his children, or the country where they lived, for example in Psalm 120:5.

– They will sing a psalm to a chant, and there will also be an anthem.

– Antiphonal psalm singing can still be heard today in Anglican cathedrals.

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