“provisional” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “provisional”:

+ The tribunal found that some gardaí based in County Donegal had invented a Provisional Irish Republican ArmyProvisional IRA informer, made bombs and claimed credit for locating them, and attempted to frame Raphoe publican Frank McBrearty Junior for murder– the latter case involving a €1.5m settlement with the State.

+ On January 14, 1836, Crockett and 65 other men signed an oath before Judge John Forbes to the Provisional Government of Texas for six months that said “I have taken the oath of government and have enrolled my name as a volunteer and will set out for the Rio Grande in a few days with the volunteers from the United States.” Each man was promised about 4,600 acres of land.

+ The Russian Provisional Government who replaced him also made many Russians upset because they promised that Russia would continue fighting the war.

+ In 2000, Anne McCabe – widow of Garda Jerry McCabe, who was killed by armed Provisional IRA bank robbers, accepted the Scott Medal for Bravery that had been awarded posthumously to her husband.

+ In 1984, a Provisional Irish Republican Army bombing killed five people.

+ Two small groups split from the Provisional IRA, the Continuity IRA in 1986, and the Real IRA in 1997.

provisional in-sentences
provisional in-sentences

Example sentences of “provisional”:

+ It was the former provisional capital of the National Transitional Council.

+ The first notes were provisional issues produced from Banco Nacional notes.

+ This situation caused the three royalist representatives, Grol-Subasic-Juraj Sutej, to secede from the provisional government indeed voting was on a single list of People’s Front candidates with provision for opposition votes to be cast in separate voting boxes but this procedure made electors identifiable by OZNA agents.

+ The United States set up a provisional government.

+ Austria remained part of the Third Reich until the end of World War II, when a provisional government declared the Anschluss “null und nichtig” on April 27 1945.

+ Subsequently, an executive officer entered the office and posted a notice of provisional disposition execution.

+ In 1919, all of the major pro-independence groups formed the provisional Government of the Republic of Korea in Shanghai.

+ After his death, his successors on the organization commanding post sought out criminal organization ties with La Cosa Nostra, the Provisional IRA, and the Croatian Mafia in San Pedro.

+ By mid-1922, Collins no longer really worked as Chairman of the Provisional Government.

+ The newly formed Provisional Government of the French Republic attempted to take back control of its former colonies in Indochina by force if necessary.

+ It was the former provisional capital of the National Transitional Council.

+ The first notes were provisional issues produced from Banco Nacional notes.

+ A learner’s permit can also be called a driver’s permit, learner’s license, or provisional license.

+ He was kidnapped by the Provisional Irish Republican Army in 1975.

+ Before it was named Varuna, it had the provisional designation.

+ After the February Revolution, some of the Mensheviks took positions in the Russian Provisional Government.

+ Billy McKee McKee became the first OC of the Provisional IRA Belfast Brigade.

+ This was the first time a sitting MP had been killed since 1990, when Ian Gow was killed by the Provisional Irish Republican Army.

+ Under Adams, Sinn Féin moved away from being a political voice of the Provisional IRA to becoming a professionally organized political party in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

More in-sentence examples of “provisional”:

+ It ended with the takeover of the Tsar’s old Winter Palace on the morning of October 26, when the Provisional Government was arrested.

+ All three of those actions involved elements of Major General Sterling Price’s Confederate Army of Missouri, and the Union’s Provisional Cavalry Division commanded by Major General Alfred Pleasonton.

+ Smetana got the job of director of the Provisional Theatre instead of Mayr.

+ As per provisional reports of Census India, population of Navi Mumbai as of 2011 is 1,119,477; of which male and female are 611,501 and 507,976 respectively.

+ The 2008 Kosovo illegal declaration of independence was an act of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government Assembly of Kosovo.

+ After the end of the Mexican War of Independence, a Provisional Board of Governing consisting of thirty-four persons was set up.

+ On 18 September an Allied naval convoy delivered 4,157 men from the 3rd Provisional Marine Brigade.

+ For these reasons, we, members of the Provisional Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, solemnly declare to the world that Vietnam has the right to be a free and independent country-and in fact is so already.

+ Rhee was elected the president, a post he held until 1925 when he was removed by the Provisional Assembly for the misuse of his authority.

+ Adams has often said that he has never been a member of the Provisional Irish Republican Army.

+ From 2003 through 2006, he served as Provisional President of the Argentine Senate.

+ Some of the main reasons that the Provisional IRA was founded in December 1969 and provisional Sinn Féin was founded in January 1970, was that people like Ó Brádaigh, O’Connell, and Billy McKee wanted new political bodies and did not want to work in or with the existing bodies such as the Parliament in London.

+ In 1962 when Algeria gained independence, he was named as chief of staff of the provisional government led by Abderrahmane Farès.

+ He defeated Kim Koo, the last president of the Provisional Government by 180 votes to 16.

+ The city was declared provisional capital on two occasions, the first 1806, and then click 1955 during the events of the Revolution freedom.

+ After that he was both Chairman of the Provisional Government of Southern IrelandChairman of the Provisional Government and National Army.

+ He was a member of the Provisional Irish Republican Army from Belfast, Northern Ireland.

+ Dysnomia Formal designation: 136199 Eris I Dysnomia; Provisional designation: S/2005 1.

+ He was provisional President of the Republic from 23 October 1989 to 2 May 1990.

+ Between 1893 and 1894, Hawaii was under the Provisional Government of Hawaii.

+ Regular issues of notes began in 1951, but a second provisional issue of 2 colon notes was made in 1967.

+ In 1979, along with three other people, including a grandson Nicholas, he was assassinated by the Provisional Irish Republican Army, which planted a bomb in his fishing boat, “Shadow V” at Mullaghmore, County Sligo, in the Republic of Ireland.

+ The moon’s provisional designation is S/2006 1.

+ In the 80 years changed the leadership of the Provisional IRA, instead of the veterans from the south over younger activists from Northern Ireland to key positions.

+ In June 1859, the people rebelled against the temporal authority of the Pope and established a provisional government, but the insurrection was quashed bloodily by Pius IX’s troops.

+ At the December 1969 IRA convention and the January 1970 Sinn Féin Ard Fheis parliaments, the organizations split into Provisional and Official parts.

+ Wilson played for the provisional teams Canterbury and Wellington.

+ Prime Minister 1921 to 1927 and Interior Minister of Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea 1923 to 1924.

+ Alex Kerensky started a new provisional government.

+ This led to the Irish Civil War as fighting broke out in Dublin between the anti-Treaty IRA and the provisional government’s troops.

+ The 1st Provisional Marine Brigade landed to the south.

+ The Provisional Irish Republican Army is also referred to as the IRA, the PIRA, the Provos, or by its supporters as the Army or the ‘RA.

+ After the February Revolution, Tsar Nicholas II was forced to step down and was replaced with a Socialismsocialist provisional government.

+ Chongqing was the provisional capital of the government of Chiang Kai-shek during the Second Chinese-Japanese War from 1937 to 1945.

+ The February Revolution in Russia meant that the Russian provisional government no longer wanted to control Iranian Kurdistan.

+ The subordinate group applied to the Tokyo District Court for a provisional disposition requesting the resumption of business of the company, but the company also applied for a provisional disposition requesting the release of possession and countered it.

+ In June 2007, the Indian Olympic Association and Bernie Ecclestone announced a provisional agreement for India to host its first Grand Prix in the 2009 F1 season.

+ The Second Dáil’s members were elected in the 1921 elections for the Parliaments of Parliament of Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland and Southern Ireland; the Third Dáil was elected in 1922 as the provisional parliament of Southern Ireland, as provided for by the Anglo-Irish Treaty.

+ He was the first and second Vice President of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea.

+ The band he played with became part of the Bohemian Provisional Theater Orchestra, which from 1866 was conductingconducted by Bedřich Smetana.

+ From 1945 to 1946, he worked for the provisional government of Bavaria, afterwards he was an economic organisation official for the British-American administration in West Germany.

+ After that, the subordinates decided that it was impossible to resist by force because they were surrounded by the army, and held a staff meeting to accept provisional disposition.

+ The new Provisional Government of Southern IrelandProvisional Government was formed under Collins, who became “President of the Provisional Government of Southern Ireland”.

+ Cavaiani was released by the Provisional Government of Vietnam on April 27, 1973.

+ This includes Sinn Féin and the Provisional Irish Republican Army.

+ There is provisional permission to expand the stadium to 42,000 if it is needed.

+ However, despite the fact that this case was a labor dispute by a company, when he saw that he refused the provisional disposition of the court, he carried out a rough business of disbanding the labor movement by force.

+ It ended with the takeover of the Tsar's old Winter Palace on the morning of October 26, when the Provisional Government was arrested.

+ All three of those actions involved elements of Major General Sterling Price's Confederate Army of Missouri, and the Union's Provisional Cavalry Division commanded by Major General Alfred Pleasonton.

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