“proton” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “proton”:

– The proton of protium has never decayed in an observation, so scientists believe that protium is a stable isotope.

– The “non-classical” form of the 2-butyl carbocation is essentially 2-butene with a proton directly above the centre of what would be the carbon-carbon double bond.

– A collision of an antiproton with a proton results in mutual annihilation, but a near miss may produce by charge exchange an antineutron–neutron pair.

– A proton has a positive electric charge, and a neutron has a neutral electric charge.

– The first section, the Zarya Functional Cargo Block, was put in orbit in November 1998 on a Russian Proton rocket.

proton example in sentences
proton example in sentences

Example sentences of “proton”:

- For example, hydrogen has one proton and sulfur has 16 protons.

- The new accelerator was capable of colliding proton and an antiproton at a combined energy of 1.96 TeV.

– For example, hydrogen has one proton and sulfur has 16 protons.

– The new accelerator was capable of colliding proton and an antiproton at a combined energy of 1.96 TeV.

– This means that a proton is not so much a hard ball as an area that contains quarks.

– The matter has a crystal structure of proton atoms, with spacing that is extremely small, smaller than a Bohr radius.

– The proton is made up of two up quarks and one down quark.

– The proton is said to have a half-life of 10 years.

– The starfighter has four laser cannons and two proton torpedo launchers.

– The idea which describes the strong, weak and electromagnetic fundamental forces states that Proton protons are stable, i.e., that the laws of physics do not allow a Proton proton to decay, without external cause, into an antimatter counterpart of the electron and photons because of conservation of the baryon number.

– A proton is made of two up quarks.

– The electric charge on a proton is equal in amount to the charge on an electron.

– The isotope of Hydrogen Hydrogen-1 has no neutrons, just the one proton and one electron.

– The Proton rocket in launched on failed, and was destroyed by its safety system.

– The most common naturally occurring isotope of hydrogen, known as hydrogen-1protium, has a single proton and no neutrons.

– It has a proton and 2 neutrons in its nucleus.

– The mass of the proton is about one atomic mass unit.

– A chemical can donate a proton if the hydrogen atom is attached to an electronegative atom like oxygen, nitrogen, or chlorine.

– A common side reaction taking place with S2 reactions is elimination reactionE2 elimination: the incoming anion can act as a base rather than as a nucleophile, removing a proton and leading to formation of the alkene.

More in-sentence examples of “proton”:

– Once another proton is added, it is no longer the same element.

– Lotus Racing was started by the Malaysian government to promote the Proton company and its Lotus cars.

– Depending on the energy contained by the quarks, the quarks of a proton vibrate, and this gives a proton a size larger than the actual size of the three quarks combined.

– A Hydrogen atom consists of only one proton and one electron.

– For example, hydrochloric acid, found in people’s stomachs, can dissociate into a chloride anion and a free proton, and the property of the free proton is how it can digest food by corroding it.

– In Positive Chemical Ionization the reagent gas interacts with the target molecule, most often with a proton exchange.

– If we try to make the wave of a thing like a proton narrower and taller, that would make its position clearer, but then the momentum would get less well defined.

– The proton that was produced by the Beta decay stays in the atom nucleus, and raises the atomic number by one.

– In this decay a neutron in the nitrogen nucleus is turned into a proton and an electron by the weak nuclear force.

– This in turn increases the Chemical polaritypolarity of the O-H bond, which now acts as a proton donor under Brønsted-Lowry acid-base theory to release the hydrogen as a H+ ion, increasing the acidity of the solution.

– New theories of particle physics predict that a proton can decay, but this decay is very slow.

– They defined acids as proton donors and bases as proton acceptors.

– It always loses a proton when put in water.

– It is powered by a transCell membranemembrane proton electrochemical gradient.

– They only work over very tiny distances: distances that are about as far as a proton is wide.

– So a proton in an electric field would move away from another proton, or towards an electron.

– Because it is easy to remove the proton with even a weak base base, these compounds are called acids.

– When a base, often OH, accepts a proton from an acid, it forms a water molecule which is harmless.

– Each proton may lose 6.7keV per turn due to this phenomenon.

– The charge on a proton is chosen as +1.

– This releases the electron and basically creates a proton from a neutron.

– When there are too many neutrons in one atom nucleus, one neutron will split and form a proton and an electron.

– It is called an enolate if the proton on the oxygen atom is taken away.

– If the alkyne is at the end of a molecule, it is easy to remove the proton with a strong base.

– The size of a proton is determined by the vibration of the quarks that are in it, and these quarks effectively form a cloud.

- Once another proton is added, it is no longer the same element.

- Lotus Racing was started by the Malaysian government to promote the Proton company and its Lotus cars.
- Depending on the energy contained by the quarks, the quarks of a proton vibrate, and this gives a proton a size larger than the actual size of the three quarks combined.

– Antiprotons were first produced and identified in 1955 by Emilio Segrè, Owen Chamberlain, and coworkers by bombarding a copper target with high-energy protons from the proton synchrotron at the University of California at Berkeley.

– An easy way to think of a neutron is that it is made of one proton and one electron.

– In the Large Hadron Collider, proton bunches also produce the radiation at increasing amplitude and frequency as they accelerate in the vacuum field, making photoelectrons.

– The Proton Savvy is a small car made by the Malaysian company Proton Holding.

– In the movie’s main battle scene, the force ghost of Obi-Wan KenobiObi-wan Kenobi tells Luke to use the “Force” to help him direct proton torpedoes from his x-wing into the Death Star’ reactor core and not with his ship’s targeting system.

Proton decay is a theory where some physicists believe that radioactive decay could also be that a proton decays into two particles smaller than an atom, a pion and a positron.

– The first Proton rocket was launced in 1965.

– Recent experiments have shown that if proton decay does occur, it would have a half-life of 6.6times;10 years.

– If proton decay is true, then all other nuclei that are said to be stable are actually only “observationally stable”, i.e.

– In chemistry a proton is a positively charged hydrogen ion.

– A proton has a very small mass.

– Mark Oliphant invented the proton synchrotron.

– A hydronium ion will give up its proton to a hydroxide ion, forming two molecules of HO, which is neutral.

– For example, a neutral hydrogen atom has one proton and one electron.

– Hydrogen with one proton and two neutrons.

– When the proton is taken away by a base base, the thiol can become a nucleophile.

– Eventually it turned out that the mass of an electron or the mass of a proton were more useful standards to use for mass.

– She played for VK Proton Sarakov and PSK Sakhalin.

– Hydrogen has a proton and an electron, and so antihydrogen would have an antiproton and a positron.

– The name of this proton accelerator comes from its power, in the range of 6.3 GeV.

– The hydrogen line is produced when an electron in a neutral hydrogen atom is Excited stateexcited to a state where the electron and spins, or de-excited as the electron and proton spins go from being aligned to anti-aligned.

– A proton is made of two up quarks and one down quark and a neutron is made of two down quarks and one up quark.

– A proton is removed from one of them forming a negative charge on the α-carbon.

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