“prophecy” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “prophecy”:

+ As the first prophecy they tell him to be careful of Macduff, Thane of Fife.

+ Odin found out about a prophecy that the children of Loki and Angora would cause trouble for the gods.

+ His father, Cronos, swallowed his children as soon as they were born for fear of a prophecy which foretold that one of them would overthrow him.

+ Luke commits suicide by stabbing himself in his mortal point when Kronos takes over his body, becoming the hero of the prophecy and ending the war on Percy’s 16th birthday.

+ Lady Macbeth reads a letter from her husband in which he tells her about the prophecy the witches had made.

+ The book then goes back to Bluestar’s childhood, during which Goosefeather, the Clan’s medicine cat, receives a prophecy about Bluepaw being a fire that blazes through the forest, but who may be destroyed by water.

prophecy - example sentences
prophecy – example sentences

Example sentences of “prophecy”:

+ The ancient prophecy has been fulfilled and the returning lord is invited to occupy his throne and visit the palace.

+ They also tell them about a prophecy that the witch will fail when two Sons of Adam sit on the thrones at Cair Paravel, Narnia’s ruling castle.

+ The ‘cursed blade’ of the prophecy was the knife that Luke gave to Annabeth when he promises to her that they are family.

+ European Orthodox Jews established the settlement in 1878 and named it Petah Tikva after a prophecy of Hosea.

+ It has been made into a consequence of the preceding episode, but the Septuagint precedes it with the notice: “From the prophecy of Habakkuk, son of Jesus, of the tribe of Levi.” Daniel remained unharmed in the den with seven lions, fed by the miraculous transportation of the prophet Habakkuk.

+ Festinger’s book “When Prophecy Fails” is the story of how a cult leader reacted when her prophecy of doom failed.

+ Christianity, which began in Israel with Jewish followers of Jesus, holds that the Messiah foretold by the Jewish Scriptures is Jesus, and that in fulfillment of prophecy Jesus died for the sins of the world, rose from the dead and lives today, seated at the right hand of God until His return.

+ Because of a prophecy of Aphrodite, the new continent Europe is named after Europa.

+ The ancient prophecy has been fulfilled and the returning lord is invited to occupy his throne and visit the palace.

+ They also tell them about a prophecy that the witch will fail when two Sons of Adam sit on the thrones at Cair Paravel, Narnia's ruling castle.
+ The 'cursed blade' of the prophecy was the knife that Luke gave to Annabeth when he promises to her that they are family.

+ In fear of a prophecy that told of him being overthrown by his own children, Kronos swallowed each of them as soon they were born.

+ Bluestar’s Prophecy follows the life of Bluestar, the future leader of ThunderClan.

+ The four must help Aslan, for there was a prophecy that if two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve Eve sit in the four thrones, the White Witch would no longer be able to reign.

+ Angel helped revive Buffy, making the prophecy reversed.

+ The Great Prophecy hinges on Percy’s decision to give Luke the dagger rather than kill him.

+ Half of the prophecy has just come true.

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