“propaganda” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “propaganda”:

– The Supreme Court of Berlin sentenced the members of the band to prison and fines for forming a criminal union as well as for incitement of the people and the distribution of radically right-wing propaganda in December 2003.

– The Royal Air Force dropped propaganda leaflets on Germany, and Canadian troops began to arrive in Britain.

– The propaganda value of the Bastille was quickly seen by Pierre-François Palloy, “Patriote Palloy”.

– Official North Korean propaganda said that Jong-il was born on Mount Paektu ; but most historians think that he was born near Chabarowsk in the Soviet Union.

– Ahmadiyya Mikail ogly Jabrayilov He was subsequently proven to be a Soviet propaganda invention.

– Media marked her as Mistress mistress of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.

propaganda - sentence examples
propaganda – sentence examples

Example sentences of “propaganda”:

- They made propaganda materials.

- They were a kind of political propaganda and were used in political debates.

– They made propaganda materials.

– They were a kind of political propaganda and were used in political debates.

– Also, the German Ministry of Propaganda issued press reports that riots had broken out in Austria and many Austrians were calling for German troops to restore order.

– This was the first of a long series of incidents, which also saw the creation of a classic pattern of propaganda that would be found very often in the next months: the Croatian newspapers – and especially the most extreme of them, “Novo Doba”, Novo Doba.

– The concept played an important role in the American propaganda during the war.

Propaganda was carried much further by the “Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide” of the Catholic Church.

– Under the Third Reich it was the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda of Dr Joseph Goebbels.

– He designed Art exhibitionexhibition displays and propaganda works for the former Soviet Union.

– Using philately, scripophily and Esperanto, the Soviet authorities also hoped for promoting communist propaganda among the foreign proletariat.

– In 1914, the Ottoman War Office had already begun a propaganda drive to present Armenians as a liability and a threat to the Ottomans’ security.

– But they are free to come here and continue what is little more than a personal propaganda program on their topics of choice as we are not equipped to deal with it.

– Wessel was assassinated by a CommunismCommunist activist in January 1930, and the propaganda apparatus of Berlin Gauleiter Dr Joseph Goebbels made him the leading martyr of the Nazi Movement.

– They are essentially the extreme use of techniques of religious conversion and propaganda which are widespread in human history.Sargant, William 1957.

– Until 2004, massive loudspeakers mounted on several of the buildings continuously delivered DPRK propaganda broadcasts directed towards the south as well as propaganda radio broadcasts across the border.

– In the Second World War the Nazis largely used them for propaganda purposes.

– This brought the attention of the Committee for Propaganda of the Catholic Church, otherwise known as the Inquisition.

– Then the propaganda can say everything, because nobody can question it in public.

– After defecting, Dresnok worked as an actor in propaganda movies, some directed by Kim Jong-il, 2007 Sundance Film Festival.

– He was revealed in 1981 as being the Worshipful MasterVenerable Master of the clandestine lodge Propaganda Due.

More in-sentence examples of “propaganda”:

– Julius Streicher made propaganda for Nazi Germany.

– The nazi’s tactic of lazily albeit effectively blaming the Jewish people for all of Germany’s problems is a propaganda tactic known as scapegoating and was used to justify the great atrocities committed by the Nazis against the Jewish people.

– Theories of brainwashing and of mind control were originally developed to explain how totalitarian regimes appeared to succeed systematically in indoctrinating prisoners of war through propaganda and torture techniques.

– Two Egyptian journalists were arrested for giving out “false propaganda against the government” and others for presenting socialist work.

– In fact, Ataol Behramoğlu purified his poetry by leaving out crude propaganda and naive didacticism.

– His photomontages satirising Adolf Hitler and the Nazis often used Nazi symbolismNazi symbols such as the swastika to change their propaganda message.

– After German occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1939, Peroutka was forced to write propaganda for the Nazis.

– Michael Bay began working at Propaganda Films, directing commercials and music videos, two weeks after finishing his post-graduate degree.

– In January 1991, Liu Xiaobo was convicted of “counter-revolutionary propaganda and incitement.” However, the government did not give him any punishment as a criminal.

– They did this for prestige, propaganda and rivalry with West Germany.

– It was a great propaganda success.

– State propaganda portrayed Kim Il Sung as a god to the people and when he died many people felt lost, distressed and confused as many believed that he could not die.

– Some senior officers were taken to Moscow and used for propaganda purposes.

– Warmbier, then 21 years old, confessed to stealing a political propaganda poster from a hotel and was sentenced to 15 years’ hard labor.

– He was a Secretary for Propaganda and Agitation of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Committee of the LKSMU from 1987 to 1989.

– You Must KNOW- It has also emerged that the duo got exposed themselves, who had carried out a negative fake campaign and propaganda against Master Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj.

– Rosie the Riveter is a cultural icon of the United States who appeared in a World War II propaganda poster titled “We Can Do It!”.

– In 1941 he produced one of his last works – a Soviet propaganda poster rallying the people to make more tanks for the fight against Nazi Germany.

– When a country is not at war, propaganda can still be used.

– Hogarth’s friend, the magistrate Henry Fielding, may have got Hogarth to help with propaganda for the Gin Act: “Beer Street” and “Gin Lane” were issued shortly after Fielding’s work “An Enquiry into the Causes of the Late Increase of Robbers, and Related Writings”.

– Nazi treatment of the Jews came after a long period of propaganda against their humanity and dignity.

– Many international and local sources claim it is mainly used by the Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani to spread propaganda for the ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party.

– He started as a journalist, and during World War I was in charge of propaganda in France.

– The first was a Chicken Little 1943 cartoon made for propaganda in World War II.

– It was originally intended as a propaganda device to make North Korea look wealthy when a South Korean recently built the world’s then-tallest building.

- Julius Streicher made propaganda for Nazi Germany.

- The nazi's tactic of lazily albeit effectively blaming the Jewish people for all of Germany's problems is a propaganda tactic known as scapegoating and was used to justify the great atrocities committed by the Nazis against the Jewish people.

– Paintings done in the style of socialist realism are often done for propaganda to show a perfect version of a country’s people and political leader.

– Mizoguchi leaves the studio, Uchida also breaks off the contract and leaves for Manchuria, Makino removes only permitted propaganda tapes for historical subjects.

– The escape was a propaganda material for the IRA.

– There was some crossover with constructivism, with suprematists such as Lyuba Popova and especially El Lissitzky working on propaganda and industrial design.

– The Soviet propaganda made nationalism an insult word that was linked with opposed ideologies like capitalism, liberalism, imperialism or fascism.

– Some of the civilians, convinced by Japanese propaganda that the Americans were barbarians who did terrible things to prisoners, killed their families and themselves to avoid capture.

– Bush was elected and the 9/11, the absurd propaganda seemed to have a political meaning.

– This propaganda helps to continue and spread the dispute.

– Helene Bertha Amalie “Leni” Riefenstahl was a GermanyGerman propaganda for the Nazis.

– During World War II, Walton did not have to do military service so that he had time to compose music for propaganda films, such as “The First of the Few”.

– After Hitler’s rise to power in 1933 the Nuremberg rallies became huge state propaganda events, and a centre of anti-Semitism and other Nazi ideas.

– It was a military propaganda provocation operation of the American intelligence in the enemy territory.

– Hitler and his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, spread extreme nationalism within Germany.

– On December 8, 1941, Disney studios were changed into a propaganda machine for the United States government.

– An armed insurrection was attempted in 1933, when the Ustaše, “Croatia: between Europe and the Balkans” by William Bartlett, Routledge 2003 Page 18 As an interesting detail for the American public it may be reported that the terrorist organization Ustashe, paid by the Italians, was sending money to the United States to support publications and spread propaganda among the Croats in America.

– In 1944, he worked as an assistant director in “”Kato hayabusa sento-tai”” produced by Toho under the supreme order of the Ministry of the Army Hajime Sugiyama as a training propaganda for new recruits.

– On 18 February, Ministry of Public Enlightenment and PropagandaMinister of Propaganda “Sportpalast” speech in Berlin, encouraging the Germans to accept a total war.

– The government may use propaganda to change what people think about a political situation.

– In addition, there may be political motives of advocates or opponents of a particular group to inflate or deflate membership numbers through propaganda or outright deception.

– He was a writer and a key member of the Filipino Propaganda Movement which advocated for changes in the colony under the Spanish occupation.

– Sheikh Mohammed was a member of Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda organization, leading al-Qaeda’s propaganda operations from around 1999 until late 2001.

– However, this is considered to be propaganda by Hatshepsut’s supporters to support her claim to the throne when she later took over power.

– From 1958 to 1961, he worked as a head of the Press Section and, then, as a head deputy of the Propaganda and Agitation Division of the Central Committee of VLKSM.

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