“proof” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “proof”:

+ Because of this, there was no proof of what Gault or Judge McGhee said during these hearings.

+ It has a short, elementary proof and was proven in the late 19th century.

+ The first proof involves a pattern form.

+ Mirza But there is no real proof this was so.

+ Unless anyone has proof to the contrary, I think this article meets the criteria for deletion.

+ A furious McCrea argues how the plant is proof against the directive, but AUTO and Gopher stage a treacherous mutiny: Gopher discards the plant in a waste shaft, WALL-E hides it, before he is electroucted by AUTO and EVE is shut down, and both are sent down to the shaft, and McCrea is trapped in the room.

+ Again, another proof that letter from the Senator is authentic.

proof - example sentences
proof – example sentences

Example sentences of “proof”:

+ Once he had found it, he published the proof in “Ars Conjectandi” in 1713.

+ The earliest proof that humans were involved with hippos comes from butchery cut marks on hippo bones at Bouri Formation from around 160,000 years ago.Clark J.D.

+ State that the proof will be by induction, and state which variable will be used in the induction step.

+ P’ent’ay Christians use the alleged “secularized teaching” of the current Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox churches, the alleged inability of most Orthodox followers to live according to the instructions of the Bible and the deuterocanonical books used by rural priests, as a proof to their belief in the Orthodox Tewahedo teaching is also mainly syncretized.

+ There are 4 steps in a proof by induction.

+ A logical proof is a list of statements put in a specific order to prove a logical point.

+ The name was incorrect, because although Fermat said he had a proof for it, none could be found in his notes.

+ No proof so far links this to an exact prenatal process.

+ However, some have argued that a constitution can be written in such a way that it lets tyranny arise, and that a constitution is therefore not a fail proof safeguard against tyranny.

+ There is no proof that any of these ideas are right.

+ Humphrey was Werner’s first student to successfully prepare a type of compound that were very important in his development and proof of his coordination theory.

+ This proof was found by Alan Turing in 1936.

+ As this shows, cosmology has a very different standard of evidence and burden of proof than is required for models of our universe only, which humans can observe and exchange knowledge on.

+ They also had to cut off one of the hooves so that there was proof of the horse’s death so that a new one could be purchased.

+ There are other theorems for which a proof is known, but cannot be easily written down.

+ They think it is proof that racism is still a big problem in the United States.

+ The other type of proof is called non-constructive proof, or existence proof: It shows that an object must exist, but does not give a way how to construct it.

+ Once he had found it, he published the proof in "Ars Conjectandi" in 1713.

+ The earliest proof that humans were involved with hippos comes from butchery cut marks on hippo bones at Bouri Formation from around 160,000 years ago.Clark J.D.
+ State that the proof will be by induction, and state which variable will be used in the induction step.

More in-sentence examples of “proof”:

+ This is proof to Nemorino that this dose of the elixir has worked.

+ A simpler ratio to remember is “seven to four”: 70° proof is 40% alcohol by volume.

+ The question of who bears the Legal burden of proofburden of proof is an issue in the United States.

+ It means he must show proof of that claim, especially when it is controversial.

+ Checkusers must be legally adult in the country they live, and they must also be able/ willing to supply proof of identity to the foundation.

+ As a proof of concept – that means it is doable, I would suggest we try and get a new very good article.

+ Peter Guthrie Tait presented another attempt at a proof in 1880.

+ South Korea insists that the islet was called Usan-do or Sokdo in a past and later changed its name, but there is no historical proof which shows when the name was changed.

+ There is no proof that they were married.

+ There is little proof that normal exposure to aluminium is a risk to healthy adult.

+ The proof of this is straightforward: The definition of an integral is a limit of sums.

+ For example, the first proof of the four color theorem was a proof by exhaustion with 1,936 cases.

+ There is a lot of proof that the Nanjing Massacre happened the way most historians and survivors say it did.

+ In August 1993, however, it turned out that the proof contained a gap.

+ There is no verifiable proof that is the case.

+ He made important contributions to proof theory.

+ It is still a standard proof taught in mathematics classes today.

+ Canada values having Inuit peoples in Canada’s northernmost lands as proof of sovereignty over the Canadian portion of the Arctic Circle.

+ A heuristic algorithm might usually find pretty good solutions, but there is no guarantee or proof that the solutions are correct.

+ We can get another proof of the Pythagorean theorem by using similar triangles.

+ If there is a real doubt, based upon reason and common sense after careful and impartial consideration of all the evidence in a case, then the level of proof has not been met.

+ This is said to be proof of the Giants.

+ The leader of the Taliban, Mullah Muhammad Omar, demanded to see proof from the United States government.

+ A proof that attacks in this model are impossible implies that any practical chosen-ciphertext attack cannot be performed.

+ This is because when we have a lack of absolute proof we can still have overwhelming evidence or one explanation which is far superior to the alternatives”.

+ The newspaper did this as a matter of policy; it feared that the proof would be shown false like the ones before it.

+ This is proof to Nemorino that this dose of the elixir has worked.

+ A simpler ratio to remember is "seven to four": 70° proof is 40% alcohol by volume.
+ The question of who bears the Legal burden of proofburden of proof is an issue in the United States.

+ It has been hailed as the first definite physical proof that birds from some of the modern groups lived in the Mesozoic.

+ It is not always a good idea to use patterns because in cases like exponents they may not be complete patterns for every case, but the proof still holds.

+ There was no proof she was involved in this robbery.

+ These were issued between 1976 and 1978, but the 1978 issue was a proof only issue.

+ If proof could be shown to the senate that the trade federation had began an invasion of the planet, the republic would intervene, but the senate could not be convinced.

+ However, no correct proof was found for 357 years.

+ Their proof were articles “Dynamický život” and “Hitler po lidské strance that he didn’t actually write.

+ In a civil trial the burden of proof is on the plaintiff.

+ Recent archaeologyarchaeological proof may show an Edomite nation as long ago as the 11th century BC.

+ Many fasteners that decorate clothing either are not dry cleaning solvent proof or will not withstand the mechanical action of cleaning.

+ Ramanujan later used that proof when he discovered Ramanujan primes.

+ Seshadri, for their proof of the Narasimhan–Seshadri theorem.

+ A statement that can be proved with a direct proof is usually in the form “if “p”, then “q”.” Here, “p” and “q” are facts.

+ However, Deion’s ex-wives arrive with their children by him, each with conflicting tales about him as arranged by Norbit to help him find more proof of Deion’s wrongdoings.

+ The finding of 243 Ida’s moon Dactyl Dactyl in the early 1990s was the proof that some asteroids have moons; indeed, 87 Sylvia has two.

+ The user can’t provide any proof of vandalism.

+ The paper proof of Haskura’s Roman citizenship is in Sendai, Japan.

+ A flashback shows Andy using rope to escape through the tunnel and a sewage pipe, taking Norton’s suit, shoes, and ledger, containing proof of the money laundering.

+ The scalp would serve as a trophy from battle or proof of a warrior’s skill.

+ This is because there is no real proof that it helps.

+ When people came to Quinn’s defence and said that the attacks against Quinn were proof of sexism against video game designers who were not male, they were accused of being social justice warriors.

+ Rainfall can be torrential, so if you’re travelling to Sierra Leone around this time of the year, it is advisable to bring water proof clothing as it can rain for a whole week without interruption from sunlight.

+ Wiles’ proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem was scrutinized by mathematical experts.

+ He provided experimental proof that the Earth rotates on its axis.

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