“proletariat” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “proletariat”:

– While Karl Marx viewed industrialization to play vital role in the proletariat since factory workers were most likely the ones suffering under capitalism.

– In this form, the proletariat has their party and, through democracy, they try to change the system.

– The proletariat is the laboring bulk of society that does most of the useful, necessary work, and pays most of the taxes.

– According to Marxism, many members of the proletariat class have false consciousness.

– When enough members of the proletariat have class consciousness, they will be able to unite and overthrow the capitalist system.

– This is done by a revolution by the proletariat to overthrow the old government.

– It was a model MarxismMarxist revolution where the proletariat peasants and workers overthrew the bourgeoisie capitalist nobles.

proletariat - some sentence examples
proletariat – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “proletariat”:

- The proletariat class has more people than the bourgeoisie but do not own the means of production.

- The bourgeoisie take advantage of the proletariat and control the means of production.
- The word proletariat comes from the Latin word "proletarius", which means "maker of offspring".

– The proletariat class has more people than the bourgeoisie but do not own the means of production.

– The bourgeoisie take advantage of the proletariat and control the means of production.

– The word proletariat comes from the Latin word “proletarius”, which means “maker of offspring”.

– Similar to Karl Marx, he agrees that a proletariat revolution is essential in order for society to change.

– The reasoning behind this is that he felt that industrialization would give owners the ability to exploit their workers even more which will result in a weakened proletariat class.

– And if they do any work that gets them money, then it’s only because of the many proletariat people beneath them, who generated their wealth through their labour, of which the higher up bourgeoisie person took a cut.

– The proletariat are usually workers.

– The term is often used by socialists to describe members of the proletariat class who work for the bourgeoisie.

– In this form, the proletariat try to adapt the old governing system to new social situations.

– The proletariat struggle with the bourgeoisie through their laborer’s organization in this form.

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