“produce” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “produce”:

+ Many allergyallergies are caused by the folding of the proteins, for the immune system does not produce antibodies for all possible protein structures.

+ This means that men cannot use their breasts to produce milk.

+ The bacteria also produce compounds that give yogurt its distinctive flavor.

+ The female will produce over 100,000 eggs in a single spawning, and the resulting larvae are quite tiny.

+ The strings are plucked to produce sounds.

produce use in sentences
produce use in sentences

Example sentences of “produce”:

+ Crops like Jatropha, used for biodiesel, can thrive on marginal agricultural land where many trees and crops will not grow, or would produce only slow growth yields.Ron Oxburgh.

+ A goal of EMDR therapy is to produce rapid and effective change while the client maintains equilibrium during and between sessions.
+ The sundews produce sticky substances on their leaves that traps prey, and the Venus fly trap has leaves that form traps that close when disturbed.

+ Crops like Jatropha, used for biodiesel, can thrive on marginal agricultural land where many trees and crops will not grow, or would produce only slow growth yields.Ron Oxburgh.

+ A goal of EMDR therapy is to produce rapid and effective change while the client maintains equilibrium during and between sessions.

+ The sundews produce sticky substances on their leaves that traps prey, and the Venus fly trap has leaves that form traps that close when disturbed.

+ He is known for helping produce the movies “American Graffiti”.

+ It is thought that the object has a mass similar to that of Neptune ~35 Earth masses Such a planet would also produce surface gravity greater than 7 times that on Earth.

+ Newton’s second law says that bigger forces produce more acceleration.

+ Well developed, these folds produce a set of v-shaped beds.

+ Simply using will produce a plain “New title” cell.

+ In some Middle Eastern countries, coffee and cardamom are often ground in a wooden mortar and cooked together in a mihbaz, an oven using wood or gas, to produce mixtures that are as much as forty percent cardamom.

+ Under stressful conditions, they produce endospores.

+ Panic Attacks: Benzodiazepines contain certain chemicals that produce a calming effect in the body.

+ People in Maine produce agricultureagricultural goods like eggs, dairy products, cattle, wild blueberries, apples, maple syrup and maple sugar.

More in-sentence examples of “produce”:

+ Many coastal sites worldwide are being examined to see if they can be used to produce tidal energy.

+ Past projects include delivering fresh drinking water to the developing world, rethinking intellectual property from first principles to produce a Charter, investigating schemes to manage international migration and exploring the feasibility of a UK-wide personal carbon trading system.

+ Nerve impulses are mostly electricityelectrical signals along the dendrites to produce a nerve impulse or action potential.

+ It would produce the same results.

+ Some Condorcet methods produce not just a single winner, but a ranking of all candidates from first to last place.

+ This will automatically produce the caption ” cover” beneath the image if the field is not used.

+ Sebum has no smell, but its bacterial breakdown can produce a bad smell.

+ They were the first known organisms to photosynthesis and produce free oxygen.

+ However, a single gene can produce a variety of proteins by means of RNA splicing.

+ Points B, C and D on the diagram are considered to be productively efficient as it is not possible to produce more of either good without having to reduce the production of the other.

+ Mammalian adults usually lose the capacity to produce lactase.

+ Hydrogen burns cleanly and gives off a lot of heat, but it does not produce much power, and is highly explosive.

+ A mature oak may produce 90,000 acorns a year; this is several millions in its lifetime.

+ In 1845, he was able to produce small pieces of the metal and described some physical properties of this metal.

+ Some experiments are done to explore nature, and other experiments are performed to produce data to compare with the predictions of theories.

+ Ammonia is also reacted with sulfuric acid to produce ammonium sulfate.

+ This may be convenient for single loaf production, but the complex blistered and slashed crust characteristics of oven-baked sourdough bread cannot be achieved in a bread making machine, as this usually requires the use of a baking stone in the oven and misting of the dough to produce steam.

+ Himanshu Jaykar is the great Indian musical artist who produce songs with other team members at Jaykar’s music company on YouTube.

+ Residents in the area argued, however, that the area was originally part of Sherman Oaks, but was labeled Van Nuys instead through the creation of ZIP codes in 1962; some residents were able to produce a few property deeds to present their case.

+ And, weather permitting, every Saturday—except during the coldest winter months—local growers sell fresh, organically grown produce and herbs; baked and canned goods; cheeses; cold-pressed apple juice and fresh flowers at the farmers market, in operation in the same location for more than 30 years.

+ The Movie Channel is a premium cable channel to produce movies, and original movies.

+ For a long time anthropologists assumed that only members of early genus “Homo” had the ability to produce sophisticated tools.

+ The hatcheryhatcheries produce most of the rainbow trout eaten in the United States.

+ In fact, Kansas farmers produce about 400 million bushels of wheat per year.

+ Sweat itself has no odor, but when bacteria on the skin and hair metabolize the proteins and fatty acids, they produce an unpleasant odor.

+ Many coastal sites worldwide are being examined to see if they can be used to produce tidal energy.

+ Past projects include delivering fresh drinking water to the developing world, rethinking intellectual property from first principles to produce a Charter, investigating schemes to manage international migration and exploring the feasibility of a UK-wide personal carbon trading system.

+ In late February, leaves start to appear and produce a fresh, thick crown by April.

+ The islands produce sugarcane and pineapples.

+ Alnico magnets produce very strong magnetic fields at their poles as high as 1500 gauss 0.15 tesla which is about 3000 times stronger than earth’s magnetic field.

+ Subwoofer is a type of loudspeaker that is designed to produce low frequencyfrequencies, example 20 – 200 Hz.

+ Polytene chromosomes form when multiple rounds of replication produce many sister chromatids that are stuck together in parallel.

+ When Cain presented to God his sacrifice, produce from his crops, God was pleased with Cain.

+ Active galactic nuclei probably also produce cosmic rays.

+ The DFV with 410horsepower did not produce as much power as some of its rival 12-cylinder engines.

+ For each such template found, the article reader attempts to extract the necessary information to create an image of the template’s anchor ID, if it would produce one.

+ Shield volcanoes can produce huge areas of basalt, which is usually what lava is when cooled.

+ Football is king but the state has human resources and facilities to produce some of the best athletes in the world in many other fields.

+ It is also perceived by “capitalists” as being necessary for those reasons: labor and taxes, plus being available to exploit to produce profits.

+ RedOne also helped produce Gaga’s previous blockbuster hits, such as “Just Dance”, “Poker Face”, and “Bad Romance”.

+ Areas where the security situation is worse produce more Opium; areas that are more stable seem to produce less.

+ The contract allows the electricity provider to produce power on the land owner’s land or roof and the land owner buys the electricity primarily from the electricity provider.

+ Sometimes, it is finished to produce a uniformly textured surface that is not flat.

+ Processes may be circular: planets revolve around sun; eggs produce chickens, and chickens produce eggs.

+ The only way you can show that your edit does not come under this category is to produce a reliable published source that contains that same material.

+ This messenger RNA is then used to produce a correct protein by translation.

+ Franz Vonlichten and Helmut Vonlichten created the music from PythagorasPythagorean ideas that combine very different elements and still produce harmony.

+ Fusion Reactor is like a solar plant but instead of gathering energy from the sun it uses deterium to produce it’s energy.

+ Its vineyards produce one of the finest Alsace wineAlsacian wines: the “Grand Cru” Zinnkoepflé.

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