“proceeding” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “proceeding”:

– Ladan had his early education at N.A Primary School Tudun Wada, Zaria before proceeding to Sheikh Sabah College in Kaduna where he obtained his WASC.

– Blazer’s admissions came during testimony given at a sealed sentencing proceeding in a New York federal court.

– It starts in the test tube with a plasmid, or other DNA construct, and proceeding to cell culture.

– Always use this feature to check before proceeding with deleting.

– Each player remaining in the hand is then dealt another card face up, with the betting beginning with the player showing the highest two cards and proceeding clockwise around the table.

– The federal government, still interested in proceeding unilaterally, sought an opinion on whether it was legally entitled to do so from the Supreme Court of Canada.

– These are the only punishments that an impeachment proceeding can give.

– This exhibits Galilean invariance—its mechanical interactions proceeding without variation—also called Galilean relativity since one cannot perceive whether one is at rest or in uniform motion.

proceeding in-sentences
proceeding in-sentences

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