“prevent” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “prevent”:

– The ranges to as well as to as well as to have been blocked now for 24 hours to prevent him/her from continuing.

– Batman, for example, saw both of his parents murdered in front of him and dedicated himself to fighting crime to prevent things like that happening to other people.

– To prevent the marriage, France invaded Brittany, and forced Anne to change her mind.

– They are used in fish tanks to help clean the water, to prevent clouds of waste matter.

– It was painted on ships to prevent barnacles from growing.

– This is to prevent infection from tissue left behind by accident.

– After birth, the twins are separated to prevent Vader and the Dark Side from finding and hurting the children.

prevent use in-sentences
prevent use in-sentences

Example sentences of “prevent”:

- In an opinion published in "Le Figaro", "Le Figaro", 14th of November 2009 he advocated a separation between bank deposit and investment bank to regulate the financial system to prevent another financial crisis.

- Many studies have shown that vaccines normally given to infants help prevent SIDS.
- This was to prevent the Axis countries, especially Nazi Germany, from accelerating their own nuclear projects or undertaking covert operations against the project.

– In an opinion published in “Le Figaro”, “Le Figaro”, 14th of November 2009 he advocated a separation between bank deposit and investment bank to regulate the financial system to prevent another financial crisis.

– Many studies have shown that vaccines normally given to infants help prevent SIDS.

– This was to prevent the Axis countries, especially Nazi Germany, from accelerating their own nuclear projects or undertaking covert operations against the project.

– Baekje forces tried to prevent Tang forces from landing, but could not.

– Unable to prevent her son from giving up the duchy of Lorraine to Stanisław Leszczyński when he married the House of HabsburgHabsburg heiress, Maria Theresa of Austria, Élisabeth Charlotte moved into the “Château d’Haroué” in nearby Commercy, which was turned into a sovereign principality for her to enjoy during her dowager years.

– After that, employees check recipes to prevent shoplifting and mistakes at the cash before exiting the store.

– Between January and March, Nepal took steps to prevent a widespread outbreak of the disease.

– Perhaps the only suggested reason which can be safely ruled out is that the jog is necessary to prevent Massachusetts from sliding out into the Atlantic Ocean! In any event, the dispute over the border retarded the development of the region, since neither state would invest in even such basic amenities as schools for the area until the dispute had been settled.

– In order to prevent the spread of the virus, the government has put in many travel restrictions and quarantining measures.

– Human sacrifices would prevent the end of the world that could happen on each cycle of 52 years.

– Adobe Walls was an abandoned trading post blown up by its inhabitants to prevent a take-over by hostile Native Americans.

– The ends of balloons are tied in a knot to prevent the air from escaping.

– If any of a virus’s genome segments is damaged in such a way as to prevent replication or expression of an essential gene, the virus is inviable when it, alone, infects a host cell.

– The most common causes of concussions are accidents; in some cases, wearing a helmet can help prevent major damage.

– It must be used only to prevent damage to the project.

More in-sentence examples of “prevent”:

– Websites also advise changing a password once a year or more often to prevent hacking.

– The prey is restrained by tentacles in the stomach to prevent it from escaping.

– Mechanical or geographical differences within a species will often prevent a whole species being panmictic.

– These kids are able to prevent Hacker from destroying Cyberspace by means of problem-solving skills with basic math.

– On January 2, 1942, General MacArthur declared the capital city, Manila, an open city to prevent its destruction.

– Assembly language does not prevent using an integer as if it was a real number.

– That way they can prevent injuries that occur when the driver hits a hard object.

– One day three prisoners disappeared from the camp and then the deputy camp commander decided to choose ten men at random to be starved to death to prevent any more escapes.

– Good alignment helps to prevent beam loss, and beam from colliding with the pipe walls, which creates secondary emissions and/or radiation.

– Some contain high levels of sinigrin which may help prevent bowel cancer.

– At the beginning, Doc comes back from the future to 1985 to take 17 year old Marty and his girlfriend Jennifer to 2015 to prevent a disaster with his son Marty Junior.

– Immediate action to ensuring consumers’ rights needs to be taken since a regulatory authority is not present to prevent consumers from being cheated and given low quality or date-expired products.

– Travelers also ate berries that grew along the Trail, partly to help prevent scurvy.

– Iodine can be used to prevent thyroid cancer after a nuclear explosion.

– This will not prevent the articles themselves from being edited by unregistered and non-autoconfirmed users, but will keep the redirects safe from anon/Pickbothmanlol vandalism so that visitors to our main page do not have to see the Tribble nonsense.

– He initially becomes Spider-Man to hunt down the man who kills his uncle, but later uses it primarily to protect the people of New York City and prevent the wrong people from using his father’s work.

– The homeowners in the Sherman Oaks area later won a lawsuit to prevent the agency from managing efforts.

– The goal was to prevent Australia from being used as a base to threaten Japan’s defenses in the South Pacific.

– In May 2016 Merčep was sentenced to 5.5 years in prison for failure to prevent the murder of 43 Serb civilians in Pakračka Poljana and other locations, committed by members of the unit under his command.

– If racks have empty space that it is not used then extra heat is being released into data center’s airflow in order to “fill in” this unused space.The use of blanking panels can prevent the hot air from being transmitted in the data center’s airflow.

– On mobile devices, this template will prevent the image from being resized to smaller size.

– Navy used submarines to prevent any Japanese ships from getting to Wake.

– In 2004, while pregnant with her daughter, Bellucci posed nude for the Italian “Vanity Fair” Magazine in protest against Italian laws that allow only married couples to use in-vitro fertilization and that prevent the use of donor sperm.

– Readers who do not wish to be exposed to certain content have a number of options: These options will prevent certain kinds of content from being displayed.

– In some cases state power is used directly and indirectly to prevent smaller parties getting more votes.

– The cement of limestone for the brick joints was free of gypsum to prevent expansion and erosion thus guaranteeing a long life span.

– To prevent this from happening again, the government created the Superhero Registration Act.

– Some networks have made changes to prevent them from being utilized by such multi-network IM clients.

– They can prevent a mRNA from producing a protein.

– The strike with the chair is used with the flat face of the chair to slow the swing and deal out the impact, to prevent injury to the opponent.

– The application of this template has so far been restricted to United Kingdom subdivisions, but there is nothing in the template syntax to prevent its use on other territories.

– They may prevent against discrimination based on race, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and disability.

– These two layers in the solution prevent the similar charges from pushing each other apart as much leading to an increase in the amount of charge the device can store.

– The egg shells and cuticles of the prey are thickened to prevent the wasp from penetrating them.

– The ordinance was designed to prevent non viable banks from mushrooming, and to ensure orderly commercial banking.

– Co-evolution: a behavioral ‘spam filter’ to prevent nest parasitism.

– Leg before wicket first appeared in the laws of cricket in 1774, as batsmen began to use their pads to prevent the ball hitting their wicket.

– In Venetian masks only the top half of the face is covered, to prevent recognition.

– Farmers can do several things to prevent vomitoxin from getting into food.

– In 1963 he stood in a schoolhouse door to prevent black students from attending the school.

– There are many ways to prevent this.

– Such natural monopolies is hence allowed by the government, but is usually strictly controlled to prevent the monopoly from charging a very high price for a product or service.

– While it is possible for an elevator’s cable to snap, all elevators in the modern era have been fitted with several safety devices which prevent the elevator from simply free-falling and crashing.

– This mechanism helps plants prevent air embolisms.

– Domestic animals are usually castrated in order to avoid unwanted or uncontrolled reproduction; to reduce or prevent other ways of sexual behaviour such as territorial behaviour or aggression ; or to reduce other consequences of sexual behaviour that may make animal husbandry more difficult, such as fence destruction when animals try to get to nearby females of the species.

– An Administrator will “salt” the page to prevent it from being created again.

– Pediatricians also try to prevent other diseases and injury before they happen.

– It is a metatemplate, intended to prevent redundancy between the template and various template documentation pages that differ from the standard user warning format.

– The city is sometimes called “Dubai City” to prevent it from being confused with the emirate.

- Websites also advise changing a password once a year or more often to prevent hacking.

- The prey is restrained by tentacles in the stomach to prevent it from escaping.
- Mechanical or geographical differences within a species will often prevent a whole species being panmictic.

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