“presumptive” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “presumptive”:

+ The Duke of Berry was seven years heir presumptive to the throne of Spain when his brother Philip V of Spain was childless.

+ He is the Green Party of the United StatesGreen Party’s presumptive nominee for 2016 election running with Jill Stein.

+ He was heir apparentheir presumptive to the throne until his nephew George IV of the United Kingdom was born in 1762.

+ Her stepson and heir presumptive Sambhaji, was able to thwart this with the help of Soyrabai’s own brother,and army chief Hambirrao Mohite.

+ The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the throne of Austria-Hungary, and his wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, happened on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo.

+ This leaves Gabrielle the heiress presumptive to the Amazon Queen, Melosa.

presumptive - some sentence examples
presumptive – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “presumptive”:

+ Clinton became the presumptive nominee on June 6, 2016.

+ In 1948, she became heiress presumptive to the throne of the Netherlands.

+ He became the party’s presumptive nominee with his victory in the Texas primary on May 29, 2012.

+ In April 2020, Biden became the only candidate in the primary making him the presumptive nominee for the nomination.

+ He sent King Richard to prison and by-passing Richard’s seven-year-old heir presumptive Edmund de Mortimer.

+ He became the presumptive nominee in March 2020.

+ On June 6, 2016, Clinton reached the number of delegates to become the presumptive Democratic Party nominee.

+ On May 4, 2016, Donald Trump of New York New York became the presumptive nominee after his remaining challengers Ted Cruz of Texas and John Kasich of Ohio dropped out.

+ On March 17, Donald Trump won more than half of the Delegatedelegates for the election and became the presumptive nominee.

+ On May 4, 2016, Trump became the presumptive nominee after his only challengers Texas United States senator Ted Cruz and Governor of Ohio John Kasich dropped out.

+ Clinton became the presumptive nominee on June 6, 2016.

+ In 1948, she became heiress presumptive to the throne of the Netherlands.

+ On June 6, 2016, the Associated Press reported that senator Hillary Clinton has gotten enough delegates to become the presumptive Democratic nominee.

+ In June 2020, he became the presumptive nominee for the Green Party nomination.

+ From 1714 to 1720, Anne Marie d’Orléans was the heiress presumptive to the Jacobite claim to the thrones of England, Scotland, and Ireland.

+ In May 2016, Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, chose Culvahouse to head the search for his running mate.

+ He is the heir presumptive to the Chrysanthemum Throne.

+ He was the presumptive successor to Speaker John Boehner.

+ A NBC/Wall Street Journal poll in May found Clinton and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump in a tie, but the same poll found that if Sanders were the Democratic nominee, 53% of voters would support him to 39% for Trump.

+ When her father succeeded to the throne in 1750 as José I, Maria became his Heir presumptiveheiress presumptive and was given the traditional titles of Princess of Brazil and Duchess of Braganza.

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