“pressure” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “pressure”:

+ Laura formed out of a large non-tropical low pressure area 1015miles west of the western islands of the Azores on September 29.

+ Water may even reach the ground surface if the natural pressure is high enough, in which case the well is called a flowing artesian well.

+ The boiling point of a liquid depends on the pressure of the surrounding air.

+ Originally a low pressure area, the JMA reported that a tropical depression formed from it in the Gulf of Tonkin near Guangdong, China on July 16.

+ The snake’s resistance to the toxin has resulted in a selective pressure that favours newts which produce more potent levels of toxin.

+ Walker, Governor of Kansas Territoryresignation letter to Secretary of State Lewis Cass dated December 15, 1857, he said his reasons for quitting was because clear voting fraud and improper political pressure from Franklin Pierce’s administration.

pressure use in sentences
pressure use in sentences

Example sentences of “pressure”:

+ When a substance has enough temperature and pressure at the same time, called the critical point, you can’t tell the difference between very dense gas and very energetic liquid.

+ During a retch, pressure in the thorax goes down and pressure in the abdomen goes up.

+ A second Air Force plane on October 2 found 70 mph winds with a pressure of 997 mbar.

+ In aviation it is the standard sea level at which atmospheric pressure is measured.

+ Anderson was killed when shrapnel from the exploding proximity warhead punctured his pressure suit, causing it to decompress at high altitude.

+ By September 5, winds were at 120 mph and its pressure was 946 mbar.

+ If a person’s blood pressure is low enough that they are feeling dizzy, they should lay down on the ground.

+ Osmoregulation is the maintenance of constant osmotic pressure in the fluids of an organism by the control of water and salt concentrations.

+ A sprinkler irrigation system is a pressurized system, which means it needs water under pressure to work.

+ The lower pressure is caused by the liquid falling on the downhill side.

+ Since the brain does not work, the hormone levels and blood pressure must be controlled by doctors to keep the organs alive.

+ When a substance has enough temperature and pressure at the same time, called the critical point, you can't tell the difference between very dense gas and very energetic liquid.

+ During a retch, pressure in the thorax goes down and pressure in the abdomen goes up.

More in-sentence examples of “pressure”:

+ In the middle of July, a series of low pressure areas formed off the United States.

+ The World War IISecond World War put a lot of pressure on the Soviet Union, and schools like AzPI tried to remain open.

+ If enough pressure builds up in the chest, the other lung can collapse, too.

+ This increased pressure causes the abdomen to distend or expand, stretching the skin and placing pressure on the abdominal organs, which can constrict the blood vessels which supply them.

+ As the dropsonde did not reach the calm winds in the center, the pressure was estimated at 882mbar, the lowest pressure in an Atlantic hurricane on record.

+ If the bubble burned or exploded, it could rupture the pressure vessel and force the damaged reactor core into the containment building.

+ The subtropical ridge is a large belt of high pressure around 30ºN in the Northern Hemisphere and 30ºS in the Southern Hemisphere.

+ It tracked south, and became a broad area of low pressure which the National Hurricane Center assessed a high chance that the low could become a tropical cyclone.

+ A small study has shown that a test group which only had intercourse experienced, as a whole, lower blood pressure in stressful situations than those who had intercourse but also had masturbated for one or more days.

+ It is used to describe the pressure inside hollow organs.

+ An area of low pressure formed on September 27 near Cape Verde in association with the wave, and convection slowly increased as a result of the low.

+ The pressure inside the plant pushes the sap into the insect.

+ Changing the pressure with the lips produces a few other notes.

+ Early on June 20, and area of low pressure about 760km, east of the Philippines began to be monitored by both the JTWC and JMA.

+ If the pressure change is too quick for enough of the dissolved gas to be removed, the gas may form bubbles in the blood and other parts of the diver’s body.

+ For example, in the picture at the right, the person’s systolic blood pressure was 158.

+ When the heart relaxes, the pressure decreases.

+ Simultaneously, the storm reached its peak intensity, with a minimum central pressure of 991 millibars.

+ I will make my decision what my conscience tells me to be in the national interest, and without regard to outside religious pressure or.

+ The Chandrasekhar limit is the mass above which electron degeneracy pressure in the star’s core is not enough to balance the star’s own gravitational self-attraction.

+ During the evening of May 31, the JMA upgraded an area of low pressure to a tropical depression.

+ This cannot be found out, because it is not possible to create the same amount of pressure on Earth.

+ In 2000 the band’s second album “A Prayer Under Pressure of Violent Anguish” was released.

+ When the aircraft gets the velocity of sound wave, the pressure waves get merge into a single shock wave.

+ A strong ridge of high pressure over the Northeastern Pacific Ocean forced John westward, where upper level shear kept John a tropical storm as its intensity fluctuated.

+ The Alps rose as a result of the slow but gigantic pressure of the African plate as it moved north against the stable Eurasian landmass.

+ In the middle of July, a series of low pressure areas formed off the United States.

+ The World War IISecond World War put a lot of pressure on the Soviet Union, and schools like AzPI tried to remain open.
+ If enough pressure builds up in the chest, the other lung can collapse, too.

+ Irene made landfall on Cape Lookout, North Carolina as a category 1 hurricane with 85mph winds with an unusually low pressure for a category 1 hurricane.

+ A sound level meter is a device used to measure sound pressure levels.

+ The aft pressure bulkhead was damaged in the accident, as well as the rear of the plane.

+ A demonstration of air pressure was done here by Otto von Guericke in 1656.

+ When a detonation happens, the resulting pressure waves are named shock waves.

+ The storm began from low pressure areaan area of low pressure near the Bahamas.

+ This high pressure system acted as a cap on the atmosphere.

+ The blockade was part of General Winfield Scott’s Anaconda Plan to put economic pressure on the Confederacy until it returned to the Union.

+ The SI unit of pressure is the Pascal named after French physicist Blaise Pascal, who did much work on pressure.

+ But if the pressure on one side of the surface differs from pressure on the other side, the pressure difference times surface area results in a normal force.

+ The pressure on Venus’ surface is 92 times that of Earth.

+ The station was originally not going to be open with the rest of the East West Line in between 1988 and 1989 as there were only private houses surrounding it, but increasing pressure from Members of Parliament and the public forced SMRT to open this station.

+ The prostate infection is diagnosed by culturing urine as well as prostate fluid which are obtained by the doctor doing a rectal exam and putting pressure on the prostate.

+ Of those factors, the most easy to fix are high blood pressure and smoking.

+ He blatantly refused or to succumb to be subdued to any pressure whatsoever to reluctantly to join either a Hindu India or an ally Muslim Pakistan, preferring to form a separate Kingdom of its own within the British Commonwealth of Nations.

+ This changes with temperature, pressure and other conditions.

+ Low blood pressure is called hypotension.

+ This disease happens because of increased pressure in the eye.

+ Later that day, it turned into a frontal low pressure system.

+ The pressure was more than the tank was built to withstand.

+ Because the pressure gradient normal to the flow within a boundary layer is zero, the increase of temperature through the boundary layer causes the density to fall.

+ Through this the animal can change the air pressure in the chambers.

+ The sides are parallel to convex, and show careful pressure flaking along the blade edge.

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