“preside over” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “preside over”:

– Though she had initially announced her intention to serve a single four-year period, she extended the term by a year following an appeal from Annan, allowing her to preside over the 2001 World Conference Against RacismWorld Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban, South Africa, as Secretary-General.

– Clause five provides for a President “pro tempore of the Senate a Senator elected to the post by the Senate, to preside over the body when the Vice President is either absent or exercising the Office of the President.

– A queen, Queen Wakiyan, was elected Queen of the Kingdom of Lakota and of the Oglala Sioux, and tried to improve the economy at the Pine Ridge Reservation with creativity and imagination, and to bring the Sioux forward into modern times;however, a conspiracy of jealous chieftains who were both male chauvinists opposed to having a female leader and also a corrupt group of men jealous of their own power and who prefer to preside over the poverty of the Sioux People, ruthlessly trumped up false allegations in order to depose this good queen.

– The delegates elected George Washington to preside over the Convention.

– During his inauguration speech, he said “I will preside over a government of national unity that will bring social prosperity for all Colombians…

– The Governor of the territory is the representative of the British monarch across the territory and presides over the StHelena Legislative Council, while he or she is represented by an Administrator on Ascension Island and an Administrator on Tristan da Cunha that preside over these two areas’ Island Councils.

preside over in sentences?
preside over in sentences?

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