“present” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “present”:

– Alexander of Constantinople, then a presbyter, was also present as representative of his aged bishop.

– The present continuous is a tense.

– In 1880, the old “O’Higgins Province” was created with the territory of the present Cachapoal Province.

– The term used by the Brundtland Commission defined it as development with sustainability that “meets the needs of the present and don’t compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” United Nations.

– At present there are humans, chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans.

present some example sentences
present some example sentences

Example sentences of “present”:

- I'd like this to be a review not just of the present but also of the near future when I do more work.

- The industries that are present in Santa Cruz are agriculture, tourism and high technology.
- In her poems ‘Sphulinga’ she wants to inspire his fellowmen to get lessons from the past history and to get out of the present set up and dullness.

– I’d like this to be a review not just of the present but also of the near future when I do more work.

– The industries that are present in Santa Cruz are agriculture, tourism and high technology.

– In her poems ‘Sphulinga’ she wants to inspire his fellowmen to get lessons from the past history and to get out of the present set up and dullness.

– One solution has been to organize all persons present into a group to sweep a designated area.

– Later the naginata was even given as present to the bride.

– In 684 Ecgfrith led his armies against the kingdom of Brega, north of present day Dublin in Ireland.

– The only people that are present in the arena are the wrestlers, referee, and the camera crew.

– The two districts were joined in 1994 and gave the district in its present borders.

– The next present is a book given to Donald by Jose Carioca himself.

– The present reigning Prince of Monaco is a direct descendant of the family.

– In 1969, the present Doctor and company meet a little girl who wears the space suit.

– At present there are no new antibiotics in development to replace carbapenems.

– Contemporary architecture is generally speaking the architecture being made at the present time.

– ECO camps are also present in Bhalukpung / Nameri.

– To request a new article, you can present your idea on the talk page of a relevant article or.

More in-sentence examples of “present”:

– It was rebuilt to its present appearance in the second quarter of the 19th century, as it became a center of the watch industry.

– An independent sporophyte is the dominant form in all clubmosses, horsetails, ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms that have survived to the present day.

– Then don’t present this as having anything to do with serving readers.

– The present church was consecrated in 1130.

– The movie is based on the first Ian Fleming novel of the same name, but is set in the present day.

– It provides a number of features not present in Excel, including a system which automatically defines a series for graphing based on the layout of the user’s data.

– The set has made the transition to European figures, which lasts to the present day.

– It was centered in Ghazni, a city in present Afghanistan, and ruled much of Persia, Transoxania, and the northern parts of the Indian subcontinent.

– His main work which remains until present time is the Bengali work of Maariful Quran.

– Dipsy is very pleased to find his present is a cracker.

– During the preparation, several of the conspirators had been concerned about the safety of fellow Catholics who would be present in Parliament on the day of the planned explosion.

– Denticles are also present on the teeth of some lizards, sharks, and mammals.

– Replacement teeth were present in the jaws, unlike most other heterodontosaurids.

– It will bring in an expert who have detailed knowledge and understanding of the issue, to clearly present both side’s arguments clearly.

– Judged by their fossil record, the Squamates were present in the Mesozoic, but occupied a minor place in the land ecology.

– Their influence has continued until the present day, and was adopted or influenced many artists who are not usually thought of as fauvists.

– In 1949 the university was given it’s present name, Humboldt-University of Berlin, to honor the brothers Alexander von HumboldtAlexander and Wilhelm von Humboldt.”International Dictionary of University Histories”, eds.

– He also served on the Prime Minister’s National Economic Council and at present sits as a crossbencher in the House of Lords.

– The table below chronicles the achievements of Saba Battery every season, from 2002 to the present day.

– Small dark spots are sometimes present over the entire body.

– The present form of PNR was established in 1984.

– The Nationlists, with Liberal and Labor members, were able to present an image of national unity.

– The male cones are small, typically 1–5cm long, and are only present for a short period, usually in spring.

– Do not write articles that present your own that report the connection.

- It was rebuilt to its present appearance in the second quarter of the 19th century, as it became a center of the watch industry.

- An independent sporophyte is the dominant form in all clubmosses, horsetails, ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms that have survived to the present day.

– Elara did not get its present name until 1975; before then, it was simply known as between 1955 and 1975.

– The present slight rise in sea levels is offered as proof of ongoing global warming.

– The book covers the time period from the eighties of the last century and to the tenth years of the present century.

– On the present distribution and origin of the calcareous concretions in coal seams, known as ‘coal balls’.

– The presence of significant quartz makes the rock type “quartz-diorite” is present at greater than 10 percent, the rock type grades into “monzodiorite” or granodiorite.

– John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, which at that time was part of the British Empire, and present Canada.

– To present date, that name still exists in the documents of the place.

– I’ve extended this for three days, as consensus is clearly present but we don’t yet have the required 25 votes.

– Karnad was born in Matheran in present day Maharashtra.

– She is an ancestor of Louis Philippe I and of several members of royal families of Europe such as the Spanish and Italian as well as the present Grand Duke of Luxemburg.

– At the present rate, it might take over 1000 years to complete this job.

– Unlike most other ports present on the PC, the Game port is an analog port.

– They can still be used, and may be present in articles.

– In 720, a fortification on the site of the present castle was built by a Frankish troop.

– The reagent may also react with oxygen present in the atmosphere.

– Despite this, some pseudo-scientific organizations still try to present a case for its possible existence.

– The decisions of the House—not the words spoken during debates—are recorded in the Journal; if one-fifth of those present request it, the votes of the members on a particular question must also be entered.

– The present rise in sea level is taken from tide gauges.

– If all pilots have an important role, both the essential leader and his second, called “Charognard” who present all the display.

– Hello all! I would like to present as a candidate for adminship.

– Chlorophyll content meters measure the amount of absorption at the red band to estimate the amount of chlorophyll present in the leaf.

– In a test, a false positive is when a test result shows that a condition is present but it is not.

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