“preference” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “preference”:

+ Problems in social interaction are probably worsened by low preference for social stimuli, such as faces.

+ Not all combinations of atoms are equally possible; atoms make certain shapes in preference to others.

+ But in 1936 he was passed over in both – first in Philadelphia, where Eugene Ormandy succeeded Stokowski at the Philadelphia Orchestra, and then in New York, where Toscanini’s departure left a vacancy at the New York Philharmonic but John Barbirolli and Artur Rodzinski were engaged in preference to Klemperer.

+ He won 36% of first preference votes to Conservative Steven Norris’s 28% and Liberal Democrat Simon Hughes’s 15%.

+ He constructed cardboard dummy butterflies with more defined markings that male butterflies would try to mate with in preference to real females.

+ However, people very often have a definite preference for using the left or right hand for things such as: using a pen, using a knife, using scissors, brushing teeth, blowing their nose, and so on.

+ Since prey size preference in snakes is generally proportional to body size, small snakes may be better adapted to take small prey.Keogh J.S.

+ Stated preference methods, such as the contingent valuation method ask people for their willingness to pay for a certain ecosystem.

preference use in sentences
preference use in sentences

Example sentences of “preference”:

+ Do we have a preference here? I read XM8 and thought, “2660 kilograms doesn’t seem very light to me”.

+ But not all of the ideas of the Roerich Pact are fully implemented in international law, especially the preference of the preservation of cultural values over military necessity.

+ Revealed preference methods, such as hedonic pricing and the travel cost method, use a relation with a market good or service to estimate the willingness-to-pay for the service.

+ All other editors are invited to test the other scripts, especially the new Twinkle preference panel! –intforce.

+ For the Middle East, a unit preference of dunam can be entered.

+ It will give preference to applying students from poor backgrounds.

+ Votes for this candidate are passed on to the candidate given as the next preference of each of his voters.

+ If the number of alternatives is n, and indifference is not allowed, then the number of possible preference orders for any given “n”-value is”n”.

+ Only movies produced after January 1, 2011 will be accepted for the Competition programs, preference in Competition programs is given to the world and International premieres.

+ It may be a simple matter of preference whether one wants to see one’s universe as part of a system like biology or like mechanics – clockwork.

+ The Office for National Statistics began using the new GSS codes in preference to the old ONS codes in January 2011.

+ The Office for National Statistics began using the new GSS codes in preference to the old ONS codes in January 2011, and support for the old 4 character codes has been removed from this template.

+ The preference switch was moved to the normal location, under.

+ Do we have a preference here? I read XM8 and thought, "2660 kilograms doesn't seem very light to me".

+ But not all of the ideas of the Roerich Pact are fully implemented in international law, especially the preference of the preservation of cultural values over military necessity.

More in-sentence examples of “preference”:

+ In terms of bent bond theory, this preference is explained by assuming favorable orbital overlap between the filled cyclopropane bent bonds and the empty p-orbital.

+ Ifscript= is set, this function uses it in preference to code.

+ This order carried the threat of a maximum $10,000 fine and a maximum of ten years in prison for anyone who kept more than $100 of gold in preference to bank notes.

+ Congress may not, by revenue or commerce legislation, give preference to ports of one state over those of another; neither may it require ships from one state to pay duties in another.

+ The temporary preference to enable ULS will be removed.

+ If image size parameters are omitted, this template sets all images at 200px wide, regardless of whether the reader has set a preference for some other default image width.

+ In some parts of the world there is a strong preference for male children.

+ The long-term preference of females of the tribe for longer male hair would have effect by long-haired males contributing more children than short-haired males.

+ A new preference was added for logged-in users to turn on ULS.

+ I don’t really care if we change the main page, though I agree with DJ I personally prefer more neutral colors but I am possibly just a boring guy like that with my preference for earth tones etc ;.

+ If indifference is allowed, then the number of possible preference orders is the number of total preorders.

+ In many countries including Spain and Japan, special preference is given to male children.

+ This function gets the rendered form of an equation according to the editor’s preference before the page is saved.

+ In Article 1 that racial discrimination is: “any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.” ICERD, Article 1.1.

+ There are three options for math markup rendering that depend on the editor’s math preference settings.

+ Mercury-in-glass thermometers are less used in the 21st century as preference is shifted to other types of thermometers, such as digital, alcohol-filled and organic-based thermometers.

+ He quoted Samuel Robert Lichter, director of the Center for Media and Public Affairs, on his preference for the ease of turning on the TV instead of reading a book.

+ The other main theme is God’s preference for the lowly: so in this manifesto for social justice the author praises the poor and threatens the rich.

+ This power is not limited by any other part of the Constitution, such as Section 99 that forbids giving preference to one State or over another State.

+ In an attempt to make herring more appealing on the home market, companies tried to present it in a new way, creating herring fishsticks called “herring savouries” and were tested on the market against a bland control product of cod sticks, sold as “fish fingers.” Shoppers in Southampton and South Wales, showed an overwhelming preference for the cod.

+ In economics, a Veblen good is a good whose preference and consumption increases with its price.

+ The preference to display the month first may also be indicated via the parameter mf.

+ The concept of preference intensity has been criticized over the past sixty years because of the problems in measuring it.

+ The Galapagos shark is circumtropical in distribution with a preference for waters surrounding oceanic islands.

+ In terms of bent bond theory, this preference is explained by assuming favorable orbital overlap between the filled cyclopropane bent bonds and the empty p-orbital.

+ Ifscript= is set, this function uses it in preference to code.

+ Female preference in some populations is based on the extent of a male’s song repertoire.

+ Even if you use the GFDL exclusively, you may wish to communicate your preference on your User page, such as by using.

+ Intensity of preference is a factor in an analysis of how individual choices develop into social choices.

+ As the two groups both showed a strong preference for mating with their own type, this was claimed as an example of speciation by reproductive isolation.

+ No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another: nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.

+ They do not exhibit a similar preference for their paternal half sisters, which may mean that they only are capable of recognizing kinship through the maternal line.

+ In exchange, Cuba was to give preference to the United States, and its industries.

+ Intensity of preference focuses on the inconveniences involved in the act of officially registering a choice at a specific time and place, not the vote itself.

+ Effects of an artificial sweetener on health, performance, and dietary preference of feedlot cattle.

+ This is purely for no other reason than experience personal preference – I know that I would be able to make the ‘correct’ decision but I have had enough drama surrounding me my actions in the past here so I just want to play it safe and leave the controversial ones to someone else initially.

+ Twinkle modules should use the appropriate preference to set the watchlist options.

+ This will be enabled as a feature in the coming week for all users, which can be turned on or off using a preference setting.

+ However, in March 2010 the National Farmers Union said that it was not against Single/Double Summer Time, and is in fact relatively neutral, with many farmers expressing a preference for the change.

+ This is the first time we are syncing preference data between devices in such a way.

+ Each bear has their own preference of food, beds, etc.

+ A day or two ago, I noticed that my preference for this setting had gotten changed without my changing it.

+ However, it must be said that both are related to having a sexual preference for children, or pedophilia.

+ Omnisexuality is a sexual orientation where one is attracted to all genders or any gender, though gender often still plays a role or a preference in one’s attraction.

+ Do we have a policy on eras? My personal preference is for BCE.

+ It is believed that the heathen Norsemen suffered from unequal trade practices by Christian merchants who were given preference through a Christian network of traders.

+ This special preference page lets designers and engineers experiment with new features on a broad scale, but in a way that’s not disruptive.

+ The sixth specimen found was tagged and followed for two days, allowing insight into its habitat preference and behaviour.

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