“predator” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “predator”:

+ Kurten said that “Arctodus” was “…by far the most powerful predator in the Pleistocene fauna of North America”.

+ Although the margay was not successful in catching a monkey, this was the first observation of a Neotropical predator using this type of mimicry.

+ Shoals are more vulnerable to predator attack.

+ A group of animals fleeing a predator will herd together for protection.

+ The tail will drop off and wriggle around for a little while, and the salamanders will either run away or stay still enough to not be noticed while the predator is distracted.

predator some ways to use
predator some ways to use

Example sentences of “predator”:

+ Blue whiting has benefited from the decline of the herring and capelin stocks as it assumed the role of major predator of plankton.

+ The predator often blinks or turns its face away in self-defence.

+ The surface dwelling nudibranch, “Glaucus atlanticus” is a specialist predator of jellyfish, such as the Portuguese Man o’ War.

+ It was probably the apex predator of Hațeg Island, tackling larger prey than other azhdarchids.

+ The most apparent type of aggression is that seen in the interaction between a predator and its prey.

+ It was the largest predator in its part of the world.

+ Shore crabs are a nocturnal predator which means it hunts at night.

+ It has been demonstrated through experiments that the number of “dee” syllables at the end of the call increases with the level of danger the predator poses.

+ The largest predator of the area is the dingo.

+ The evolution of the Cenozoic terrestrial mammalian predator guild in South America: competition or replacement?.

+ A predator is an animal that hunts, catches, and eats other animals.

+ This ability to gauge the strength of other animals gives animals a “fight or flight” response to predators; depending on how strong they gauge the predator to be, animals will either become aggressive or flee.

+ It was depicted as the top predator in early Cretaceous North America.

+ Blue whiting has benefited from the decline of the herring and capelin stocks as it assumed the role of major predator of plankton.

+ The predator often blinks or turns its face away in self-defence.
+ The surface dwelling nudibranch, "Glaucus atlanticus" is a specialist predator of jellyfish, such as the Portuguese Man o' War.

More in-sentence examples of “predator”:

+ It is the only eagle in the world ever to have been top predator of its ecosystem.

+ The view that "Troodon" was a predator is supported by its sickle claw on the foot and apparently good binocular vision.
+ It is a general scavenger and predator of insects, small mammals, and other birds' eggs and young.

+ It is the only eagle in the world ever to have been top predator of its ecosystem.

+ The view that “Troodon” was a predator is supported by its sickle claw on the foot and apparently good binocular vision.

+ It is a general scavenger and predator of insects, small mammals, and other birds’ eggs and young.

+ In addition, compared to their South American counterparts, male white-headed capuchins are relatively more alert to rival males than to predators, reducing the predator detection benefits that the Central American squirrel monkey receives from associating with the white-headed capuchin compared to its South American counterparts.

+ When a predator tries to eat the caterpillar, the caterpillar will release the osmeterium.

+ They developed in the Cambrian and became a significant sea predator in the Ordovician period.

+ A predator that can move at high speed for a long time can be a pursuit predator, chasing until its prey tires and slows.

+ With an estimated 10 to 20 million individuals caught and killed each year, there is concern not only about what this is doing to Blue shark populations, but also about the effect the removal of such an important predator might have on the oceanic ecosystem.

+ Since the squirrel monkeys generally initiate interactions with the capuchins in South America, the fact that similar associations would impose higher foraging costs and impart fewer predator detection benefits to the Central American squirrel monkey leads to fewer associations with the white-headed capuchin.

+ The General Atomics MQ-1 Predator is an USAAmerican unmanned aerial vehicle.

+ They eat other animals, but they’re not the apex predator around their habitat, Their natural predators include kingsnakes, water moccasins, bullfrogs, large birds of prey, coyotes, alligators, and a other predators.

+ The Mosasaurs of the Upper Cretaceous were by far the most successful of all the lizards, becoming the top predator in their ecosystem.

+ It is the most common large predator found in the Morrison Formation of North America.

+ When a predator cannot move faster than its preferred prey, ambushing its prey is likely to be more efficient than pursuit.

+ Because of this, the Navajo will not wear the skin of a predator animal.

+ A true predator can be thought of as one which both kills and eats another animal, but many animals act as both predator and scavenger.

+ Given their low metabolic rate and the low density of prey at such depths, Vampire Squid must use innovative predator avoidance tactics in order to save energy.

+ When the doucs sense a predator or other danger, they flee very quietly through the trees.

+ Because of this, the only predator of the California newt are garter snakes.

+ This cycle of a predator and prey co-evolving is sometimes called an evolutionary arms race.

+ When a predator of plankton is sensed through motion in the water, the dinoflagellate luminesces.

+ This makes a predator chase the mother bird, and leave the eggs.

+ Each predator has its own methods.

+ The bristles will break off in the skin of a predator that tries to pick up the animal and sting the predator painfully.

+ It was a bird-like predator with teeth.

+ The golden eagle is a predator to the chough.

+ There are however many intermediate strategies; for example when a pursuit predator is faster than its prey over a short distance, but not in a long chase, then either stalking or ambushing becomes part of the strategy.

+ When the predator gets close to the prey, and they are sure to be found, some prey switch methods, and flee or fight back.

+ If a predator is seen, they will make a warning call.

+ They occupied a vast spectrum of roles from apex predator to detritus-nibbling bottom dweller.

+ Only one learning experience per predator might well be enough to deter it from eating both species.

+ The Oscar is an aggressive predator from the Amazon River.

+ Larger organisms such as snails, shrimp, crabs, giant tube worms, fish, and octopus form a food chain of predator and prey relationships above the primary consumers.

+ It lived on both sides of the Western Interior Seaway, and was an ambush apex predator in the coastal regions of eastern North America.

+ A ground beetle, “Lebia grandis” is a predator of the eggs and larvae, and its larvae are parasitoids of the Colorado beetle’s pupae.

+ This predator lived more than 500 million years ago.

+ The debate over “Tyrannosaurus” as apex predator or scavenger is among the longest running in paleontology.

+ Because “Andrewsarchus” is only known from a skull and a few other bones, whether it was an active predator or merely a large scavenger is open to debate, as is its exact time range.

+ The herrings keep a certain distance from a moving scuba diver or cruising predator like a killer whale, forming a space which looks like a doughnut from a spotter plane.

+ Many prey use this tactic when a predator gets close.

+ A pack hunter or social predator is a predator belonging to the animal kingdom, which has evolved to hunt its prey by working together with other members of its species.

+ If a predator were to bite off an arm tip, the Vampire Squid can regenerate it.

+ Some herd animals, like zebra, have a pattern which makes it difficult for the predator when they are running.

+ It is a powerful and versatile predator and scavenger.

+ It was an apex predator in the Upper Jurassic seas, around 160–155 million years ago.

+ He is a psychopath, a predator who does not feel empathy.

+ The brown fur seal’s main predator is the great white shark.

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