“predation” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “predation”:

– Precocial young require more pre-birth preparation for larger eggs, but they are less open to predation and take less parental care after birth.

– Many of the bones of the holotypetype specimen show apparent scavenging or predation by sharks.

– Removing neighboring plants lowers the predation risk on “T.

– In ecology, predation describes a relationship and actions between two creatures.

– Factors include ambient temperature, food and water availability, and even changes in the predation behaviors of other species.

predation some example sentences
predation some example sentences

Example sentences of “predation”:

– The poison prevents predation and the poison of the bright yellow caecilian of São Tomé Island in West Africa kills other animals kept in the same tank within a few days.

– Thus they gain in having less rigorous predation from their main enemy.

– The insect produces carminic acid, which deters predation by other insects.

– In many different species of trees seed predation is considered a problem for the continued growth and reproduction of trees, in this case Rabbits are affecting the cork oak tree.

– This was the first recorded eye witness case of predation on a great white shark in the wild by a species other than humans.

– Laxus” affects its seedling survival, as well as competition and predation due to the presence of neighboring plants and herbivores.

– The remains also show signs of predation or scavenging from “Tyrannosaurus”, particularly on the largest specimen, with the bones of the front limbs showing breakage and puncture wounds from “Tyrannosaurus” teeth.

– According to a study performed by Tilgar and associates, predation stress alters parents’ behaviours such as the reduction in provisioning rates, which negatively impacts the offspring’s performance.

– The predation of the seeds is not as important as the nutrient level of the soil.

– Sheep are vulnerable to predation and injury, and do not usually survive as feral animals.

- The poison prevents predation and the poison of the bright yellow caecilian of São Tomé Island in West Africa kills other animals kept in the same tank within a few days.

- Thus they gain in having less rigorous predation from their main enemy.

– The Hispaniolan solenodon is an endangered species because of habitat loss and predation by introduced species.

– Forest logging and agricultural land development – Destruction and division of habitats by forest roads and dam construction, traffic accidents, weakness death due to chicks sliding down to side grooves, predation by artificially introduced dogs and nonneko · fairy mongoose etc.

– Nonetheless, it remains possible that Paleolithic societies never practiced cannibalism, and that the damage to recovered human bones was either the result of ritual defleshingritual post-mortem bone cleaning or predation by carnivores such as saber tooth cats, lions and hyenas.

– Various experiments have been performed on predation of the peppered moth, and each has supported this hypothesis.

– Like other perching birds, it is affected by external and internal parasites and is vulnerable to predation by cats and birds of prey.

– In the main experiment in Cambridge from 20012007 Majerus added an experiment to find if bat predation might have skewed the results – this found that bats preyed equally on both forms of the moth.

– The stalked members of the class sufered from heavy predation in the Mesozoic.

– But the act of predation always causes the death of its prey and taking in the prey’s body parts into the predators body.

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