“pray” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “pray”:

+ In 1867 on “Capitol Hill”, a group of people came together to pray for a church to be started in their area.

+ If a Quranist prays without the right attitude of mind, it as if they had not bothered to pray at all.

+ Marguerite goes to the church and tries to pray there but is stopped, first by Méphistophélès and then by a choir of devils.

+ One set of these prayers is called a “decade.” Usually, Catholics say five decades when they pray the Rosary.

+ People visit the shrines to pray for themselves and also for the dead.

pray use in sentences
pray use in sentences

Example sentences of “pray”:

+ In ancient Egypt, it was believed that if you wanted to live through childbirth it was necessary to pray to Tawaret.

+ The rickshaw driver says to go to the temple and pray so the monks will give her food.

+ Celebration of the Eucharist to pray for people who have died goes back at least as far as the 2nd century.

+ It marks the end of the pilgrimage hajj for the millions of Muslims who make the trip to Mecca each year and pray 5 times a day.

+ The second caliph Umar at one time stopped women from attending mosques, especially at night, because he feared they may be teased by males, so he made them to pray at home.

+ Many people who pray through Mary use a prayer called the Hail Mary.

+ During the festival, people who live in each ward celebrate children, especially baby boys, and local restaurants pray for success and prosperity.

+ In addition, the clergy must pray the Divine Office.

+ They give money to the society and pray for the monks there.

+ The two names above are so special that Orthodox Jews use these names only when they pray and read the Torah.

+ Before each set, they pray one Our Father.

+ In ancient Egypt, it was believed that if you wanted to live through childbirth it was necessary to pray to Tawaret.

+ The rickshaw driver says to go to the temple and pray so the monks will give her food.

+ Pampalon was devoted to Mary Mary; before going to a Redemptorists’ monastery, he went to a statue of Mary and asked her to pray for the monks to let him join.

+ Many Jews go to their temple or synagogue to pray on Shabbat.

+ They make a stop in Vrindavan to pray at a temple.

+ Jesus told this parable after he taught his disciples how to pray the Lord’s Prayer.

+ After her death, her family and many other families of sailors and fishermen started to pray for her heroic acts to try to save those at sea.

+ In nearly two-thirds of American mosques, women pray behind partitions or in separate areas, not in the main prayer hall; some mosques do not admit women at all.

+ Muslims pray because God has told them that they are to do this, and because they believe that they obtain great benefit in doing so.

+ Lord of the waters, Poseidon was both patron and protector of both sailors and seafarers, who would pray to him for safe passage across the sea.

More in-sentence examples of “pray”:

+ Beatification is a recognition given by the Catholic Church of a dead person's entrance into Heaven and power to help people who pray in his or her name.

+ Jesus gave an example of how to pray to Father God.

+ Beatification is a recognition given by the Catholic Church of a dead person’s entrance into Heaven and power to help people who pray in his or her name.

+ Jesus gave an example of how to pray to Father God.

+ Charlemagne replied that it was his function to defend the church and the Pope’s to pray for the kingdom and for victory of the army.

+ The pilgrims spend the whole day on the mountain to supplicate to Allah to forgive their sins and to pray for personal strength in the future.

+ People constantly pray to, and think about, a form of a Hindu god, usually Vishnu.

+ If a sin is committed, you may pray directly to God and ask for forgiveness, and if the sin has affected another person, you may also ask their forgiveness.

+ They bring their children to the mosques, where the children can hear the story, and then pray with the grownups.

+ When it is time to pray, Muslims face the direction of Qibla – the direction they are supposed to pray in, towards Mecca.

+ Monks behind the scene pray for the soul of Boris.

+ Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” The second part of the prayer asks for Mary’s help: “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and in the hour of our deaths.

+ They should pray a lot, give money to charities and give up some of the things they might otherwise do for pleasure.

+ With the help of Father Michał Sopoćko, she distributed the images at Kraków and Wilno, and people began to pray before them.

+ He asked Bradford to pray to the ChristianityChristian god so he might enter Heaven.

+ After each set of Hail Marys, they pray one ‘Glory Be’.

+ All pray for his coming trials and for his victory in battle.

+ He is above nature but He is in the world and He hears those who pray to Him and will answer them.

+ This means that, because the person is believed to be in heaven, someone must pray, or ask, for the saint to pray for them in heaven.

+ They also may visit a Church building to pray in the presence of the Eucharist, Eucharistic Adoration.

+ Since there was no place for Chinese Muslim to pray in Taiwan at that time, they raised money to build the very first mosque in Taiwan which was located at Lishui Street in Taipei City.

+ As Amneris goes to pray before her wedding, the priests chant prayers.

+ The childless couples pray here for a child by making pradhakshinas.

+ He had decided to pray about which religion to join.

+ Then they pray to God.

+ Enrico built the chapel and had it painted as a place to pray for the soul of his dead father.

+ He tells them that Boris has not yet accepted the throne, but that they should pray that he will.

+ When Roman Catholics pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus they are praying for a part of Jesus that they believe is divine.

+ This part closes with Christine addressing women and asking them to pray for her as she continues her work with Lady Justice to complete the city.

+ We pray Thee to grant us wisdom without deceit or malice.

+ In addition to washing, there are other rules that also apply to those who enter the mosque, even if they do not wish to pray there.

+ From 1447 to 1449, Fra Angelico was back at the Vatican, where Pope Nicholas V had built a small chapel where he could pray privately.

+ Bellerophon decided to pray to Athena, who was the Greek goddess of wisdom.

+ A synagogue is a place where JudaismJews meet to worship and pray to God.

+ The Levites help Moses pray at the tabernacle.

+ All of them, Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Ishaaq, Ismail, Musa, Haarun, Dawood, Sulaymaan, Isa, Muhammad, and others invited people to worship Allah alone and not to pray to idols and other false gods.

+ Here, Muslims pray and read the Qur’an all night.

+ The state of anxiety can be calmed with the devotion of the Rosary that allows the person to pray and meditate with a great sense of peace.

+ There are in fact many common ways in doing so but there is a simplistic yet symbolical prayer called the rosary, the reciting pray for the intervening of mother Mary.

+ In the press conference, Lautenberg joked, “is it too late to change my mind?” and joked that he would pray “something goes wrong” so he could be called on to run again.

+ Students can form clubs where they can pray, and they can pray alone, but they cannot lead prayers at school events.

+ Before he was on television, he sang in the rock musicrock band Pray for the soul of Betty.

+ When he was beatified, it means that the Catholic Church recognizes that he went to heaven and can intercede on behalf of people who pray in his name.

+ During the Joseon Dynasty, the king of Korea would go to Jongmyo to pray to earlier kings and queens.

+ He went to a mountaintop to pray to God.

+ On his way to the guillotine, Louis said “I trust that my death will be for the happiness of my people, but I grieve for France, and I fear that she may suffer the anger of the Lord.” Before his execution, he made a speech saying “I die innocent of all the crimes that I was accused of; I forgive those who have caused my death; and I pray to God that the blood you are going to shed may never bring harm upon France.” He tried to say more, but his speech was drowned out by a roll of drums.

+ Some of the traditional practices of Roman Catholics carried out each time they pray at home or at Church include making the sign of the cross, kneeling, and bowing.

+ According to tradition, Joachim wanted to pray in the temple but was turned away because of his childlessness.

+ Adult Muslims are expected to pray five times a day.

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