“pottery” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “pottery”:

– Visitors can buy and learn to make pottery products.

– The hieroglyphic signs used to write “Hotep” are very similar to the signs of a pottery kiln and a chick in hieratic writings.

– It is famous for its Delft Blue pottery and the Delft University of Technology.

– A person is a potter if they make pottery for art or domestic use.

– These were also often painted on pottery and minted on coins.

– The duenos inscription is a Latin languageLatin text found on a piece of pottery in Rome.

– Small pieces of flint and pottery were discovered during these digs.

– The lamps were usually made of pottery or metal or glass.

pottery some example sentences
pottery some example sentences

Example sentences of “pottery”:

- Bare pottery objects without a glaze are called "bisque" or just earthenware.

- Women also do pottery and the pots are bought and taken to markets.

– Bare pottery objects without a glaze are called “bisque” or just earthenware.

– Women also do pottery and the pots are bought and taken to markets.

– It is confirmed by Mycenaean cultureMycenaean and Cypriot pottery found there.

– Persian green is a color used in pottery and Persian carpets in Iran.

– Others, like Dalkey Island contain imported Eastern Mediterranean pottery and have been reoccupied and changed in the early medieval period.

– The world famous pottery of Krishnanagar was started on his initiative.

– He became famous for making pottery for royalty, and became very rich.

– Some believe that the Jomon people were the first people in the world to create pottery but other scholars do not think so.

– An oven which is used for making pottery is called a kiln.

– Since the village was established, most residents there have been involved in the pottery business.

– Archaeologists have also found Tamil writings in broken pieces of pottery in the Red Sea.

– There are pictures, on pottery and stone, which show dances from several thousand years ago, in Egypt and Greece.Sachs, Curt 1937.

– Until the 18th century it was the commonest type of pottery outside China.

– He used his skills to make one of the first pottery factories, Ivy Works, in Burslem, now part of Stoke-on-Trent.

More in-sentence examples of “pottery”:

– Marazion is a tourist resort with an active community of artists who produce and sell paintings and pottery in the town’s many art galleries.

– Especially Baekje established goodwill relationships with Japanese rulers of the Kufun period and transmitted its advanced culture such as pottery and Buddhism to Japan.

– The area was the centre of the English pottery industry.

– Glaze is a layer or coating used on pottery or ceramics.

– A’ali is famous also for its old pottery handicraft.

– From ancient times graphic design has been used for decoration of pottery and ceramics.

– The finest pottery objects, made of porcelain or bone china are quite strong, yet are translucent.

– The settlement there, the so-called “Horgner Kultur produced examples of a type of crude pottery with parallels to the Seine-Oise-Marne culture of northern France.

– In addition to the cultivation of slaves, and the capture and transporting of exotic wild animals, the principal production and exports included the textiles, marble, wine, timber, livestock, pottery and wool.

– Beaker pottery appears in the Mount Pleasant Phase along with flat axes and burial practices of inhumation.

– The Aboriginal people did not use metal or make pottery or use bows and arrows or weave cloth.

– A depiction of a sternpost-mounted rudder can be seen on a pottery model of a Chinese junk junk dating from the 1st century AD during the Han Dynasty, predating their appearance in the West by a thousand years.

– It is also famous for its pottery from Jingdezhen in Jiangxi and Dehua in Fujian.

– These Koreans were very good at making pottery and at other arts.

– On July 2, 1980, his great-great-grandson, the seventh marquess, sold it with other pottery at Christie’s in London.

– Pewter mugs, brass and copper utensils, pottery and china, oak settles and benches, a spinning wheel, all contribute to the homely atmosphere.

– Around this time they began to settle down.They started to farm animals and make pottery and small clay figures.

– The fired glaze makes the surface of the pottery shiny, decorative and water-tight.

– The pottery after which it was named has simple cups, bowls, vases and jugs, without handles.

– Earthenware is a type of clay that when fired to make pottery is soft and can be scratched with a knife.Billington, Dora 1962.

– In Ancient Egypt, so-called “Execration Texts” appear around the time of the 12th Dynasty, listing the names of enemies written on clay figurines or pottery which were then smashed and buried beneath a building under construction, or in a cemetery.

– Bat Trang pottery village was established about 1000 years ago in the Red River Delta region of Vietnam.

– It is known for its grapes, figs, limestone, pottery workshops and glassblowing factories.

– Some of the industries in Amroha includes sugar milling, cotton textiles, hand-loom weaving and pottery making.

– Stoneware is a broad term for pottery or other ceramics fired at a relatively high temperature.Arthur Dodd David Murfin.

– It was a large exporter of pottery for about 200 years: roughly from 1760 to about 1960.

- Marazion is a tourist resort with an active community of artists who produce and sell paintings and pottery in the town's many art galleries.

- Especially Baekje established goodwill relationships with Japanese rulers of the Kufun period and transmitted its advanced culture such as pottery and Buddhism to Japan.
- The area was the centre of the English pottery industry.

– It is also used in pottery and dyeing.

– Each had their own types of pottery and personal items, such as combs, bracelets, and beads.

– In other parts of Afghanistan, archaeologists uncovered pottery and tools that are 4,000 to 11,000 years old—evidence that Afghans were among the first people in the world to grow crops and raise animals.”Afghanistan.” Britannica Elementary Library.

– One of the Learning Rooms is named after him and there are several pieces of nineteenth century Jack Crawford commemorative pottery on display in the Pottery Gallery and the silver medal that was presented to him by the Town following the battle in 1797, and given to the Museum by the Earl of Camperdown in 1880, is proudly on display in the Sunderland Heroes section of the Museum Street near the entrance of this award winning Museum.

– The Pottery Cottage murders happened in Eastmoor, Chesterfield in January 1977.

– Traditional folk art continues in several places around Bahrain: dhows are built near Manama and Muharraq, cloth is made at Bani Jamrah and pottery is made at A’ali.

– Wild food was still an important part of their diet even after the invention of pottery and the creation of irrigation.

– Stoke-on-Trent is sometimes known to be the home of the pottery industry in the United Kingdom and is commonly known as The Potteries.

– From around 175 BC they settled in the areas of Kent, Hertfordshire and Essex and brought with them pottery making skills far more advanced than anything produced previously.

– Modern archaeology now considers that farming along with pottery and settled living was in fact adopted by the native population who were related to the similarly newly-farming Neolithic people across the water.

– Armitage started in 1817, when Thomas Bond started a pottery at Armitage, in Staffordshire.

– The British were skilled in the arts, and produced ornamental jewellery and pottery which was exported to Europe.

– The pottery was dated to the sixth century BC.

– Principal industries of the district include cotton and silk harvesting and weaving, rice and oilseed milling, lac harvesting, stone mining and metalware and pottery manufacture.

– There are many different types of glaze, some are used for decoration and some are used to make pottery watertight so it can hold liquids.

– The largest Bat Trang pottery market displays and sells many ceramic products of the village.

– The site includes the oldest pottery found in the Canton of Neuchâtel, along with many tools, the molar of a mammoth and deer and wild boar bones.

– Indeed, traditional pottery is done with this type of method, using a plastic mixture worked with the hands.

– Earthenware is pottery which is porous.

– From hearsay, there are various valuable treasures like ancient pottery but which may not be taken out because there is a treasure guardian spirit watching.

– Before muffin tins were widely available, the cakes were often baked in individual pottery cups, ramekins, or molds.

– From the beginning of civilization, when pottery and mudbricks were made by hand, to now, mudrocks have been important.

– Another high-class pottery was Spode, who made ironstone from 1805 onwards.

– Bat Trang village has produced pottery since the 11 century.

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