“postulate” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “postulate”:

– Sometimes it is also called Euclid’s fifth postulate, because it is the fifth postulate in Euclid’s Elements.

– Another geometry simply removes Euclid’s fifth postulate and does not replace it with anything.

– Using this postulate and four others like it, Euclid brought a new understanding of geometry to the world, and many people think they are some of the most influential works in geometry.

– For this reason, the postulate is also called the Bertrand-Chebyshev theorem or Chebyshev’s theorem.

– The Hammond-Leffler postulate says that this too will increase the rate of carbocation formation.

– Similar mean orbital elements led the discoverers to postulate a common origin for the group in a break up of a larger body.

– Thus, Beltrami provided the first proof that Euclid’s parallel postulate could not be derived from the other axioms of Euclidean geometry.

– Mathematicians found that when they replaced Euclid’s fifth postulate with this axiom, they were still able to prove many of Euclid’s other theorems.

postulate - sentence examples
postulate – sentence examples

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