“polluted” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “polluted”:

+ Kanchanaburi Province is the site of “Klity Creek”, a waterway heavily polluted by the practices of the Lead Concentrate Company.

+ It is a dirty and polluted place.

+ Like the Los Angeles River, it is heavily polluted and is lined with concrete in many places.

+ It is a colorless gas, although it is sometimes polluted with nitrogen dioxide.

+ The Bull shark’s inshore and freshwater habitat not only makes it an easier target of fisheries, but since these habitats are usually polluted and are targets to habitat modification, the Bull shark is in danger.

polluted how to use?
polluted how to use?

Example sentences of “polluted”:

+ That means, one’s genes are partly responsible for one’s physical health, but also other circumstances: where you live, how clean or polluted your water and the air around you is and also how good your social and medical system is.

+ It is also one of the most populous and polluted cities in the world.

+ It was the biggest polluted river in Israel.

+ However, the water is polluted and signs are all around the ponds.

+ Drek wants to break up lots of planets, and then use the pieces to make a new planet for his people, because his people’sold planet has become too polluted to live in.

+ It was very badly polluted through industry.

+ Hoshi No You Ni Some say another reason for Ultraman to recharge is because the Earth is badly polluted by humans, so Ultraman only has three minutes on Earth, but can survive long enough in outer space.

+ Bazalgette took the polluted water though sewage plants, after which the clean water was returned to the Thames.

+ Gold mining polluted the water and killed fish.

+ Delhi is supposed to be the most polluted city on Earth.

+ Kettlewell repeated the experiment in 1955 in an unpolluted woodland in Dorset, and again in polluted woods in Birmingham.

+ Wild axolotls are now near extinction due to population growth in Mexico City, and the polluted waters of the lake.

+ It was a centre of heavy industry, having a long coal mining tradition which died out by 1950, and was until the 1960s home to the infamous White’s chemical works, which was responsible for huge swathes of the area from southern Glasgow across to the town of Cambuslang being polluted with chromium waste.

+ Today water may be polluted by nitrates, phosphates, oil, acid rain, and debris such as sediment, fallen logs and so on.

+ That means, one's genes are partly responsible for one's physical health, but also other circumstances: where you live, how clean or polluted your water and the air around you is and also how good your social and medical system is.

+ It is also one of the most populous and polluted cities in the world.
+ It was the biggest polluted river in Israel.

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