“political” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “political”:

+ Two political partypolitical parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have been the main participants in American politics since the American Civil War.

+ Bronwyn Kathleen Bishop is an Australian politician and political commentator.

+ In 2000, she came to the United States illegally and in 2002 sought political asylum in the United States citing violence.

+ Abbas Amir-Entezam was an Iranian politician and political prisoner.

+ The Heads of States and Governments stated their firm belief that the absence of two conflicting blocs in no way reduces the need to strengthen the movement as a mechanism for the political coordination of developing countries.

+ DeVos was born Elisabeth Prince on January 8, 1958 She graduated from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration and political science.

+ The table below shows the total number of seats won by the major political parties at each election.

+ The movement was briefly a major political party in the form of the American Party.

political how to use in sentences
political how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “political”:

+ Katherine Joan Bedingfield is an American communications director and political campaign manager.

+ She has been married to Bernard d’Ormale, a right-wing political organizer, since 1992.

+ He plays a political role of overseeing the local councils and acts as a kind of political envoy.

+ Lumumba’s son, François is now a political figure in the Congo.

+ A few months after losing the Libertarian Nomination for President Petersen has done Facebook Live streams where he talks about current political issues and has stated he is interested in running for President in 2020.

+ In 1971, Abzug joined other leading feminists such as Gloria Steinem, Shirley Chisholm, and Betty Friedan to found the National Women’s Political Caucus.

+ From 1963 to 1988 Fetschler was Professor of Political Science and Social Philosophy at the Goethe University Frankfurt.

+ The Democratic Alliance, popularly known as the DA, is the main opposition political party in South Africa.

+ It came from the “Asamblea Socialista of Andalucía” but later on it dropped the word “socialist” and moved to the political centre.

+ His columns focused on political satire and commentary.

+ Katherine Joan Bedingfield is an American communications director and political campaign manager.

+ She has been married to Bernard d'Ormale, a right-wing political organizer, since 1992.

More in-sentence examples of “political”:

+ In his later political career, he was the country’s ambassador to Japan, Tunisia, Switzerland and the Vatican.

+ Simón Bolívar was a Venezuelan military and political leader.

+ In 1975, she beat Heath in the Conservative Party leadership election to become Leader of the Opposition and the first woman to lead a major British political party.

+ He was the former chairman of Finnish People’s Blue-whites, a political party aligned with the far right.

+ Until the 1879 election, political parties were not active in the province.

+ Thus, the main political goal of the governments under Horthy was to revise this treaty, and at least, to regain the Hungarian-inhabited lands.

+ We are ready to support a political solution that guarantees the rapid withdrawal of all Soviet troops and genuine self-determination for the Afghan people.” He ended with, “But now at length I have the happiness to know that it is a rising and not a setting Sun.” Well, you can bet it’s rising because, my fellow citizens, America isn’t finished.

+ For many years, he co-hosted the nationally syndicated political analysis radio program “Left, Right Center” on National Public Radio.

+ Democrats, also sometimes called ‘the left’, ‘liberals’ or ‘progressives’ make up one of the two main political parties in the United States.

+ In 1872, Republican reformers split the Political partyparty and nominated Horace Greeley to be president.

+ Usually these words signal a political dispute or some failure to define terms correctly.

+ He moved to the United States at the age of three, studied political science at Hope College and obtained an Master of Business AdministrationMBA at the University of Michigan.

+ He was the leader of the LPF, a right-wing political party.Margry, Peter Jan: “The Murder of Pim Fortuyn and Collective Emotions.

+ Wolfgang Leonhard was a German political author, historian, and expert.

+ As the House of Lords lost its powers, as political Reformreforms tried to improve democracy, the House of Commons became more powerful and the prime minister started always to be a member of the House of Commons.

+ Most types of environmental economics consider the shift to measuring them inevitable, arguing that reframing political economy to consider the flow of these basic commodities first and foremost, helps avoids use of any military fiat except to protect “natural capital” itself, and basing credit-worthiness more strictly on commitment to preserving biodiversity aligns the long-term interests of ecoregions, societies, and individuals.

+ He was also an important position in Eora political and cultural life.

+ Although Napoleon III granted an amnesty to all political exiles in 1859, Hugo declined, as it meant he would have to curtail his criticisms of the government.

+ Twenty-eight Japanese military and political leaders were charged.

+ He made many changes in several political areas.

+ The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf is a political party in Pakistan.

+ In 1826, Wei Yuan was ordered to write a political book called Huang Chao Jing Shi Wen Pian.

+ People help in political campaigns that they like.

+ Soft science is any of the social sciences, including history, sociology, and political science.

+ Then Vietnam was divided into two political states, North Vietnam.

+ It also contains pages on political or religious groups and movements, which may be seen as controversial by certain people or groups of people.

+ In his later political career, he was the country's ambassador to Japan, Tunisia, Switzerland and the Vatican.

+ Simón Bolívar was a Venezuelan military and political leader.
+ In 1975, she beat Heath in the Conservative Party leadership election to become Leader of the Opposition and the first woman to lead a major British political party.

+ The Party for Freedom, Dutch languageDutch: “Partij voor de Vrijheid is a right-wing political party in the Netherlands.

+ He studied Political science and History at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.

+ After that, throughout the night of April 6-7, Hutu militias and the Rwandan army got lists of people in the government who were political moderates.

+ Johnson also places Austen in an eighteenth-century political tradition.

+ Other “Newspeak” words were used for political reasons.

+ In Ancient China, there were three schools of political thought.

+ He served from 1999 to 2000 as the Sub-secretary of Government, and as financial sub-coordinator of the political campaign of Montiel Rojas.

+ After he became the president, Yaméogo banned other political parties.

+ Oliver Laurence North or Ollie North is a retired United States Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel, political commentator, television host, military historian, and New York Times best-selling author.

+ It is expected to be free from any sectional interests or political partyparty politics.

+ This meant suppressing unorthodox political and religious ideas, and the people who held those ideas.

+ During his terms, he unified the transit system, directed the building of low-cost public housing, public playgrounds, and parks, constructed airports, reorganized the police force, defeated the powerful political machine Tammany Hall, and improved employment rates in New York City, even during the depression.

+ Between 1936 and 1952, the British continued to have military presence and political advisers, at a reduced level.

+ The question of whether the Queen is Australia’s head of state became a political one during the 1999 Australian republic referendum, when opponents of the move to make Australia a republic claimed that Australia already had an Australian as head of state in the person of the Governor-General, who since 1965 has invariably been an Australian citizen.

+ He was the leader of a political party called Fianna Fáil.

+ She played a political campaign adviser.

+ Gingrich has been a Fox News Network political analyst until his presidential campaign in 1988.

+ In 1932 Pro-Congress Sheikh Abdullah formed Kashmir’s first political party, the All Jammu Kashmir Muslim Conference, with a demand for merger of Kashmir and Jammu with British India.

+ The Chilean Communist Party is a non-registered hard-line communist political party in Chile.

+ But there were no Indians in the commission, this angered many Indian political leaders who lead protests against the commission.

+ This behavior has resulted in high-profile problems for the band, such as being banned from performing in Canada for eighteen months and leaving Warped Tour in 2004 due to conflicting political views and attitudes towards other musicians.

+ Alfred Ernst Rosenberg was a German political philosopher from Baltic German origin.

+ He wrote about economic and political history of modern India.

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