“plo” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “plo”:

– From 1993 to 1998, the PLO made agreements with Israel that created the Palestinian National Authority.

– Rosa Fontana – born as Rosa Engracia Sevilla Plo on January 21, 1938 – is a Spanish actress, Alvaro Francisco.

– He was chief of the PLO Steering and Monitoring Committee until 12 February 2011.

– Dave Filoni’s office, as seen in the extra features on the “Star Wars: The Clone Wars Star Wars: The Clone Wars” DVD, is filled with Plo Koon paraphernalia.

– The PLO wants the right of return for Palestinian refugees.

– He is the Secretary General of the Executive Committee of the PLO since 2015.

– After the PLO leadership and its Fatah brigade were expelled from Jordan in 1971 for fomenting a revolt, they entered Lebanon and internal and cross-border violence increased.

– Jordan, Egypt and PLO soon began a low-level War of Attrition, which lasted from 1967 to 1970 with no significant benefits to any side.

plo use in-sentences
plo use in-sentences

Example sentences of “plo”:

- There were many cases of fighting between the PLO and the Israeli army.

- He has a bust of Plo Koon's head, a model of Plo Koon's ship, an autographed portrait by the actor who played Plo Koon, a replica of Plo Koon's lightsaber on his desk, and his personal Plo Koon costume on display.

– There were many cases of fighting between the PLO and the Israeli army.

– He has a bust of Plo Koon’s head, a model of Plo Koon’s ship, an autographed portrait by the actor who played Plo Koon, a replica of Plo Koon’s lightsaber on his desk, and his personal Plo Koon costume on display.

– In an attempt to destroy the PLO forces, Israel began bombing southern Lebanon and Beirut on 5 June 1982.

– Fernando Barrachina Plo was a Spanish professional footballer.

– Mahmoud Abbas has been leading the PLO as successor of Arafat since 29 October 2004.

– Meanwhile Israel had conducted preemptive shelling and air strikes to deter PLO terrorist attacks on settlements in Galilee in northern Israel. Infoplease.

– An avid Plo Koon fan, Filoni dressed up as the Jedi Master for the opening of “Revenge of the Sith”.

– In 1976, elements of the Golani Brigade were sent to Uganda to rescue 246 Jewish hostages on Air France flight 139, hijacked by PLO terrorists.

– The PLO used violence to try and get what they wanted, which was land from the Israelis that they lost in the Arab-Israeli War in 1948.

– Filoni also has a note book sized planner on his desk with Plo Koon’s picture taped to the outside.

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