“plate” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “plate”:

+ Bartje hates brown beans and pulls his empty plate away when his mother wants to give him some.

+ With the development of plate tectonics in the 1960s geologists concluded the Atlantic Ocean must have had a precursor before the time of Pangaea.

+ The Australasian continental plate was once attached to Antarctica as part of the Gondwana supercontinent.

+ First base is on the right side of the field, second base is at the top of the infield, third base is on the left side of the field, and home plate is at the back of the field, where the catcher plays.

+ The iconic suit of armour that entirely covers the wearer is plate armour.

+ One letter with low numbers are normally reserved for motorcycle use since the plate space of these vehicles is smaller.

+ River Plate is also a famous Buenos Aires soccer team.

plate in-sentences
plate in-sentences

Example sentences of “plate”:

+ The image may be printed directly from the stone or plate or may be offset by transfer to a flexible sheet, usually rubber, for transfer to the printed article.

+ New Zealand sits on the Plate boundaryboundary between the Australian and Pacific plates.

+ They take place mainly along the plate boundaries.

+ Originally created by plate tectonics about 35million years ago and subsequently altered by volcanism and erosion, the river’s drainage basin was significantly modified by the Missoula Floods at the end of the most recent ice age.

+ The Andes are the result of plate tectonics processes, caused by the subduction of oceanic crust beneath the South American continental plate.

+ While two rows of rivets were required for a splice plate in the bulkhead to be installed, the repairman only used one row.

+ The Nazca plate is an oceanic tectonic plate in the eastern Pacific Ocean.

+ The lines from home plate to first base and home plate to third base are the “foul lines”, and the ground outside of these lines is called “foul territory”.

+ Where one plate tectonicsplate slides under another, this is called subduction.

+ Spaghetti Bolognese is popular outside of Italy where the sauce is put on a plate of spaghetti with a little bit of grated cheese put on.

+ The image may be printed directly from the stone or plate or may be offset by transfer to a flexible sheet, usually rubber, for transfer to the printed article.

+ New Zealand sits on the Plate boundaryboundary between the Australian and Pacific plates.
+ They take place mainly along the plate boundaries.

+ It is where the India Plate and the Sunda Plate meet.

+ This marks the subduction of the African tectonic plate underneath the Aegean part of the Eurasian tectonic plate, at a rate of up to 5cm per year in a northeasterly direction.

+ Historical perspective, in “This dynamic Earth: the story of plate tectonics”.

+ Before the Deccan Traps region was reduced to its current size by erosion and plate tectonics, it is estimated that the original area covered by the lava flows was as large as 1.5million km², about half the size of modern India.

+ The subduction of the Nazca plate under southern Chile produced the largest earthquake ever recorded on Earth, the moment magnitude scalemoment magnitude 9.5 1960 Valdivia earthquake.

+ Wallace’s line marks where part of the old Gondwana plate tectonicsplate touches part of the old Laurasia plate.

+ The theory has now been included in the wider theory of plate tectonics.

More in-sentence examples of “plate”:

+ Fishsticks first came about as a result of the invention of the plate froster in 1929, the first quick freezer.

+ The Cocos Plate is near the Galapagos hotspot hotspot, which caused the Galapagos Islands.
+ A commemorative plaque, or simply plaque, is a plate made of metal, ceramic, stone, wood, or other material.

+ Fishsticks first came about as a result of the invention of the plate froster in 1929, the first quick freezer.

+ The Cocos Plate is near the Galapagos hotspot hotspot, which caused the Galapagos Islands.

+ A commemorative plaque, or simply plaque, is a plate made of metal, ceramic, stone, wood, or other material.

+ According to Polish law, the registration plate is registered to the vehicle, not the owner.

+ Zealandia may have broken off the Australian plate between 85 and 130 million years ago.

+ Continental plate is the thick part of the earth’s crust which forms the large land masses.

+ The few exceptions have tectonic origins where plate movements have lifted the deep ocean floor on the surface.

+ Another, less common cause is when a plate moves over a hot spot in the Earth’s mantle.

+ However full plate armour was mainly made in Europe in the late middle ages.

+ The ability to plate a metal depends on the reduction potential.

+ Most Earth scientists accept that the cause of these great features is plate tectonics.

+ This high level of heat flow may have made plate tectonics more vigorous than today.

+ Eventually it returns to the air as oceanic plates subduct in plate tectonics.

+ They formed at various times since plate tectonics began on Earth.Generally Pangea and Gondwana are considered as parts of the same supercontinent Gondwana-Pangea..

+ The cause of these earthquakes is believed to be the rising of molten magma because there are no faults or tectonic plate boundaries.

+ In addition to building the dummies he uses in his act, Dunham also restores antique ones as a hobby, such as The Umpire, a mechanized dummy built in 1941 to work the plate at a girl’s softball game, but which went unused and packed away for 50 years, before Dunham acquired it in early 2008.

+ The strike zone is the area over home plate through which a pitch must pass to be called a strike, roughly between the batter’s armpits and knees.

+ According to the theory of plate tectonics lithospheric plates move towards each other along convergent plate boundaries.

+ A plate block is a block of postage stamps that includes the part of the sheet margin with the serial number of the printing plate used to print the stamps.

+ It also has its own small plate to sit on, called a “saucer”.

+ If the pitcher throws the ball in the strike zone, which is the area over home plate and between the hitter’s knee and chest, the pitch is a “strike”, unless the batter hits the ball.

+ The main cause is when Plate tectonicstectonic plates ride one over the other, causing orogeny, and severe earthquakes.

+ In order to get a run, a player must bat, then become a base runner, touch all the bases in order, and then touch home plate without being called out.

+ In the time before plate tectonics became well understood, the term was used for mountain belts, such as the Himalayas.

+ In addition to making mail, after the 14th century they began making plate armor.

+ The African Plate is a major tectonic plate.

+ Large-scale folding will develop parallel ranges of round-top mountains along destructive plate boundaries.

+ Steamboat, the bucking horse on the license plate for the state of Wyoming and the logo for the athletics team of the University of Wyoming, was stabled in a barn in Wheatland.

+ Instead they just placed a doubler plate over the damaged section, which was not 30% larger than the section that was supposed to be cut out.

+ Striking evidence of this is the “St Christopher” of 1506, or the plate of “Elector Frederick praying before the Madonna”.

+ It is often associated with Knightmedieval knights, since modified plate armour was used in jousting.

+ Beneath this plate is the voice coil, which is attached to the actuator hub.

+ In each case, cables are attached to a hitch plate on top of the cab or may be “underslung” below a cab, and then looped over the drive sheave to a counterweight attached to the opposite end of the cables which reduces the amount of power needed to move the cab.

+ The teat is mounted on a plastic plate which can vary in shape from Circlecircular, oval or butterfly shape.

+ Starting around 16 million years ago in the Miocene, and continuing into the present, a large part of the North American Plate has been stretched by being pulled apart.

+ To find the streak, you take the mineral and run it across a plate of Glazeunglazed porcelain.

+ The Arabian Plate is a minor tectonic plate in the northern and eastern hemispheres.

+ The motivating force for seafloor spreading ridges is tectonic plate pull rather than magma pressure, although there is typically significant magma activity at spreading ridges.Tan, Yen Joe, et al.

+ They often had a vamplate, a small circular plate to prevent the hand sliding up the shaft upon impact.

+ The batter, and any base-runners, are allowed to advance to the home plate and score a run.

+ Pravili so mu “kotač” – kolo – in ga je izdelovala nemška tvrtka “Gräviso” ‘ The knife was fixed on the glove plate in order to prevent injuries and to prevent taking care of a separate knife in order to improve the work speed.

+ This is because the musket was created: the musket could pierce plate armour over long distances.

+ Most mortars used today are made up of a Gun barrelbarrel, a plate for the barrel to stand on, and a bipod.

+ Sashimi is artistically arranged and put on the plate on top of shredded daikon and shiso leaves.

+ The earliest example of plate armour is the Roman army’s Lorica segmentata.

+ Heat from the mantle is the source of energy driving plate tectonics.

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