“planetary” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “planetary”:

– In simulations of planetary dynamos, reversals occur from the underlying dynamics.

– Astronomical objects may also be visible and can include natural satellites, planetary ringrings, star systems and nebulas and other planetary system bodies.

– The Staturn Nebula is a planetary nebula in the constellation of Aquarius.

– Star systems are not to be confused with planetary systems, which include planets and similar bodies.

– No page on planetary wind belst exist on en.wiki, and this term doesn’t seem to be used in any of the articles here or on en.wiki.

– Nonetheless, the orbit lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter; it does not cross the planetary orbits.

– It is sometimes referred to as planetary geology.

– Stars of lesser mass will form planetary nebulae.

planetary - sentence examples
planetary – sentence examples

Example sentences of “planetary”:

– Resources, such as solar powersolar energy and water, are available from or on the Moon, Mars, near-Earth asteroids or other planetary bodies.

– In 1960, Kuiper began work at the University of Arizona, and he started their lunar and planetary laboratory.

– Saturn is best known for its planetary ringsrings which were first seen by Galileo Galilei in 1610 with his telescope.

– They have special equipment on arms for testing the soil, taking pictures and doing other planetary science.

– Long-lived, long-period radial velocity variations in Aldebaran: a planetary companion and stellar activity.

– This organization has many working groups like the Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature for naming stars.

– Pease 1 is a planetary nebula.

– The Dumbbell nebula is a planetary nebula in the constellation Vulpecula.

– It was calculated by planetary scientist Amanda Zangari that a flyby mission to Gonggong would take a minimum of over 20 years with the rocket we have today.

– A planetary nebula is a emission nebulanebula that is made up of plasma.

– It is at the center of a planetary nebula.

– The invariable plane of a planetary system is the plane passing through its barycenter.

- Resources, such as solar powersolar energy and water, are available from or on the Moon, Mars, near-Earth asteroids or other planetary bodies.

- In 1960, Kuiper began work at the University of Arizona, and he started their lunar and planetary laboratory.

More in-sentence examples of “planetary”:

– It is a special case in planetary science, the Earth being the only known life-bearing planet.

– This bipolar structure shows many interesting features seen in planetary nebulae such as ionization walls, knots and sharp edges to the lobes.

– Epsilon Eridani’s planetary debris disk: structure and dynamics based on Spitzer and CSO observations.

– The two most important stellar properties are mass and metallicity because it determines how these planetary systems form.

– When deep planetary interiors are considered, it may not be far off to say that, by “ice” astronomers mean oxygen and carbon, by “rock” they mean silicon, and by “gas” they mean hydrogen and helium.

– After about 200 years from its discovery, the International Astronomical Union decided to upgrade Ceres from an asteroid to dwarf planetary status in 2006.

– The gas it pushes away makes a cloud called a planetary nebula.

– The Owl nebula is a planetary nebula in the constellation of Ursa Major.

– The planetary atmosphere was found to be arid with only traces of oxygen and water.

– In planetary physics, it is the impact of a meteoroid on the surface of a planet and the effects of solar winds and cosmic rays on the atmosphere and surface of planets.

– A problem in studying planetary nebulae is that astronomers can not always work out how far away they are.

– Scientists are not sure why planetary nebulae can look so different from one another.

– It has been adjusted by scientific disciplines such as astronomy, physics, geology, and planetary science.

– The template generates external links into the United States Geological Survey’s Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature.

– This is what causes a planetary nebula to look like it does.

– M15 also contains “Pease 1”, the first planetary nebula discovered in a globular cluster.

– The stars in planetary nebulae are very hot.

– This planetary migration is thought to have been responsible for much of the Solar System’s early evolution.

– Unlike Earth’s Moon, Mercury has a large iron planetary corecore, which gives off a magnetic field about 1% as strong as that of the Earth.

– Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute.

– It forms a giant cloud of gas called a planetary nebula.

– Only one woman has won it: Michele Dougherty in 2008, who was awarded the medal “for innovative use of magnetic field data that led to discovery of an atmosphere around one of Saturn’s moons and the way it revolutionised our view of the role of planetary moons in the Solar System”.

– A planetary companion to the Hyades giant Epsilon Tauri.

– Characterization and dynamics of the GJ 876 planetary system.

– Perek was best known for his “Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae” co-written in 1967 with Luboš Kohoutek.

– The Owl nebula, the brightest planetary nebula, can be found along the bottom of the bowl of the Big Dipper.

– A paper recently accepted shows evidence for a planetary companion.

– Neptune’s planetary rings have a weird “clumpy” arrangement.

– The same considerations apply to other planetary systems in the galaxy.

– Each of the billions of stars in the Milky Way galaxy might have a planetary system.

– They are changing a lot due to Solar and planetary perturbations.

– One theory is that these bands suggest plate tectonicsplate tectonic activity on Mars four billion years ago, before the planetary dynamo stopped working and the planet’s magnetic field faded.

– It is the planetary nebula that was created most recently.

– All four of these planets have planetary rings which are made up of dust and other particles.

– Of particular interest to astrobiology is the habitable zone of planetary systems.

– Pandora is a fictional Earth-like moon in a distant planetary system.

– Like solar wind, the planetary wind is made up of light gases that have come out of planets’ atmospheres.

– The 21st century has become a golden era of planetary system discovery.

– Inside Saturn is probably a planetary corecore of iron, nickel, silicon and oxygen compounds, surrounded by a deep layer of metallic hydrogen, then a layer of liquid hydrogen and liquid helium and finally, an outer gaseous layer.

– In planetary science, planetary differentiation is the process of separating out different parts of a planetary body where the planetary body develops into distinct layers.

– Annual Revew of Earth and Planetary Science.

– In astrophysics and planetary science the term “ice” refers to volatile chemical compounds with freezing points above about, respectively.

– Its discovery was reported and announced by Gábor Marton, Csaba Kiss, and Thomas Müller at the 48th Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences on 17 October 2016.

– The reason that the Adams ring is famous is that it has a feature that has not been seen on any other planetary rings.

– Houston, Texas, USA: Lunar and Planetary Institute.

– Jupiter also has a thin planetary ring system.

– Astronomers saw that all planetary nebula are expanding.

– The material left over may form planets and other planetary system objects.

- It is a special case in planetary science, the Earth being the only known life-bearing planet.

- This bipolar structure shows many interesting features seen in planetary nebulae such as ionization walls, knots and sharp edges to the lobes.
- Epsilon Eridani's planetary debris disk: structure and dynamics based on Spitzer and CSO observations.

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