“plain” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “plain”:

+ Chrissie Maher, who created Plain English Campaign, was awarded the Order of the British Empire in 1994 for her services to plain communication.

+ The San Pedro de Macorís province is in the “Llano Costero del Caribe a large plain in southeastern Dominican Republic where there are many savannas with grasses.

+ Landau appeared in TV series “In Plain Sight”.

+ The word “Nôm” does not have any negative connotation in Vietnamese, but rather suggests plain talk, something easy to understand.

+ The giant flightless bird “Titanis walleri” from the Pleistocene coastal plain of South Texas.

+ Text in the second parameter will be shown as plain text.

+ Two of the most known ways are: the plain “.txt” format and the simplest of the “HTML” formats.

+ She is well known for her roles as Beth Mason on the NBC television show “American Dreams” and as Abigail Chaffee on “In Plain Sight”.

plain use in-sentences
plain use in-sentences

Example sentences of “plain”:

+ He was assigned with George Clark, John Shaw, Francis Billington and others to build a wolf trap in the town of Plain Dealing.”

+ Most of her mother’s family members tended to look down at her, perhaps because of her plain looks and six-foot tall frame.
+ All formats allow a plain year, such as, to stand for that year.

+ He was assigned with George Clark, John Shaw, Francis Billington and others to build a wolf trap in the town of Plain Dealing.”

+ Most of her mother’s family members tended to look down at her, perhaps because of her plain looks and six-foot tall frame.

+ All formats allow a plain year, such as, to stand for that year.

+ Perpignan is in the valley of the Têt river, in the Roussillon plain which is bordered to the south by the Pyrenees, to the west by the region of Corbières and to the east by the Mediterranean Sea.

+ It thus includes the mountainous complex of Beni Iznasen the Triffa plain and the north of Angad plain.

+ At the end of 2001, Plain White T’s left Atlantic Recordings and signed to Fearless Records.

+ They are usually large plain buildings in industrial areas of cities and towns.

+ This river provides a fertile plain which is the base for most of the state’s agricultural industries, and the production of the potatoes for which Idaho is known.

+ Instead they are plain brown with a white patch on the shoulder and an iridescenceiridescent purple throat if seen in the best light.

+ This salt plain is the heart of the Pintupi homeland, and is where this particular family mostly lived.

+ Shortly after Herakles was born, Alkmene, fearing Hera might take vengeance on her, took her infant child to a desolate plain outside of Thebes and abandoned him.

More in-sentence examples of “plain”:

+ This template also exists to allow templates to accept either plain text or wikitext for parameters, automatically linkifying the value if it is plain text, and an article exists there.

+ An important book for the plain below Trevi is “Cannaiola, Memorie storiche raccolte negli anni 1873‑74” by Father Pietro Bonilli.

+ The Amish are known for simple lifestyle, plain dress, and reluctance to adopt many conveniences of modern technology.

+ It turns to the south-west, near Dalhousie, and then cuts a gorge in the Dhaola Dhar range entering the Punjab plain near Madhopur.

+ It is north of the Nullarbor Plain and south of the Musgrave Ranges.

+ The plain had some large hills.

+ Additionally, teeth found in the Arundel Clay Facies, of the Potomac Formation on the Atlantic Coastal Plain of Maryland may be assigned to the genus.

+ It makes it extremely difficult to decode into the original plain text in the absence of the encryption cipher or key.

+ It is located between Mount Paiko and the plain of Giannitsa, north of the area of the drain lake of Giannitsa at a high of 40 meters.

+ Hamilton’s plain looks helped to bring steady work as a character actress.

+ Salisbury Plain is in the central southern England covering.

+ She also wears a plain vest with skirt.

+ The plain of the town has been usable for agriculture since Roman times.

+ A plain text document cannot have formatted textstyled text, like bold or italic.

+ In geography, a plain is a large area of land with no hills or mountains.

+ We’re also not going to remove the existing ability to edit plain wikitext without JavaScript.

+ The plain white cover led fans and listeners to call the record the “White Album”.

+ A salt plain is a flat area of ground covered with salt and other minerals.

+ The Snake River Plain was formed by magma rising up below the North American Plate.

+ The writer types their article into a plain text document.

+ Larissa is found in the north of the Thessaly plain near at the foot of the mountain Olympus.

+ A tundra is a cold, almost treeless plain covered with moss and grasslike plants called “sedges”.

+ On the 50th anniversary of the Universal Robina Corporation on August 2006, the company released limited edition gold bottles of 500ml of the C2 Green Tea Plain variant.

+ There is a vast plain covering an area of 580 sq miles, bearing the same name Deosai.

+ This template also exists to allow templates to accept either plain text or wikitext for parameters, automatically linkifying the value if it is plain text, and an article exists there.

+ An important book for the plain below Trevi is "Cannaiola, Memorie storiche raccolte negli anni 1873‑74" by Father Pietro Bonilli.

+ Settlement during the Late Bronze Age was concentrated in the coastal plain and along major communication routes, with the central hill-country only sparsely inhabited; each city had its own ruler, constantly at odds with his neighbours and appealing to the Egyptians to adjudicate his differences.

+ These were marble or bronze sculptures with a head or torso above a plain rectangular pillar, a symbol of fertility.

+ The value of name is assumed to be plain text.

+ From here, the river flows through a wide plain and flows through the towns of Città di Castello and Umbertide.

+ The Plain is famous for its rich archaeology, including Avebury and Stonehenge, which are a joint World Heritage Site.

+ The town is on the plain at the bank of the Kama river.

+ He is very good at expressing the plain life of ordinary people on the screen.

+ MS-DOS is a text-based operating system, meaning that a user works with a keyboard to input data and receives output in plain text.

+ Most tags carry a plain text inscription and a barcode as complements for direct reading and for cases of any failure of radio frequency electronics.

+ Behind the figures, to the left of Saint John was a plain altar.

+ The Santo Domingo province is in the “Llano Costero del Caribe a large plain in southeastern Dominican Republic.

+ Promos are often released in plain packaging.

+ Although they were beginning to get noticed in the minor US rock industry, internationally Plain White Ts were not doing so well, by this point, they had not even sold 100,000 copies of any album anywhere outside of the US.

+ A sling psychrometer works when the scientist spins two thermometers through the air, one plain and one with a wet cloth around it.

+ Between these and the Alps, there is another plain created by glaciers during the ice ages.

+ A dark brown bottle is better than a plain one, because the brown one can protect the oil from the sunlight better.

+ On July 6, Clark wrote “The Indian woman informed me that she had been in this plain frequently and knew it well….

+ Sebum can be washed using plain detergent, to dissolve the waxy material in the skin.

+ In the centre is a fertile plain around the Indus River.

+ These spiders also prefer sugar solutions to plain water, which shows that they are looking for nutrients.

+ If two letters are too close together or too far apart that would make it difficult to read the plain text message.

+ The third region, in the northern part of the department, is the plain of the Adour river and consists of largely flat agricultural land.

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