“pit” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “pit”:

– A temporary track leads from the pit area and under the Benjamin Sheares Bridge to Republic Boulevard and turns onto Raffles Boulevard.

– As John finds the two Sarah’s, the Terminator, who had turned itself back on using a different power source, shoots the T-1000 with a grenade launcher, throwing it back into a pit of molten metal, melting it.

– Dog breeds are also sometimes grouped into similar :category:dog typestypes, such as spitz types, pit bulls, or Lurchers.

– At Pit Stops, teams check in for a mandatory 12 hour rest period, although sometimes the period can be 24 hours, 36 hours, or even once 60.

– The Sidewinder rattlesnake venomous pit viper.

– The Himalayan Pit Viper is a habitually sluggish snake that basks in sunlight and hibernates in winter.

pit - some sentence examples
pit – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “pit”:

– There they are thrown into a snake pit where the indolent will have to move around to get the snakes off them eternally.

– Humperdinck secretly orders Rugen to lock Westley in his torture chamber, the Pit of Despair.

– Its appearance is similar to the American Staffordshire Terrier and American pit Bull Terrier, but it is smaller than both of them.

– After a few years, A makeshift auxiliary pit road was constructed inside the hairpin, nicknamed Gilligan’s Island, Cars that had nine slowest qualifying speeds were relegated to the pit stalls, Pitting in this area was considered as an inconvenience and a competitive disadvantage, more so than the even the disadvantages one would experience pitting on the back straightaway at a short period of time.

– About 50 species of rattlesnakes are known: they are a kind of pit viper.

– The bite of a Sri Lakan Green Pit viper is very painful, when someone is bitten by a Sri Lankan Green Pit viper the bitten area swells up, and the pain may last for a few days.

– The pit lane is next to the main straight with the start/finish line.

– It stayed like that on lap 21 when Senna passed Alesi for fifth but he was forced to pit on the next lap with a slow puncture.

– And for the RSC he shared Reza’s two-hander “The Unexpected Man” with Eileen Atkins, first at The Pit in the Barbican and then at the Duchess Theatre, a production also intended for New York but finally delayed by other commitments.

– His full name was Stephen Pit Corder.

– The arena was also home to the Florida Pit Bulls of the American Basketball Association ABA from 2005 to 2006 and the AFL from 1999 to 2001.

– The Sri Lankan Green Pit viper is nocturnal and arboreal, but can sometimes be found on the ground looking for food like frogs, lizards, and small mammals, it also eats birds which it finds in the trees.

– The Venom venom of the Sri Lankan Green Pit viper is hemotoxic.

– The needle would read these by detecting how much air was between the needle and the pit and then the electronics of the player would convert these into audio.

- There they are thrown into a snake pit where the indolent will have to move around to get the snakes off them eternally.

- Humperdinck secretly orders Rugen to lock Westley in his torture chamber, the Pit of Despair.
- Its appearance is similar to the American Staffordshire Terrier and American pit Bull Terrier, but it is smaller than both of them.

More in-sentence examples of “pit”:

– There was a red light at the end of the pit lane.

– At first, Alonso had set the fastest time, but he received a five-place grid penalty for blocking Hamilton in the pit lane; an action that prevented Hamilton from running his final qualifying lap.

– Part of its pit lane exit runs underneath the track.

– The Messel Pit provides the best preserved evidence of early Eocene flora and fauna so far discovered.

– Gavin Emmett joined as pit reporter in 2005 and the BBC had ten live races Most races were shown on Qatar was shown on BBC One because it was a Saturday race.

– The course turns back towards the pit straight after turn 6 and is 2.71km long.

– NASCAR pit lane must handle at least 43 cars.

– That meant that if they did not come in first at the next Pit Stop, they would have to wait out a 30-minute penalty.

– His best known roles were in “Il Sorpasso”, “Barabbas Barabbas” and “Bloody Pit of Horror”.

– It’s now known for Ian is Bored, where the two do random things and sometimes also do mail times and foreign food tests, Lunchtime with Smosh, where Padilla and Hecox go out to various restaurants to eat different foods and answer twitter questions and Smosh Pit Weekly, a show that features different pieces and internet memes, hosted by the alternative worker, Mari Takahashi.

– From 1989 to 2001, the pit road could modify up to 34 pit stalls, In the early years, some teams were required to share pit stalls, while the other teams were forced to pit inside the garage area.

– The Rosenbergs invested in these mines large amounts of money, called the new professionals who are in Ratibořice Mountains focused primarily on large construction pit the Three Kings.

– The pit entry was then modified before Saturday’s official Qualifying round.

– The American Pit Bull Terrier is a dog breed.

– BAAL became the UK member of AILA, and Pit Corder was its first Chair.

– A Fast Forward is a task in order for a team to skip tasks and head directly to the Pit Stop.

– The orchestra pit in the Bayreuth Festspielhaus is unusual.

– The Sri Lankan Green Pit viper is viviparous, meaning they give live birth.

– Changes to the track in 2002 that included separation of the drag strip from the frontstretch, removal of the main drag strip grandstand, and new control tower for road racing led to the pit road being expanded by extending pit road into the main straight and moving the pit exit up past turn 1, thereby expanding it to 43 cars, and Gilligan’s Island was abandoned.

– Since the length of the auxilary pit road, was significantly shorter than the other pit road, the cars that pitted were held from 15–20 seconds in order to make up for the time that would have been if the cars had traveled the entire pit road.

– The layout is unusual, with a very long back straight separated from the pit straight by just one very tight hairpin corner.

– They are similar to pit babes, which take this function in motor racing.

– In the northern part of the urban area, extending to Yumbo is open pit mining for construction materials.

– The Messel pit was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995.

– Many young pit vipers have brightly coloured tails which is different to the rest of their body.

– Bud Blom, Joe Bujdoso, Bryan Campbell, Bob Dean, John Gofton, Bob Hamilton, Ron Harris, Larry Harrop, Earl Heiskala, Paul Henderson, Roger LaFreniere, Lowell MacDonald, Pit Martin, Jimmy Peters, Jr.Jim Peters, Bob Wall, Jack Wildfong, Larry Ziliotto.

– Each team has one pit box to service both of their cars.

– However, Luke, using R2-D2’s help, devises a plan and is able to escape the Pit and save his friends, killing Boba Fett and Jabba The Hutt in the process.

– The Black-tailed rattlesnake venomous Pit vipers, found in southwestern United States of America and Mexico.

– A wood-lined pit contained a group of six flutes made from yew wood, between 30 and 50cm long, tapered at one end, but without any finger holes.

– Usually, the first team to arrive at a Pit Stop will receive a prize, such as a trip to a Caribbean country.

– They did not like the fast nature of the corners where the pit lane is.

– Larini briefly took the lead as Schumacher pitted but the order was restored when Larini took his own pit stop.

– The finale concludes when Mata Nui uses his strength, and the power of the Mask of Life, to bring Spherus Magna together once more, to heal those who were mutated by Pit Mutagen, to bring life back to the planet, and to reconstruct destroyed geographical features.

– Another movie appearance was in Roger Corman’s “The Pit and the Pendulum”.

– The area around the Messel Pit was geologically and tectonically active during the Eocene.

– It then leads back to the pit straight via a tight right hand turn.

– In the first “Jak and Daxter” game, “Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy”, the character Daxter falls into a pit full of Dark Eco and turns into an “Ottsel”, a fictional, or not real, cross between an otter and a weasel.

– They are an important prey for many snakes include the Malabar Pit Viper and the Vine Snake.

– The pitlane, pit garages and the final corners have been updated.

– As Peachette, she can float like Princess Peach in Super Mario, double jump like Daisy, and recover if she falls in pit or lava.

– These were all named after victims of the 1951 Easington Colliery pit disaster.

– Windmill Hill Pit in the nineteenth century.

– Any time the car needs to be serviced, the driver must make a pit stop.

– In 1935/1936 work at Barnfield Pit uncovered two fossilised skull fragments.

– Dalton is also a part owner of the franchise food outlet chain, Pita Pit New Zealand Limited.

- There was a red light at the end of the pit lane.

- At first, Alonso had set the fastest time, but he received a five-place grid penalty for blocking Hamilton in the pit lane; an action that prevented Hamilton from running his final qualifying lap.

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