“pig iron” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “pig iron”:

– The part that is not used for pig iron is carried on as “molten iron”.

– The pig iron contains some 4% of carbon and it would be too hard and too brittle to use.

– Oregrounds iron is made by making pig iron in a blast furnace, then refining the pig iron in a finery forge.

– A modern method for decarburizing the pig iron and refining it into steel is basic oxygen furnace.

– A hole is made at the bottom and the liquid pig iron comes out.

– When it has filled with liquid pig iron and slag, the slag is removed.

– After ten minutes all the pig iron had become steel.

– The Bessemer converter was the first successful reactor on converting pig iron into steel, and the era of steel began.

pig iron how to use in sentences
pig iron how to use in sentences

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