“pictures” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “pictures”:

+ Two companies, Corday Productions and Sony Pictures Television make “Days of Our Lives”.

+ However, pictures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope showed that the Great Dark Spot had disappeared.

+ That treatment makes the pictures visible, and the exposed film is no longer sensitive to light.

+ Louis, he sold souvenirs and pictures of himself.

+ Some Chinese characters were originally fairly concrete pictures of the things they represent.

+ Walt Disney Pictures also hired her to sing the title song and be the voice of the heroine Fa Mulan in the Mandarin languageMandarin version of “Mulan”.

+ She got rid of a lot of the pictures on her website to save money and bandwidth space.

pictures some ways to use
pictures some ways to use

Example sentences of “pictures”:

+ Some people are shocked by such pictures and think it is wrong of him to make them, while others think that as an artist he is free to create such works.

+ The movie was released in the United States by Walt Disney Pictures on March 9, 2018, in Real D 3D and in IMAX 3D.

+ It is about a Pokémon photographer who has to take pictures of all the Pokémon on an island.

+ On the day on which the pictures were taken…

+ Paramount Pictures had Lake under contract.

+ Ada Yonath is an Israeli chemist who made pictures of ribosomes using X-ray Crystallography.

+ He made portraits of Che Guevara and Pablo Picasso as well as iconic pictures of São Paulo and Brasília.

+ Paramount Pictures didn’t release it for a long time because of concern for negative press.

+ I was trying to upload some pictures in Mario’s section.

+ It also helps to put many pictures into the user guide.

+ Some people are shocked by such pictures and think it is wrong of him to make them, while others think that as an artist he is free to create such works.

+ The movie was released in the United States by Walt Disney Pictures on March 9, 2018, in Real D 3D and in IMAX 3D.

+ Freedom of speech includes not only the text and pictures but also the means of expression.

+ Boxer shorts with colourful patterns, pictures of cartoon characters, sports team logos and slogans are common.

+ Some pictures show him with lighted rope matches woven into his enormous black beard during battle.

+ In 2003, Paramount Pictures optioned the song for adaptation into a feature film.

+ Card sets are usually made along with stories, and the pictures on cards generally show actions, events or characters in the stories.

+ The Minoan civilizationMinoans had pictures of saffron in their palaces as long ago as 1500–1600BC, showing how it could be used as a medicine.

+ Jumba and Pleakley become members of Nani, Lilo, and Stitch’s family, and the movie ends with various footage and pictures of Stitch and his new family’s life together.

+ It can make pictures of atoms on a surface and move the atoms to different places.

More in-sentence examples of “pictures”:

+ Because no further pictures could be taken to confirm its existence, in 2001 it was thought to be non-existent.

+ These would be used in a book that includes drawings of animals with pictures of the band members hidden somewhere in the coloring page.

+ Walt Disney Pictures started as a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Studios in 1985.

+ It was also seen in pictures from November 8, 1951.

+ Others are made for binary computer data like pictures and music.

+ Chambers asked surgeon Robert Kenneth Wilson to offer the pictures to the “Daily Mail”.

+ It was distributed by Paramount Pictures and was remade as “Unmarried” in 1939.

+ It was distributed by Columbia Pictures and was nominated for an Academy Award in 1983.

+ In February and March 2007, the New Horizons spacecraft to Pluto made a series of pictures of Himalia, culminating in photos from a distance of eight million km.

+ She created X-ray crystallographyX-ray pictures that showed that DNA is shaped like a double helix.

+ It was distributed by Paramount Pictures and was nominated for 8 Academy Awards and won 2 Oscars in 1986.

+ It was distributed by Paramount Pictures and was nominated for two Oscars at the Academy Awards in 1978.

+ But also there is beauty and a sense of calmness in pictures such as Crossing the Brook, a stunning scenic view of the Tamar Valley and River from New Bridge near Gunnislake in Cornwall, painted in 1815, a view which can still be admired today.

+ Some people complained that the pictures he painted when he was older were not realistic, and some even joked that they could have been painted with a mop.

+ The Illustrated A Brief History of Time has pictures to help explain its ideas.

+ In 2002, Sony Pictures made the movie “Spider-Man Spider-Man” based on the character of Peter Parker and starring Tobey Maguire with Willem Dafoe as the Green Goblin.

+ The outer cameras let the user both take pictures in 3D and shoot videos up to 10 minutes long in 3D.

+ Change being made: I changed the pictures of the links so you could see the characters better.

+ This meant that people had to have permission from the government to use pictures of Smokey.

+ It stars Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, James Coburn, George Kennedy, Walter Matthau and was distributed by Universal Pictures and was nominated for an Academy Award in 1964.

+ The pictures are encoded with all of the nation’s spy secrets.

+ Carradine starred in major motion pictures and several important awards were awarded to him.

+ In the 1950s, as they came to doubt that the children had died, they put up a billboard at the site along State Route 16 with pictures of the five.

+ That’s why we should be careful of witch pictures we put.

+ Because no further pictures could be taken to confirm its existence, in 2001 it was thought to be non-existent.

+ These would be used in a book that includes drawings of animals with pictures of the band members hidden somewhere in the coloring page.
+ Walt Disney Pictures started as a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Studios in 1985.

+ Photographer Annie Leibovitz took pictures of Knut that were used for an environmental campaign.

+ Later, the “Galileo” orbiter completed taking pictures of Amalthea’s surface and a close flyby enabled it to constrain the moon’s internal structure and composition.

+ There are pictures at the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas where 8-year-old Paxton can be seen lifted above the crowd.

+ Paintings are pictures that are done in paint.

+ The Aboriginal people did not develop writing but they painted pictures on Rock artrocks and bark.

+ Many of his children’s books have pictures drawn by Quentin Blake.

+ Moreover, with such programs one can make attractive documents, add pictures into documents, make webpages, graphs etc.

+ It was distributed by Universal Pictures and was nominated for an Oscar in 1979.

+ From the 1790s onwards he began to paint pictures showing sad, violent subjects.

+ A photocopier is a machine that copies words or pictures from one paper to another.

+ It was distributed by Touchstone Pictures and was a box office failure.

+ The last three pictures are about Noah’s Ark.

+ The term “soft porn” is sometimes used for pictures that show people who may or may not be naked, but who are posed in a sexy manner.

+ On February 5, 2019, MGM and Annapurna Pictures expanded their U.S.

+ Because of this, you could turn the shuffle songs feature on and off by shaking it, go through the cover flow when you put the iPod on its side and look at pictures portrait or landscape.

+ Hollywood Pictures is one of Walt Disney Studios movie companies.

+ Pictures; New Line Cinema, HBO Films, Castle Rock Entertainment; Warner Independent Pictures, Franchise Pictures and Viacom.

+ One of these pictures was used as the cover of their “Dawn of the Black Hearts” album.

+ Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures has released the most movies that have earned more than $1-billion, among major Hollywood studios, with eight of the twenty highest-grossing movies of all time being distributed by Disney.

+ It was distributed by Universal Pictures and was nominated for 3 Academy Awards in 1967.

+ There are often pictures of red deer found from this area of Spain.

+ It was distributed by RKO Radio Pictures and was nominated for 2 Academy Awards in 1947.

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