“photographic” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “photographic”:

– Before CCDs were used in cameras, all cameras used chemicals to capture photographic images.

– A normal photographic film can hold up to 40 pictures.

– It can also be used in photographic film.

– The mug shot is taken to allow law enforcement to have a photographic record of the arrested humanperson to allow for identification by victims and investigators.

– Omar and Nina are wanting to recover the photographic film so Omar can stay anonymous.

– The aperture of a photographic lens is a hole that can be adjusted to different sizes, using the aperture ring.

– Here the data is the picture taken, and the metadata is information about the picture taken, like when photographic exposure, focal length and other technical details about how the camera made the picture.

– The company made Photographic plates for Photographers.

photographic use in sentences
photographic use in sentences

Example sentences of “photographic”:

- It also had a very slow photographic speed.

- The Surgeon's photograph was the only photographic evidence of a head and neck – all the others are humps or disturbances.R.P.
- Digital cameras use an image sensor instead of photographic film.

– It also had a very slow photographic speed.

– The Surgeon’s photograph was the only photographic evidence of a head and neck – all the others are humps or disturbances.R.P.

– Digital cameras use an image sensor instead of photographic film.

– On February 18, 1930, Tombaugh discovered an object which seemed to move from the photographic plates taken on January 23 and January 29 of the year.

– In the 1980s analog tape became commonplace at home, and replaced the use of photographic film for home movies.

– This can be used for photographic filters.

– We can aim the light source at a piece of photographic film, let the light source make one photon, and then develop the photographic film.

– The outline of the body shape could be seen as a thin carbon film.An excellent photographic illustration is given in Benton M.J.

– Roll film” “is the name for a number of formats for photographic film.

– A photographic “print” is a photograph made on paper.

– In December 2020, Xiaomi collaborates with award-winning photographer Steve McCurry, to promote the photographic capabilities of the Mi 10T Pro handset.

– He had a photographic memory so that he could remember what the pages looked like.

– He started the Drik Agency, the Bangladesh Photographic Institute, and Pathshala, the South Asian Institute of Photography; which National Geographic calls “one of the finest schools of photography in the world”.

– The Archibald is held at the same time as the Sir John Sulman Prize, the Wynne Prize, the recent Australian Photographic Portrait Prize and was held with the Dobell Prize before 2003.

– The word “JPEG” is short for the Joint Photographic Experts Group which created the format.

– He was awarded an honorary fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society in 2004 His work is held in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery, London.

– Dry plate, also known as gelatin process, is an improved type of photographic plate.

– These include: packaging, plastic bags, labels, building construction, landscaping, electrical fabrication, photographic film, film stock for movies, video tape, etc.

– There are many different types of photographic film.

More in-sentence examples of “photographic”:

– Before her professional acting career, Miller worked as a photographic model.

– Cyanotype is a photographic printing process, which produces prints that are blue.

– They had developed individual photographic styles and professional techniques.

– In addition, GCI “conducts scientific research on materials’ composition.” For example, a project on the conservation of photographs has as one of its objectives the creation of an “Atlas of Analytical Signatures of Photographic Processes” which will provide “a precise chemical fingerprint of all the 150 or so ways pictures have been developed.” Getty Conservation Institute.

– Fujifilm is the world’s largest manufacturer of photographic products with laboratories, factories, and offices in Asia, Europe and North America.

– In-home photographic slides and slide projectors have largely been replaced by low cost paper prints, digital cameras, DVD media, video display monitors and digital projectors.

– These cameras first used paper Photographic filmfilm but later turned to Nitrocellulose film.”The Focal Encyclopedia of Photography”, 4th Edition, ed.

– Before photographic film was invented, photography used glass dry plates.

– Sheet film is a format of photographic film which is supplied in sheets, rather than rolls.

– He invented Velox photographic paper.

– He was known for photographic architectural works, churches, streets, landmarks, as well as industries and companies in Mexico at the beginning of the 20th century in Mexico.

– This suggests that they only have an ability to remember certain types of information, rather than photographic memory.

– A photographic filter is a Lens lens that is used in photography to filter the light.

– Dan has asthma, but a photographic memory.

– If we had very sensitive photographic film that could be darkened by only one photon, then we would find a tiny speck of silver where the photon ended up.

– This lets the photographer control the amount of light reaching the Photographic filmfilm or image sensor.

– These include cameras, photographic filmfilm, image scanners and computer printers.

– The English word for today’s photographic devices is merely a shortening of this name to “camera”.

– In the late 1920s, Harlow Shapley and his colleagues at the Harvard College Observatory started a survey of galaxies in the southern sky, using photographic plates obtained at the 24-inch Bruce telescope at Bloemfontein, South Africa.

– A mug shot, or booking photograph, is a photographic portrait taken after someone is arrested.

– They started another photographic plate business, but sold it to KodakEastman Kodak in 1904.

– They are also used in photographic film.

– In 1885 both brothers left their jobs and started a company to make photographic plates for photographers.

– Charon was found by astronomer James Christy on June 22, 1978, when he was looking at highly blown up picture of Pluto on a photographic plate that taken a couple of months before.

– This membership week included photographic and video-based exhibitions of the band, as well as two sets of fan meetings.

– In the early 20th century it was used in most photographic film.

– If we shoot single photons from a laser at a sheet of photographic film, we will see a single spot of light on the developed film.

– It was recorded on photographic plate B2312 taken at the Harvard College Observatory.

– Joao Costa, the head of the Mozambican Photographic Association, spoke of Rangel saying, “the man has died, but his work remains”.

– The American cognitive psychologycognitive scientist Marvin Minsky, in his book “The Society of Mind thought that reports of photographic memory were an “unfounded myth”.

– In the 20th century the camera used photographic film.

– Negative film is the name for a photographic film that will give images which have their colors inverted, after development.

– He is known for being able to Photographic memorydraw from memory a landscape after seeing it just once.

– It uses Photographic filmfilm or electronics to make a picture of something.

– The Tooth Fairy, called “Francis Dollarhyde”, works in a photographic lab.

– Macro photography is about photographing objects that are very close to the photographic lenslens, the film or the sensor.

– He left teaching to join his twin brother Francis Edgar Stanley in the photographic dry plate business.

– In 2000 he co-founded the photographic group Český dřevák.

– Güler’s archive contains some 800,000 photographic slides.

– It is similar to the focusing of a photographic camera when it focuses its lenses.

– The term can also mean the physical area of photographic film that contains the synchronized recorded sound.

– Something is placed on top of some photographic paper and then shining light on it.

– It is used in photographic film.

– Horvat’s photographic opus includes photojournalism, portraiture, landscape, nature, and sculpture.

– Silver iodide is used in photographic film and cloud seeding.

– A photograph shot in color will show the colors in the picture as they appeared on the photographic filmfilm, or to the sensor of a digital camera.

– Wells made a photographic postcard showing an 1891 lynching in Clanton.

– It is claimed that those with a photographic memory tend to have higher IQs than those without it.Haber R.N.

– The star stellar classificationspectral classification and discovery of the Hubble sequence were all made using photographic paper.

- Before her professional acting career, Miller worked as a photographic model.

- Cyanotype is a photographic printing process, which produces prints that are blue.

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