“phenomena” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “phenomena”:

– Since then, the term “regression” has taken on different meanings, and it may be used by modern statisticians to describe phenomena of sampling bias which have little to do with Galton’s original observations in the field of genetics.

– Flash floods are common phenomena of this river and it occurs at frequent intervals.

– Such phenomena also occur spontaneously, for example in a stressful situation, or when someone is not sleeping enough.

– Einstein disagreed that phenomena in quantum mechanics can happen out of pure chance.

– The development of Perlin Noise has allowed computer graphics artists to better represent the complexity of natural phenomena in visual effects for the motion picture industry.

– Noise phenomena tend to relate to things that happened a long time ago.

– Other tornado-like phenomena that exist in nature include the gustnado, dust devil, fire whirls, and steam devil; downbursts are frequently confused with tornadoes, though their action is not similar.

phenomena in-sentences
phenomena in-sentences

Example sentences of “phenomena”:

- Findings of illusory superiority in research have also explained phenomena such as the large amount of stock market trading.

- Kardec's books were based on reporting séances in which he claimed to observe phenomena which he attributed to incorporeal intelligence.
- How is this indeterminacy to be explained? What is going on in the Universe? It is often said that a new theory that is successful can provide new information about the phenomena under investigation.

– Findings of illusory superiority in research have also explained phenomena such as the large amount of stock market trading.

– Kardec’s books were based on reporting séances in which he claimed to observe phenomena which he attributed to incorporeal intelligence.

– How is this indeterminacy to be explained? What is going on in the Universe? It is often said that a new theory that is successful can provide new information about the phenomena under investigation.

– It contains some of the earliest and most accurate descriptions of phenomena such as coloured shadows, refraction, and chromatic aberration.

– The UNESCO committee elected Yellowstone because it has “significant geological phenomena and processes, unique…

– Evaluation of a large body of the best available evidence simply does not support the contention that these phenomena exist.” Thomas Gilovich.

– Dieguez wrote that the authors of “Irreducible Mind” took reports of paranormal phenomena and wild claims at face value, talked “quantum babble” and formed an ignorant “soul of the gaps” argument.

– In 1905, Einstein’s special theory of relativity explained the accuracy of both Maxwell’s electromagnetic field and Galilean relativity by stating that the field’s speed is absolute—a universal constant—whereas both space and time are local phenomena “relative” to the object’s energy.

– It is mainly about the phenomena of the material world.

– Note: Due to Morocco’s proximity to the Sahara desert and the North Sea of the Atlantic Ocean, two phenomena occur to influence the regional seasonal temperatures, either by raising temperatures by 7–8 degrees Celsius when sirocco blows from the east creating heatwaves, or by lowering temperatures by 7–8 degrees Celsius when cold damp air blows from the northwest, creating a coldwave or cold spell.

– He was the president of the Anomalous Phenomena Research Center in New York City.

– Most objects and phenomena are interpreted as figures or events in the Dreaming.

– More recently, telescopes and space probes have led to discoveries of mountains and Impact cratercraters, and meteorological phenomena such as clouds, dust storms and ice caps on the other planets.

– It remains a standard work for the Roman period and the advances in technology and understanding of natural phenomena at the time.

– This is described in his book “Mathematical Syntaxis a thirteen-book mathematical treatment of the phenomena of astronomy.

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