“phase” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “phase”:

– During the first phase of this project, the name “Akihabara 48” was decided.

– In the second phase the suspect is questioned by a magistrate.

– After the acute phase or absence of acute diverticulitis, the doctor can prescribe a colonoscopy to look at the colon and determine the evolution of the disease.

– The second major phase in the break-up of Pangaea began in the Lower Cretaceous.

– One of the most significant buildings of an earlier phase of development was Dollan Baths leisure complex which has Grade A listed status.

– This is the appearance of a crystalline phase from a supercooled liquid or a supersaturated solvent.

– This phase helps prepare one with vitality for performance in the next day.REM-sleep occurs normally at intervals throughout the night, and the periods of REM-sleep increase in length in the second half of the night.

phase how to use in sentences
phase how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “phase”:

– The city is known for an incident in the final phase of the Iran-Iraq War.

– This is an example of a phase transition.

– Each phase repeats itself every 29.5 days.

– A major extinction occurred at the start of the last phase of the Devonian period, the Frasnian-Famennian boundary, about 372.2 mya.

– This began a “fresh phase in the critical “.

– The gas chromatograph uses a capillary column which depends on the column’s dimensions as well as the phase properties.

– They showed that the bacterium “Escherichia coli” entered a sexual phase during which it could share genetic information.

– The first construction phase of the 606 was completed in 2015.

– Tadalafil is currently is Phase III trials.

– Most dreams take place in this phase as well as energy from the brain to the body progressing, the body becoming relaxed, and the eyes dashing back and forth while sleeping.

– Unlike other chromatography methods, the stationary phase used in SEC does not exploit the polarity of each component.

– The first phase was administration of a now peaceful country.

– There is a phase of -1 on the 1 state’s amplitude.

– If we change the phase of the wave as it reaches the top, we can have this represent a 1.

– The phase is part of the amplitude and is what can make the amplitude a complex number.

– This phase is cited also by Declaration of Montreal, Yogyakarta Principles and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

– Its first phase comprises a 10.3 km line with 15 stations.

– Boiling is the phase change that occurs when a liquid becomes gas throughout the substance.

– The second phase was warfare against Wales and Scotland.

– Rites of passage are rituals performed by human beings, individually or collectively as a social group, that symbolically acknowledge the departure from one phase of life and the arrival into another.

- The city is known for an incident in the final phase of the Iran-Iraq War.

- This is an example of a phase transition.

More in-sentence examples of “phase”:

- The stabilization phase also has goals.

- He had a small comedic role in the 2004 comedy, "Bangkok Loco" and played a senior police officer in the 2005 horror filmhorror-comedy, "Buppah Rahtree Phase 2: Rahtree Returns".
- If the output begins to lose this relationship, then the electronics will correct it until the output is returned to the correct phase again.

– The stabilization phase also has goals.

– He had a small comedic role in the 2004 comedy, “Bangkok Loco” and played a senior police officer in the 2005 horror filmhorror-comedy, “Buppah Rahtree Phase 2: Rahtree Returns”.

– If the output begins to lose this relationship, then the electronics will correct it until the output is returned to the correct phase again.

– A phase is an angle of the moon to the earth so it appears differently every day.

– He then explains Patrick and Brads complete story, of how they met and how Brad went through a very rough phase at the beginning of their relationship.

– The first phase loan agreement was signed between Bangladesh and Japan on July 01, 1997 while the second phase loan agreement on March 31, 2001.

– A cationic stationary phase is used to separate anions and an anionic stationary phase is used to separate cations.

– First the stationary phase could be a porous solid.

– In other words, the chemists draw the phase diagram of the substance.

– The second phase of the eruption released pyroclastic flows that burned and buried thousands of square miles.

– Its studios are located at the GMA Compound, Phase 5, Alta Tierra Village, MacArthur Drive, Barangay Quintin Salas, Jaro, Iloilo CityJaro, Iloilo City and the transmitters are located at Piña-Tamborong-Alaguisoc Road, Jordan, Guimaras with the power of 30,000 watts and with effective radiating power of 72,000 watts.

– This station was among the first phase of MRT stations, from Toa Payoh to Yio Chu Kang, to be opened in Singapore on 7 November 1987.

– Components that are attracted to the mobile phase more than they are attracted to the stationary phase will move further up the column.

– Holography records both the intensity of light, like photography, but also records the difference in the phase of light.

– Moore’s works usually suggest the female body, apart from a phase in the 1950s when he did family groups.

– We have now enabled the second phase of Wikidata here.

– During their life, dinoflagellates have a mobile planktonic form and a resistant cyst phase which enables them to survive over winter in sediment.

– Scientists have created graphs called phase change diagrams to show the relationship between pressure, temperature, and phase of many substances.

– Some cells enter G phase semi-permanently, such as some cells of the liver and kidney.

– For phase one of the Madrid expansion, BP Solar is aiming to expand its annual cell capacity from 55 megawatts to around 300 MW.

– This template should only be used on missions which are expected to generate news in the immediate future, such as ongoing human missions, or where details are expected to change rapidly, such as when an anomaly occurs or during the launch and early operations phase of the mission.

– At the later phase of his life, he was an Editor-in-Chief deputy and Editor-in-Chief for three Soviet magazines including “”Filateliya SSSR””.

– The candidacy submission phase lasts from 00:00 UTC April 20 to 23:59 UTC May 5 for the Board and from 00:00 UTCApril 20 to 23:59 UTC April 30 for the FDC and FDC Ombudsperson.

– In 2000, the German government, consisting of a coalition including the Green party Alliance ’90/The Greens officially announced its intention to phase out nuclear power in Germany.

– His music during this phase resulted in many of his best known compositions.

– In the first phase of this period, almost every city between Troy and Gaza was violently destroyed, and often left unoccupied: examples include Hattusa, Mycenae, Ugarit.

– Several post-Mariner works are homages to the older phase of Mars fiction, circumventing the scientific picture of a dry and lifeless Mars with an unbreathable atmosphere through such science fiction generic staples as positing its future terraforming, or creating alternate history versions of Mars, where Burroughs’ Barsoom, Bradbury’s Martian Chronicles or The War of the Worlds are literal truth.

– The first phase of the Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center consisted of 213 MW and was completed in late 2005; phase two consisted of 223.5 MW and was completed in the second quarter of 2006; phase three which consisted of 299 MW, was completed by the end of 2006.

– I have to do a science project about Phase Change Diagrams.

– They used their mathematics and physical chemistry skills to solve the phase problem of X-ray crystallography.

– During the 1940s, Onsager studied the Statistical mechanicsstatistical-mechanical theory of phase transitions in solids.

– This dark phase ended with the rise of the Pandyas and Pallava dynasty again.

Phase 7:  In phase seven, closure, the therapist asks the client to keep a log during the week.  The log should document any related material that may arise.  It serves to remind the client of the self-calming activities that were mastered in phase two.

– It often helps to think of an ice cube when thinking of phase changes.

– It describes the cycle of human evolution beginning in water as Matsya the fish, on to the amphibious phase as Koorma, the tortoise, on to begin firmly established on land as the wild boar Varaha, then Narsimha- half man- half animal, followed by Vamana, the Dwarf man, on to Parashurama, the emotionally volatile man, on to Rama, the peaceful man, then Krishna, a loving man followed by Buddha, the meditative man, who is said to be succeeded by the final incarnation of Vishnu, or the last stage of evolution as Kalki, the mystical man.

– In the final phase of British Period the Quit India Movement gained momentum with the slogan “Do or Die” in places like Tezpur, Sootea, Gohpur, Dhekiajuli and Jamuguri.

– Vaporization is a phase change from liquid to vapor.

– With dual phase, you need one additional mechanism known as a phase transition.

– Consequential dormancy occurs when organisms enter a dormant phase “after” adverse conditions arise.

– Most dreams happen in the REM phase of their sleep.

– As of July 2020, this vaccine is in phase II trials, but the Chinese government gave CanSino Biologics permission to give it to people anyway.

– This scatter plot takes multiple scalar variables and uses them for different axes in phase space.

– The first phase is a suspect is questioned by police.

– In general, gas phase reactions and solution phase reactions of this type follow the same trends, even though in the first, solvent effects are dropped.

– Waking up sleepers during a REM phase is a common way to get dream reports.

– The first ever indoor water park was built in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in 1985 at the West Edmonton Mall as part of the $1.2 billion dollar Phase III expansion.

– This effect can be demonstrated in the gas-phase reaction between a sulfonate and a simple alkyl halidealkyl bromide taking place inside a mass spectrometer: “Gas Phase Studies of the Competition between Substitution and Elimination Reactions” Scott Gronert Acc.

– During the early 2010s, NCAA Division I went through a major phase of conference changes, with most leagues gaining or losing multiple members.

– This vaccine completed phase I trials and as of July 2020 is entering phase III trials.

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