“persuade” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “persuade”:

– If someone wants to Smugglingtake something into a country that is forbidden, they might offer the customs officer a bribe to persuade him to let them through.

– He suggests that Sir Joseph persuade her that “love levels all ranks”.

– His death came in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, and only a few days after Du published an op-ed in the “Jerusalem Post” protesting American Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to Israel attempting to persuade the Israeli government to limit its relationship with China.

– Diaghilev and Stravinsky tried to persuade Benois to return, but Benois refused.

– This means that there is a group of people the leader needs to persuade in order to obtain or keep power.

– Zamasu then flies off to find Trunks and the others when Zamasu finds them, Bulma tries to flirt with the evil Shinjin to persuade him not to kill anymore, Trunks then finds Zamasu choking his mother and tries the Evil Containment Wave to put him in a jar, Zamasu then breaks out of the jar.

– Floyd Tomkins, and established the Korean Information Bureau and published a political journal Korea Review to inform the American public of Korean situations and to persuade the US government to support the freedom for Koreans.

– Schuschnigg resigned as chancellor that evening since he could not persuade France or the United Kingdom to help.

persuade some example sentences
persuade some example sentences

Example sentences of “persuade”:

– It helped that he knew the other Senators well and could often persuade them to support his ideas.

– Then they try to persuade those who spend the most time on the streets to seek permanent housing.

– In the end their foster mother feels sorry for them and helps to persuade the GDR government to let the children go.

– In 1838, he used his political influence to persuade Congress to form an independent army unit separate from the Corps of Engineers called the Corps of Topographical Engineers.

– Brahms and Hanslick tried to persuade him to move to Vienna because it was a great musical city, but Dvořák wanted to stay in his own country.

– On July 25, 1969, Manson sent Bobby Beausoleil, Mary Brunner, and Susan Atkins to the house of acquaintance Gary Hinman to persuade him to turn over money Manson thought Hinman had inherited.

– U Thant tried to persuade Nasser not to go to war with Israel by flying to Cairo in a last minute peace effort.

– Some activists saw Lilly Ledbetter as an ideal standard-bearer in their attempt to persuade the public that the Supreme Court was moving too far to the right.

– The function of book design is partly to help the reader, but even more to persuade the reader to buy the book.

– It is a larger form of argument than logical argument, because in a debate, the debaters try to influence the feelings of the audience, in order to persuade them on a topic.

- It helped that he knew the other Senators well and could often persuade them to support his ideas.

- Then they try to persuade those who spend the most time on the streets to seek permanent housing.

More in-sentence examples of “persuade”:

– She tells Gabriele she loves him and tries to persuade him to leave, but Simon is coming and Gabriele hides.

– The two of them fail to persuade Arthur Curry and Victor Stone, but manage to recruit Barry Allen into the team.

– Teenager Mary Grant, her brother Robert, and their friend Professor Paganel, persuade Lord Glenarvan to rescue shipwrecked Captain Grant.

– They try to persuade politicians to help them; this is called lobbying.

– Wilson tried to persuade the international community that the league would discourage aggression and tackle the underlying problems that often lead to war, such as poverty.

– During the Serie, Becky often tries to persuade Jesse travelling to Nebraska in holidays for visiting her parents.

– The story of Lady Godiva riding naked through the streets of Coventry to persuade the local earl to lower taxes, may come from the reign of Harthacanute.

– If a motorist is caught speeding by a policeman and offers the policeman money or a bottle of vodka to persuade him not to report him, that is bribery.

– She is going to persuade Elsa to ask the unknown knight what is name is.

– Schön comes in to try to persuade her to perform.

– The story is set in Egypt and is about a monk who tries to persuade Thaïs to give up her life as a prostitute.

– In 2014, the global campaign One Billion RisingOne Billion Rising for Justice used her story to persuade the Bangladeshi government to accept the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.

– An argument is an attempt to persuade someone of something.

– Back at the palace Alberich tries to persuade his son Hagen to get the ring.

– She was arrested by the Nazis, but Walter managed to persuade them to free her.

– Saxophone-player Sonny Stitt tried to persuade Davis to join the Tiny Bradshaw band, but Davis’s mother wanted Davis to finish his final year of high school.

– He tried to persuade them to see Burgess, but they refused.

– KKE worked with the Soviet ambassador to persuade Venizelos’ administration to withdraw its troops from Asia Minor.

– I’m going to effing kiss Google” then carried on trying to persuade Lucovsky to stay at Microsoft.

– Lobbying is the act of trying to persuade people or governments to make decisions or support something.

– If she goes to Havana with him, he will persuade the men he knows to go to the prayer meeting.

– Hopkin helped Healey to persuade people to stick to the pay policy he had made.

– At the start of the Second World War, the Nazis plotted to persuade the Duke to support the Nazi effort and planned to kidnap him.

– Derek desperately tries to persuade Sidney, Jerry and Tom that he is innocent and while Sidney, Jerry and Tom are deciding who is telling the truth, Mickey kills Derek.

– He took Charles to Spain in the hope of finding him a Spanish princess as a bride, but they had a lot of problems on the journey and could not persuade the Spanish king to give them his daughter as a wife for Charles.

– After the failure of the Guangdong-Guangzhou Independence Plan, He Qi continued to try to persuade Hong Kong and Britain about his ideas and plans for the transformation of the Chinese dynasty.

– The newspapers and books persuade readers towards a particular point of view.

– A persuasive text is any text where the main purpose is to present a point of view and seeks to persuade a reader.

– He sometimes travelled to Italy to find new Italian singers and persuade them to come to London.

– Harper spent several years trying to persuade the Museum of Natural History to return the remains of the four Inuit to Greenland.

– As ambassador to France he helped persuade the French to join the war against Great Britain.

– In 1883 he and wife parted for a while, although friends managed to persuade the couple to come together again and they spent four months in Rome.

– Hillery thought a new election was best, but many people from the President’s own party tried to persuade him otherwise.

– Aaron’s staff was used by the Lord a few times when trying to persuade the Pharaoh to let the Israelites go.

– Schubert’s father tried to persuade his sons to help at the school when they grew up.

– Although it is difficult to convince the other characters to follow him, Pitar manages to persuade the patriarchal leader of the clan, Costello, who has taken over leadership from Thorn, who had died shortly before.

– Shuisky manages to persuade him to sit down on his throne.

– Even when her father was dying she tried to persuade him to make her husband heir.

– She decides that she must persuade her husband to murder Duncano.

– Radames refuses at first, but Aida manages to persuade him.

– Rodrigue asks the Queen to try to persuade the king to let Carlos talk to him.

– He spent an afternoon with Siegfried Sassoon, who had been sent home after being seriously wounded; Sassoon tried to persuade Owen not to go back, Sassoon, Siegfried: “Siegfried’s Journey” pg 71, Faber and Faber, first published in 1946 but Owen had little choice.

– A “well-paid job” is very often the bait used to persuade women in difficult social situations to travel abroad.

– However, by banding together, they were able to persuade the studio to more than double their salaries.

– Although many Soviet people tried to persuade him to stay there he decided to remain in the West where he was starting to have a very successful career.

- She tells Gabriele she loves him and tries to persuade him to leave, but Simon is coming and Gabriele hides.

- The two of them fail to persuade Arthur Curry and Victor Stone, but manage to recruit Barry Allen into the team.
- Teenager Mary Grant, her brother Robert, and their friend Professor Paganel, persuade Lord Glenarvan to rescue shipwrecked Captain Grant.

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