“percentage” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “percentage”:

– From 1996 on, the county has swung powerfully Republican similar to the rest of Southeast Kansas, with Hillary Clinton posted the worst percentage for a Democratic candidate ever at only 23.3%.

– If an ingredient itself consists of more than one ingredient, then that ingredient is listed by what percentage of the total product it occupies, with its own ingredients showed next to it in brackets.

– That year he also had the highest free-throw percentage in the league.

– He held the league record for slugging percentage six times, and the record for stolen bases five times.

– Small companies and investors pitch their ideas to a group of investors known as the “dragons” in exchange for a percentage of their company and the rights to their product.

percentage example in sentences
percentage example in sentences

Example sentences of “percentage”:

- However, the percentage of Khasi people is decreasing because many other people are moving there.

- A smaller percentage of soybeans are used directly for human food.
- In Guyana and Haiti, there is also a very small percentage within the minority who are of Asian descent.

– However, the percentage of Khasi people is decreasing because many other people are moving there.

– A smaller percentage of soybeans are used directly for human food.

– In Guyana and Haiti, there is also a very small percentage within the minority who are of Asian descent.

– The percentage of correctly completed blanks is an outstandingly good predictor of text difficulty.

– For this reason, many countries have rules that say that a given percentage of all batteries must be re-cycled.

– A graph similar to that in the 2000 Yearbook can be found at The “New in Chess” statistics just give the number of games played and White’s overall winning percentage without breaking it down into White wins, draws, and Black wins.

– Various internet memes portray Shaggy as a god who uses a low percentage of his power after eating Scooby Snacks.

– It has an area of and has, as of 2003, about 307,400 inhabitants and one of the highest percentage of foreigners in Berlin.

– The method of spore-bearers, which are lower plants such as mosses, ferns and also fungi, is to produce vast numbers of spores, of which only a small percentage germinate.

– Not including Sacramento County, the percentage is 16%.

– The money for this independent production came from a common pool formed by a percentage of the profits from each show.

– In return for racing, the teams were guaranteed a percentage of the sport’s revenue.

– Smaller parties that only win a small percentage of the vote and no seats in the legislature are often called “minor parties” or “fringe parties”.

– A percentage of the profit went to the charity to help fight AIDS in Africa.

– Lakshadweep has the largest percentage of Muslims – 98%, even larger percentage than Jammu and Kashmir and is the only Muslim-majority Indian administrative division entirely within India.

– Typically, Yield chemical yields are expressed as a weight in grams or as a percentage of the total theoretical quantity of product that could be produced.

– This number and the percentage of unfamiliar words is put into a formula.

More in-sentence examples of “percentage”:

– He posted five shutouts, the second-most in Lightning history, and he set single season records for wins, save percentage and GAA.

– As of 2007, Barguna District has a population of 902,465, females constitute a majority of the population with a percentage of 50.12% while males constitute 49.88%.

– Stock A over the past 20 years had an average return of 10 percent, with a standard deviation of 20 percentage points.

– In Myanmar – which has the largest percentage of ethnic minorities in the region at 30% of the total population – armed conflicts continue between minority insurgents seeking greater autonomy and the national army trying to repress them.

– The percentage of listed words in a passage gives the data for the formula, and the user is presented with a grade level.

– The percentage of delegates each candidate is awarded depends on the caucus or how many are elected for each candidate.

– Almost half of Studio City residents aged 25 and older had earned a four-year degree by 2000, a high percentage for both the city and the county.

– Availability is sometimes expressed as a percentage of uptime, such as 99%.

– Ignore Armour Rating – This enables the “Ranged” damage you cause to ignore a percentage of the opponents armor.

– This is unusual compared to samples of sediment from other deep-sea environments, where the percentage of organic-walled foraminifera ranges from 5% to 20%.

– The Grizzlies were still using Reeves as their starting center but both his minutes per game dropped and his field goal percentage had dropped.

– Hunter and those who picked up the Chinese term used it to explain why, unlike in earlier wars, a relatively high percentage of United StatesAmerican GIs defected to the enemy side after becoming prisoners-of-war.

– Also I’d like to note that our percentage for becoming CU/OS is at 70%, which is also a bit low for my taste.

– According to the 2011 census, Llangefni has the 6th highest percentage of Welsh language speakers in the whole of Wales.

– To avoid its problems, some elections require a minimum percentage of votes, or a majority, through a “run-off election”.

– Save percentage did not become an official NHL statistic until the 1982–1983 season.

– The extent of HIV progression is found by measuring the percentage of CD4 T cells in the patient’s blood.

– Before this change the percentage for becoming a crat is at 75% which is sort of stupid, in my opinion.

– The last column shows the percentage of Romani speakers in the Roma population in each country.

– If points are placed randomly in a square with sides of length 1, the percentage of points that fall within a quarter-circle of radius 1 will depend on the value of π.

– Calculating the raw data of 7 support votes out of 16 total votes, there is a raw support percentage of 43.75%.

– In absolute terms, if the percentage change in the price is more than proportionate than the percentage change in the quantity demanded, the elasticity value is greater than one and the demand for the good is price elastic.

– He lost the election for governor by less than two percentage points to the incumbent Lawton Chiles.

– While the Sinti were, until quite recently, chiefly nomadic, today only a small percentage of the group remains unsettled.

– A percentage is only one way of writing a ratio; one can also write it as a fraction or decimal.

– This percentage is called an income tax rate.

– Agriculture formerly employed a much larger percentage of Israel’s workforce.

– A German study has shown that 1-2% of the population has complete BDD, but a bigger percentage of people show some of the effects.

– It has the highest percentage of students from another country in the world and 46% of staff are from other countries.

– Herefords made up the largest percentage of registered cows among herders in New Zealand.

– However, there are over 70,000 UK citizens that are mixed race and do not fit the above descriptions, a large percentage of these are Afro-Asian.

– White won 37.10%, 35.91% were drawn, and Black won 26.98%, resulting in a total White winning percentage of 55.06%.

– List multiple owners in descending order of ownership percentage and use to format the entries.

– It provides business with better financing and more funds on hands in exchange for small percentage of total sum.

– The percentage of total revenue that passengers pay is known as the farebox recovery ratio.

– He is a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame and was inducted in 1999 with a fourth-highest voting percentage in baseball history.

– The percentage of Muslim population over 36%.

– While you do have over 2,400 edits here, the percentage of edits that you have in the mainspace is not high enough.

– So, given that about 1,000 Italians left the city following its incorporation into the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, and estimating a certain percentage of Italians who accepted the “forced” Yugoslavian citizenship, it is really possible that 7,000 Italians in the Spalato area -as said by Antonio Tacconi- obtained membership in Italian associations of Spalato in 1918/1919: this amount is more than 3 times the data from the 1910 Austrian Census.

– When white blood cells are counted, the lymphocyte count is the percentage of lymphocytes present.

– Hello once again! Now that we have successfully determined the criteria we will be implementing for votes for adminship and cratship, we now need to discuss what percentage is enough to consider a request as successful.

– Wiki-link if possible, and include the ownership percentage and a reference.

– Besides the claims of fraud, Calderón took office with the smallest percentage of votes for a winning presidential candidate in Mexican history, which meant that his administration would face severe legitimacy problems.

– This is the highest percentage of the vote ever won by someone running for President since 1820.

– A recent Pew Research Center demographic study put the percentage of Muslims in Albania at 79.9%.

– Figures shown are for the number of single language responses and the percentage of total single-language responses.

– It may be expressed as a percentage or in other ways.

- He posted five shutouts, the second-most in Lightning history, and he set single season records for wins, save percentage and GAA.

- As of 2007, Barguna District has a population of 902,465, females constitute a majority of the population with a percentage of 50.12% while males constitute 49.88%.

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