“people” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “people”:

+ Populists usually try to make a difference between common people and “elites”.

+ Some of the people had been killed with a knife.

+ People with DSPS can take melatonin in the afternoon or evening, and this treatment works also for some people with Non-24.

+ In 2014, a dinosaur building was opened outside, in which people can experience digging fossil as they look at the remains.

+ To justify this murder and torture black people had to be declared inferior or not human.

people in-sentences
people in-sentences

Example sentences of “people”:

+ These people were called Hussites.

+ On 29 April 2001, the United Kingdom government had a census and saw that there were 5,089 people living in Ballycastle.

+ As time went on, more and more people died from the plague.

+ This was for a project of hr3 which aimed to report about Hessian villages with less than 1000 people living in them.

+ It remains popular because people have used it for centuries and they are familiar with it.

+ Aar Dheel and Diiriye Guure are the only two people who gained the Dhulbahante throne despite not being in the line of succession.

+ The rich and powerful people were created from yellow clay molded like an artist with statues.

+ But people still do treat them badly, and make them do jobs that do not pay much money.

+ The event was special because people could see, for the first time, how objects in the Solar System, outside Earth, collided.

+ In the 2000s, many people have Internet-based hobbies, such as editing.

+ Some differences are small, such as the ages of different people mentioned in genealogy, while others are major, such as the commandment to only have one wife which appears in the Samaritan text but not in the other versions.

+ These people were called Hussites.

+ On 29 April 2001, the United Kingdom government had a census and saw that there were 5,089 people living in Ballycastle.

+ People who are needed to make a group’s dreams come true are named as “target publics”, and people that help the target publics are named as “influentials”.

+ She did not want people to pay taxes that paid for the Vietnam War.

+ Many countries have passed “compulsory vaccination laws” – laws that require certain people to get vaccinated.

+ A total of six people have served as head of state of Mali.

+ Some people said his brothers helped him, or a girl, or lots of other people.

+ He was an anticommunismanticommunist sure of his faith, and in his preachings launched criticisms to the system and invited the people to contest the system of government.

+ Sometimes they were corrupt and cheated people who came to worship.

+ When too many iron pills are taken, people get sick.

+ These people lived across northern New Mexico.

More in-sentence examples of “people”:

+ Pulis are not very friendly with people they do not know.

+ Units under his command killed about 200,000 people including more than 65,000 executions, and an unknown number of POWs.

+ Pulis are not very friendly with people they do not know.

+ Units under his command killed about 200,000 people including more than 65,000 executions, and an unknown number of POWs.

+ No two people talk the same way, so linguistic anthropologists want to know why that happens.

+ When they first made Kirby’s dreamland, people started saying That it was too easy or too short, so they decided to make something fun and easy, even for the skilled players, So they made Kirby’s adventure.

+ From about the 14th century, the InquisitionHoly Inquisition used this belief to organise pogroms against people it called heretics.

+ Two people were hurt.

+ Since then it has had a great growth in the XX century, mainly as “retirement place” for old people from northeastern US and French Canada.

+ Oral tradition is when cultural material is transmitted orally from older people to younger people.Vansina, Jan: “Oral Tradition as History”, 1985, James Currey Publishers, 9780852550915; see Ch.

+ These are things that people feel very strongly about.

+ The climate of Pune is suitable to reside in, so many people settled there.

+ Diet sodas are usually sugar-free, artificial sweetenerartificially sweetened, non-alcoholic diabetics, athletes, and other people who want to lose weight, improve physical fitness, or reduce how much sugar they eat.

+ In addition, 209 people were injured.

+ The sequel was hated by the fans of the first movie and the movie critics because of its clichéd and familiar storyline, and because many people thought that the magic of Don Bluth’s dark and original “NIHM” was destroyed by the sequel, because MGM toned down the darkness of the story.

+ The group of people that mutiny are called mutineers.

+ The Arrernte people are the Aboriginal people who have lived around Alice Springs for more than 50,000 years.

+ Today it is not known what the figurines meant to the people who made them.

+ Nowadays, people seldom kowtow and bow to others instead.

+ Usually people have to be awake and conscious to have hallucinations.

+ In 2018, Legend became one of fifteen people to win an Academy AwardOscar, Grammy, Tony and Emmy Award.

+ The rest of Denmark includes 76 islands people live on, and many tiny islands.

+ Some people think that too much carbon dioxide in the air may cause a greenhouse effect.

+ In 1884 German people came to Duala and changed its name to Kamarunstadt and made it the capital of German Kamerun.

+ About 80 percent of the housing units will be owned by the people who live there and 20 percent will be rented.

+ In the law of most countries, those people who have not reached the age of majority, or minors, may not buy, let alone sell, pornography of any sort.

+ Few people were actually convicted of being a common scold, but it remained a crime listed on the law books of England and Wales until 1967.

+ New Age people often meditate, sometimes to seek their own contact with God.

+ Until the 20th century, the only people living here were Haitians and many places have French names.

+ They believed that people who were not “Aryan” were “inferior”.

+ The music of Australia is the music made in the area of, on the subject of, or by the people of modern Australia.

+ Many people with Asperger syndrome also have ADHD and/or OCD.

+ When people binge drink, they usually drink a lot of alcohol in a short time, or drink with the goal of getting drunk.

+ The first people to be called “hippies” were young adults and teenagers in the 1960s who grew out of the beatnik movement.

+ In the November of 2007, the village exploded, with the remains afterwards being burnt down, with firefighters attempting to put out the blaze, but having so few people and being so far away from any other main towns, the thirty firefighters were unable to reach it in time.

+ It shows a group of learned people from Ancient Greece, philosophers, poets, dramatists, mathematicians and others.

+ By August 1863, millions of people had been killed or injured because of Civil War battles.

+ She was one of the first people to do X-ray crystallography on DNA.

+ There may be several causes for people developing BPD.

+ In some countries, people race each other on the back of Ostriches.

+ The crowd of people beg Elisabeth to agree to marrying the King of Spain, so that the war will stop.

+ Very often, non-geologists use this scale, because it is easier for people to describe what damage an earthquake caused, than to do calculations to get a value on the Richter scale.

+ First, the people setlted on the plateau.

+ In some towns such as the Belgian town of Binche the preparations for the Carnival are complex and start many weeks before Carnival takes place, with most of the town’s people taking part in some way.

+ The city had a population of 3,478 people in the 2000 census.

+ Just days after the camp was liberated in 1945, freed prisoners built a monument to honor the people who died at Buchenwald.

+ Many torts are accidents, like car accidents or slippery floors that make people fall down and get hurt.

+ The name Padayani arrived due to the line formation of people like troops.

+ The song was written to encourage people to believe/imagine a world where everyone was equal and peaceful, without the separation of different religions, beliefs, races etc.

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