“peaceful” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “peaceful”:

– In Japan, Bishamonten is thought of as a god of war or warriors who wears armor, and a punisher of people who do evil things, a view that is very strange when compared with the more peaceful Buddhist king described above.

– Workers, on the other hand, have to struggle to keep their wages up and to keep the “rate of exploitation” low, so that they can live more peaceful lives.

– Anti-war activists work through protest and other peaceful means to attempt to pressure a government to put an end to a particular war or conflict.

– He supported a peaceful bringing together of Israel and Palestine.

– This describes the quiet and peaceful mood of the valley.

peaceful how to use in sentences
peaceful how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “peaceful”:

– In November 1989 Czechoslovakia returned to democracy through the peaceful “Velvet Revolution”.  Czechoslovakia peacefully split into two countries in 1993.

– Like the water of life, Ma’at’s potion brought an afterlife after death to the peaceful and law-abiding people, but death to violent and cruel people.

– Okinawans when compared with Japanese are peaceful people.

– Robert Dole from Kansas ran for the Republicans and was at the mercy of peaceful overseas relations and a thriving economy.

– This is a very peaceful key.

– It is based in Vienna and tries to bring about the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

– Camden, New Jersey and Flint, Michigan also had peaceful protests.

– The name was created to signal the beginning of a peaceful period, but it turned out to be a time of great change.

– It is a peaceful area with high literacy and low crime rates.

– Judea at the time was not a peaceful place.

– The 2011 riots started with the peaceful protest of Duggan’s death.

– The Chinese government has brought him to police stations, arrested him, and sent him to prison many times for his peaceful political activities.

– On March 15, 1956, the Tianjin food company in the peaceful part of the shandong Road military building made strong against attack Park Ruizhuang place opened in tianjin Gou Bu Li baozi store, then, the Chinese leaders put on air of being more important than other person many times.

– One of the people who led the freedom movement was Mahatma Gandhi, who only used peaceful tactics, including a way called “ahimsa”, which means “non-violence”.

– They are peaceful community fish.

– Disney’s story about Harambe is that it was once part of a NetherlandsDutch colony, but a peaceful revolution made Harambe independent in 1963.

– In 1989, the one-party rule of the Communist Party was overthrown during the Velvet Revolution, which was a series of large and peaceful demonstrations by the citizens in the streets.

– Hodnet’s name has Celtic origins derived from the Welsh languageWelsh “hawdd” meaning pleasant or peaceful and “nant”, a glen or valley in Old Welsh.

– The zebra danio is a peaceful fish and can be kept in a community tank.

- In November 1989 Czechoslovakia returned to democracy through the peaceful "Velvet Revolution".  Czechoslovakia peacefully split into two countries in 1993.

- Like the water of life, Ma'at's potion brought an afterlife after death to the peaceful and law-abiding people, but death to violent and cruel people.

More in-sentence examples of “peaceful”:

- Known as the Gagliano crime family under Gagliano, was peaceful and low key.

- It began as a peaceful rally in support of workers Strike actionstriking for an eight-hour day and in reaction to the killing of several workers by the police.
- Kutlu Tiryaki, a captain of the other vessel in the flotilla, said that the passengers did not have weapons at all, but only came to bring aid in a peaceful manner.

– Known as the Gagliano crime family under Gagliano, was peaceful and low key.

– It began as a peaceful rally in support of workers Strike actionstriking for an eight-hour day and in reaction to the killing of several workers by the police.

– Kutlu Tiryaki, a captain of the other vessel in the flotilla, said that the passengers did not have weapons at all, but only came to bring aid in a peaceful manner.

– The air about the small bush-covered island is described as being sad and peaceful by visitors.

– Jose Rizal tried very hard to make it a peaceful group.

– To defend international peace and security and settle all international disputes by peaceful means in accordance with the principles and the purposes of the UN Charter and International Law.

– The Baitul Futuh Mosque has acted as the centre for the ‘Loyalty, Freedom and Peace Campaign’, which seeks to promote Islam as a peaceful religion, and to improve the integration of Muslims and non-Muslims.

– Japan became very peaceful for about 250 years.

– After these wars, the Native Americans became peaceful and others moved to different places.

– The hobbit Bilbo Baggins lives a quiet and peaceful life.

– Mazar-e Sharif remained peaceful for the next one hundred years.

– Partly in response to the Sharpeville Massacre of 1960, individual members of the ANC thought violence was needed because peaceful passive protest had failed.

– Metternich believed that the best way to keep Europe peaceful was to create a balance of power, which means that no country is strong enough to beat all the other countries.

– Even though the harbor can not be used that well, due to the shallowness of the sea, it is very beautiful and peaceful for people.

– This was because it was a peaceful time in history.

– In 1974 a peaceful left-wing army coup, called the “Carnation Revolution”, happened.

– Vie is popular with the elite for two main reasons: it is close to Oradea, within walking distance of the railway station and the city centre; and it is peaceful and has fresh air.

– A tree house can be a peaceful quiet place for seclusion or solitude.

– Iran had become one of the 24 founding members of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, which was set up in 1958.

– These characteristics were meant to show the unpredictability of air and the peaceful nature of Airbenders in the show.

– Hobbits are a peaceful people and live a simple, pre-industrial life in the land which they call Shire The Shire, and also in Bree-land.

– Everything is peaceful until they are attacked by a large animal.

– All of them have been widely regarded by the international community as peaceful and transparent.

– The first phase was administration of a now peaceful country.

– When the political situation started to change in 1989, he helped to keep the demonstrations peaceful by talking to the politicians and the people and stopping them from fighting.

– Reagan said, “The Soviet Union says it wants a peaceful settlement in Afghanistan, yet it continues a brutal war and props up a regime whose days are clearly numbered.

– At first it was only a temporary measure, until a permanent way to reunite a peaceful Germany and Berlin could be worked out.

– Though a peaceful people the Kavirondo fight well.

– He was a leading peaceful activist within the Civil Rights Movement.

– Pontian served as pope mostly during the reign of Roman Emperor Severus, generally considered a peaceful period for Christians, but died during the reign of Maximinus Thrax.

– Squirrelflight fights for the protection of a peaceful group of female cats known as The Sisters, while worrying that she’ll leave no legacy when she dies.

– They can also be kept in community tanks with other peaceful fish.

– She settled in Saint-Jean, Geneva, to spend the next forty-six years of her life in peaceful retirement.

– This signals of an on-going investment in a peaceful working environment.

– Today Australia is a rich, peaceful and democratic country.

– The Writers in Prison Committee monitors the cases of over 900 writers who have been imprisoned, tortured, threatened, attacked, made to disappear, and killed for the peaceful practice of their profession.

– The treaty describes actions that should be taken by the two countries to establish for peaceful relations and economic cooperation, as well as diplomatic and political reliance.

– They are made to create a peaceful feeling like the Japanese garden at Cowra.

– According to SGI’s interpretation of Buddhism, it is through faith, practice and study that people can tap into their Buddha nature, become truly happy, and build a peaceful society.

– It describes the cycle of human evolution beginning in water as Matsya the fish, on to the amphibious phase as Koorma, the tortoise, on to begin firmly established on land as the wild boar Varaha, then Narsimha- half man- half animal, followed by Vamana, the Dwarf man, on to Parashurama, the emotionally volatile man, on to Rama, the peaceful man, then Krishna, a loving man followed by Buddha, the meditative man, who is said to be succeeded by the final incarnation of Vishnu, or the last stage of evolution as Kalki, the mystical man.

– A man comes to the group and tells them about a peaceful walled-off town of about 40 people.

– The PCJSS has always kept the door open for dialogue for resolving the CHT problem through political and peaceful means.

– To promote peaceful coexistence between nations, regardless of their political, social or economic systems.

– To promote international cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to facilitate access to nuclear technology, equipment and material for peaceful purposes required by developing countries.

– Most of these ideas were inspired by Malcolm X’s criticism of Martin Luther King Jr.’s peaceful protest methods.

– However, most Rohingya are not involved in terrorism and just want to live peaceful lives.

– Buddhists believe that the Buddha was enlightened, which means that he knew all about how to live a peaceful life and how to avoid suffering.

– The Cretans were peaceful people without fortifications to protect them from an attack.

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