“pay back” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “pay back”:

– Usually, a mortgage is given to you by a mortgage company or any financial institution, after evaluation of your potential to pay back the loan in full.

– Like in the Philippines, people try to pay back any money they owe before the New Year.

– When the dust storms damaged the crops, not only could the small farmer not feed himself and his family, he could not pay back his debt.

– His wife Valerie attempted to pay back the borrowed option money to Margaret Scott, but by the time the settlement came through Mrs.

– In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy some of your debts may be forgiven, but you will have to pay back a portion of your debt.

– This means that at some point, the bond issuer has to pay back the money to the investors.

– Then the bad gang leader might force the good man to do bad things to pay back the money.

pay back use in-sentences
pay back use in-sentences

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