“pawn” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “pawn”:

– One simple example of a prophylactic move is when a player moves a rook’s pawn forward h3 or h6 to prevent a back rank mate, and at the same time prevent an enemy bishop or knight from occupying g4 or g5.

– It may lead to good endgames for Black, who has the better pawn structure.

– The obstruction of an enemy pawn by placing a piece in front of it so that it cannot move.

– For example, king and pawn endgames have only kings and pawns on one or both sides and the task of the stronger side is to promote one of the pawns.

– In the endgames king, rook and pawn versus king and rook.

– A pawn captures diagonally, one square forward and to the left or right.

pawn use in-sentences
pawn use in-sentences

Example sentences of “pawn”:

– When a pawn makes a capture, the file from which the Pawn left is used in place of a piece initial.

– If a pawn reaches the end of the board, it is removed and replaced by any other piece the player chooses, except a king or pawn.

– Black has chosen a worse pawn structure, and often castles queenside.

– A player may promote a pawn to a piece, usually a queen, when the pawn reaches the last line of the opponent team.

– Promotion is what happens when a pawn reaches the other side of the board and cannot move further.

– Although White’s pawn on h5 looks ready to attack, it can prove to be a weakness in an endgame.

– The phrase “semi-open file” is used when only one pawn blocks a file.

- When a pawn makes a capture, the file from which the Pawn left is used in place of a piece initial.

- If a pawn reaches the end of the board, it is removed and replaced by any other piece the player chooses, except a king or pawn.

– Typically, long-term pawn weaknesses may be counterbalanced by piece activity.

– Like his immediate predecessors in the Liberal Party, he was considered to be a pawn of “La Argolla” ring”, a plutocracy of coastal agricultural and banking interests whose linchpin was the Commercial and Agricultural Bank of Guayaquil led by Francisco Urbina Jado.

– The theme which ties them together is Alice’s journey as a Pawn pawn from the start of a fantasy game of rank and becomes a queen.

– The letter P showing a pawn is not used, so that e4 means “pawn moves to the square “e4″”.

– Normally, the pawn is “queened”, but in some advantageous cases another piece is chosen, called ‘under-promotion’.

More in-sentence examples of “pawn”:

– Nxd5! Now 13…cxd5?? is met by 14.Bc7, winning the queen, while 13…Nxf4 14.Nxf4 leaves White a pawn ahead.

– This system often leads to typical isolated queen’s pawn positions, with White gaining rapid development, a grip on e5, and kingside attacking chances to make up for the long-term structural weakness of the isolated d4 pawn.

– A pawn can capture an enemy piece which is on the diagonal square to the left or right of the square in front of it.

– The bishop cannot be chased successfully: 2…h6 3.Bh4 g5 4.Bg3 f4? 5.e3! threatens mate, and so wins the pawn on f4.

– The taking pawn moves into the empty square over which the first pawn moved.

– During the 1998 Linares chess tournament Shirov played black against future FIDE World Chess Championshipworld champion Veselin Topalov and won with a piece sacrifice in a bishop and pawn ending.

– This is the only time a pawn can move to a square that is not straight in front of it.

– A check given by a line-piece when a shielding piece or pawn is moved out of the way.

– The letter P showing a pawn is not used, so that e4 means “pawn moves to the square e4″.

– The phrase “open file” is used when no pawn blocks a file.

– There are some positions which require more than 50 moves to win, yet have no captures or pawn moves.

– Colline, the philosopher, comes in shivering and cross because he had not been able to pawn some books.

– For example, if the black pawn has just moved up two squares from g7 to g5, then the white pawn on f5 can take it by “en passant” on g6.

– The pawn is the weakest chess piecepiece in the game of chess.

– To capture “en passant” can only be done on the move right after the double-square pawn advance.

– If an enemy piece is straight in front of a pawn, the pawn cannot capture that piece.

– In the diagram to the left, the white pawn can capture either the black rook or the black knight.

– Most times, a pawn can only move to one square, the square in front of it.

– A chess opening in which a player offers a pawn for fast development and an attack.

– Post Office, a restaurant, a two feed/hardware stores, a furniture store, a small chain department store, a clothing store, a pawn shop, a bank, a farmer’s market, a used shipping container sales and rental lot and a couple of nondescript general merchandise stores.

– Black makes very few compromises in his pawn structure, and plays c5 in time to fight for the d4 square.

– Nute Gunray was just a pawn in Palpatine’s plan to achieve the position of supreme chancellor.

– He was best known as the co-owner of the World Famous Gold Silver Pawn Shop, as featured on the History U.S.

– To pay for his funeral, Alice had to pawn her wedding ring, which led her back to the poker world.

– A pawn is worth 1 point.

– Should the game go to an endgame, Black often has good chances because of his solid pawn structure and kingside pawn majority.

– There are cases where a player might want to promote a pawn to a knight, rook, or bishop instead.

– Sometimes thieves use pawn shops to sell things easily to someone who will not ask questions.

– This exposes the black pawn on d5.

– Most of the time, a pawn moves by going up a single square, but the first time each pawn is moved from its starting place, it can go forward two squares.

– Once a pawn reaches the other side of the board and cannot move further, it is promoted, meaning it can become any other piece on the board, except the king.

– On the following diagram, Whichever king moves, he loses his pawn and the opponent will win the game.

– As the simplest piece in chess, the pawn was in the oldest version of chess, Chaturanga.

– When a pawn moves to its eighth rank, it must be changed for a piece: a queen, rook, bishop, or knight of the same color.

– The short-term goal of 4…Nd7 is to make developing his pieces easier by trading a pair of knights without damaging his pawn structure by the direct 4…Nf6.

– It sums up the idea that the pawn ‘skeleton’ gives the game its long-term structure, and influences how a game proceeds.

– The best-known move, the King’s Pawn opening, is the white player moving his king’s pawn on e2 forward two spaces to e4.

– It is only available when a pawn moves forward two squares past an opposing pawn on an adjacent file.

– Also, the pawn promotion to the new queen is hugely significant when it takes place.

– The pawn chains are decisive in deciding the players’ plans.

– A pawn shop is a shop or business who loans money to people who bring in valuable items which they leave with the pawnbroker.

– Bugs in this system sometimes added a chess pawn character to wikitext.

– Then the opponent’s pawn can capture the double-mover “as if it had only moved one square forward”.

– A special method of capturing, only available to a pawn on its fifth rank.

– A pawn is placed in each square on the second row away from each player at the beginning of a game, right in front of all of their other pieces, so each player begins with eight pawns.

– These early notations are usually quite cumbersome; “The pawn of the king forward two houses”.

– But a pawn that has not moved yet in the game can move ahead two squares, or just one.

– An E4 opening could be described as King’s Pawn 4 or Queen’s Knight to queen’s Bishop 3.

– The white pawn at e4 can capture either the black rook at d5 or the black knight at f5, but not the bishop at e5, which blocks its straight way forward.

- Nxd5! Now 13...cxd5?? is met by 14.Bc7, winning the queen, while 13...Nxf4 14.Nxf4 leaves White a pawn ahead.

- This system often leads to typical isolated queen's pawn positions, with White gaining rapid development, a grip on e5, and kingside attacking chances to make up for the long-term structural weakness of the isolated d4 pawn.
- A pawn can capture an enemy piece which is on the diagonal square to the left or right of the square in front of it.

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