“oxygen” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “oxygen”:

+ The carbon monoxide takes the oxygen from the iron ore when heated in a large oven called a blast furnace.

+ This new air with more oxygen is then given to a patient during oxygen therapy.

+ This can cause respiratory failure – where the body is not getting enough oxygen to survive.

+ Rocket engines burn chemicals such as petroleum and liquid oxygen at very high pressures and temperatures to turn the chemical energy into motion.

+ This type of respiration occurs in the presence of oxygen Here oxygen is utilised to break down the food to release high amount of energy this is called aerobic respiration.

oxygen example in sentences
oxygen example in sentences

Example sentences of “oxygen”:

+ To balance the aircomposition of air, plants use carbon dioxide to carry out photosynthesis, so oxygen is made.

+ When oxygen goes into the bloodstream, extra carbon dioxide comes out and goes into the lungs.
+ It has much less oxygen than arterial blood.

+ To balance the aircomposition of air, plants use carbon dioxide to carry out photosynthesis, so oxygen is made.

+ When oxygen goes into the bloodstream, extra carbon dioxide comes out and goes into the lungs.

+ It has much less oxygen than arterial blood.

+ At the tipping point where the oceans became permanently oxygenated, small variations in oxygen production produced pulses of free oxygen in the surface waters, alternating with pulses of iron oxide deposition.

+ It reacts with oxygen to make iodine and water.

+ Fuel cells make electricity by combining oxygen and hydrogen.

+ Aluminium foils thicker than 25 μm do not allow oxygen and water to pass through.

+ Beryllium combines with aluminium, silicon and oxygen to make a mineral called beryl.

+ The fire was started by the explosion of oxygen tanks meant for COVID-19 patients.

+ The extreme heat makes the carbon react with iron ore, taking off the oxygen from iron oxides, and making carbon dioxide.

More in-sentence examples of “oxygen”:

+ A water molecule consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms held together by a covalent bond.

+ On April 20, 2021, MOXIE produced oxygen from carbon dioxide in the Martian atmosphere by using solid oxide electrolysis.

+ The alveoli are moist to allow oxygen to move from the lung through the alveoli into blood vessels and red blood cells.

+ Their damage makes it hard for the blood and air move oxygen and carbon.

+ They give off the oxygen that we breathe.

+ These were formed by cyanobacteria, which used photosynthesis and gave off oxygen as a by-product.

+ Eventually, without an oxygen sink in the oceans, the process created the oxygen-rich atmosphere of today.

+ This technique can be used to produce breathbreathable oxygen or hydrogen gas as a fuel source, referred to as hydrogen fuel.

+ Zygmunt Wróblewski and Karol Olszewski were the first scientists to liquefy nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide.

+ The outside layer attaches to the umbilical cord, so that blood and oxygen from the mother can get through the amniotic sac and to the fetus.

+ As a result of not having mitochondria, the cells use none of the oxygen they carry.

+ Insufficient oxygen being delivered to the body will result in oxygen deprivation.

+ Red beds, which are coloured by haematite, indicate an increase in atmospheric oxygen after 2 billion years ago; they are not found in older rocks. The oxygen build-up was probably due to two factors: a filling of the chemical sinks, and an increase in carbon burial, which stored organic compounds which would have otherwise been oxidized by the atmosphere.

+ Many of those have gills that can extract oxygen dissolved in water.

+ All of these processes require an intake of oxygen to provide energy for survival, usually from macronutrients like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

+ Blood is supposed to pick up oxygen in the lungs and then carry that oxygen to the rest of the body.

+ This level has a special kind of oxygen called ozone.

+ In the air, two oxygen atoms usually chemical bondjoin to make dioxygen, a colourless gas.

+ Blood is moved by the pumping of the heart and carries oxygen to the tissues.

+ Argon is often used when welding steel and similar work, to push away the air around the weld, so the oxygen in the air can’t join with the metal being welded.

+ As “dioxygen two oxygen atoms are chemically bound to each other.

+ For example, they adjust their pH, temperature, amount of oxygen or carbon dioxide in the blood and so on.

+ The resulting blood going through the aorta has less oxygen than usual.

+ It aired on Oxygen on August 3, 2010.

+ A water molecule consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms held together by a covalent bond.

+ On April 20, 2021, MOXIE produced oxygen from carbon dioxide in the Martian atmosphere by using solid oxide electrolysis.
+ The alveoli are moist to allow oxygen to move from the lung through the alveoli into blood vessels and red blood cells.

+ These other factors would be such things as how much oxygen and carbon dioxide are in the atmosphere, the position of the continents, the amount of volcanic action, and so on.

+ The oxygen in air cannot oxidize the silver directly; the hydrogen sulfide helps it.

+ Cells in our body need oxygen to live.

+ Like all parts of the body, the arachnoid mater needs blood and oxygen to survive.

+ It burns in air to form a compound with one cerium atom and two oxygen atoms.

+ These tubes take the oxygen to other parts of the insect body.

+ The blood can then carry oxygen to every part of the body through the bloodstream.

+ An oxygen concentrator is a machine that takes in air and takes out some of the nitrogen.

+ This makes it harder for oxygen to get to the lungs.

+ Red beds, which are colored by hematite, indicate an increase in atmospheric oxygen after 2 billion years ago; they are not found in older rocks.

+ Chemical measures of water quality include Oxygen saturationdissolved oxygen, and pesticides.

+ The turtles can take up dissolved oxygen from the water using these papillae, in much the same way that fish use gills to respire.

+ However, it can keep pushing blood and oxygen around the body long enough that sometimes, it can keep the body from getting damaged by not having enough oxygen.

+ The acid in the peat, along with the lack of oxygen underneath the surface, had preserved the delicate soft tissues of his body.

+ It is done to make oxygen continues to reach the heart and the brain.

+ Without mixing, oxygen from above can’t get into the brine pool.

+ The blood that now carries oxygen goes through the dorsal artery, which divides into smaller and smaller vessels and go all over the body to then distribute the oxygen and gets carbon dioxide and waste.

+ It is caused by a chemical reaction, between a metal and a non metal, usually oxygen or sulphur dioxide.

+ Without going to the bathroom, a person naturally loses over One reason is humans breathe in oxygen but breathes out carbon dioxide.

+ The evidence is that free oxygen was first produced by photosynthetic organisms which emitted oxygen as a waste product.

+ A functional MRI shows the use of oxygen in different brain areas.

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