“oxide” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “oxide”:

+ It is also made when manganese oxide is reacted with hydrochloric acid; this reaction also produces chlorine.

+ Barium oxide is made by heating barium carbonate with carbon.

+ It reacts with sodium nitrate to make lead oxide and sodium nitrite.

+ Lead oxide, also known as plumbous oxide and litharge, is a chemical compound.

+ It is made by reacting thallium oxide with carbon dioxide.

+ It is made by reacting a basic solution of bismuth oxide and sodium hydroxide with a strong oxidizing agent.

+ It reacts with water to make tin oxide hydrate, which is white, and hydrochloric acid.

+ Cadmium oxide can be brown, red, or white.

oxide example in sentences
oxide example in sentences

Example sentences of “oxide”:

+ It is made by reacting mercury oxide with hydrogen fluoride or hydrofluoric acid.

+ Calcium oxide is a chemical compound of calcium and oxygen.
+ It is made by reacting manganese oxide with hydrofluoric acid.

+ It is made by reacting mercury oxide with hydrogen fluoride or hydrofluoric acid.

+ Calcium oxide is a chemical compound of calcium and oxygen.

+ It is made by reacting manganese oxide with hydrofluoric acid.

+ Nickel oxide is normally dark green, but sometimes it is gray.

+ Yellow glass with 1% uranium oxide was found in a Roman villa on Cape Posillipo in the Bay of Naples, Italy.

+ Bismite, a bismuth oxide mineral, and bismuthinite, a bismuth sulfide, are two common ores.

+ The paintings were drawn with red and yellow ochre, hematite, manganese oxide and charcoal.

+ Lithium oxide dissolves in water to make lithium hydroxide.

+ It is made by heating lead oxide in air.

+ Sometimes manganese oxide is used to make the oxygen come faster.

+ It can be heated to produce manganese oxide and carbon dioxide.

+ Barium oxide was heated to around 300°C, absorbing oxygen and making barium peroxide.

+ Ammonia is reacted with air to make nitric oxide, and the nitric oxide is oxidized by air to make nitrogen dioxide.

+ Chromium oxide is very toxic and irritating.

+ When aluminium reacts with atmospheric oxygen, a thin layer of aluminium oxide forms on any exposed aluminium surface.

+ It is also made by reacting bismuth oxide with hydroiodic acid.

+ Lead glass has lead oxide in it.

+ This makes arsenic trioxide which sublimes, while the iron oxide stays behind.

+ Cadmium oxide can be a colorless powder, brown powder, or red-brown crystals.

+ He wants to stop Nitros Oxide so that he may take over the world himself.

More in-sentence examples of “oxide”:

+ Bismuth oxide is a pale yellow solid.

+ It is an oxide mineral.

+ Bismuth oxide is a pale yellow solid.

+ It is an oxide mineral.

+ It can also be made by reacting mercury oxide with sulfuric acid.

+ It is often used for ships so that ship doesn’t get corroded and it is very stable due to its oxide coating.

+ It reacts with strong bases to make tin oxide hydrate.

+ Dichromate is similar, but it contains two chromium atoms and seven oxide atoms.

+ It does not oxidize any more than the oxide layer.

+ This slowly develops a tightly adhering oxide layer as it is exposed to the elements.

+ The aluminium oxide forms a solid and releases the mercury, which amalgamates more aluminium.

+ Zinc oxide is not toxic, but fine dust of zinc oxide can irritate the lungs when inhaled or aspirated.

+ The aluminium oxide is electrolysiselectrolyzed to make aluminium and oxygen.

+ Then the aluminium oxide is dissolved in liquid cryolite, a rare mineral.

+ It decomposes to barium oxide when heated in a vacuum.

+ It is made by reacting mercury oxide with iodine.

+ Neodymium is a metal that forms a coating of oxide around itself when it is placed in air.

+ Bismuth oxide is used in pyrotechnics to make fireworks that burn with an effect called “dragon’s eggs”.

+ It turns into cobalt oxide when heated.

+ It involves dissolving aluminium oxidealuminium oxide mainly gotten from electrolysing the molten salt bath, usually in a purpose-built cell.

+ It also has oxide ions.

+ Tin oxide, also known as tin dioxide or stannic oxide is a chemical compound.

+ Copper oxide is made by heating copper in air.

+ The limestone, which is made of calcium carbonate, turns into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide when the limestone is very hot.

+ It contains cobalt and oxide ions.

+ It can also be made by dissolving bismuth oxide in hydrochloric acid.

+ It does not react with many things, so selenium oxide is what most selenium compounds are made from.

+ Sometimes, release of nitric oxide relaxes muscles around the vagina, called sexual arousal.

+ Lithium oxide is very corrosive.

+ Silver oxide is a chemical compound with the formula AgO.

+ Cadmium bromide is made by reacting cadmium with bromine or by reacting cadmium or cadmium oxideits oxide with hydrobromic acid and evaporating the solution in helium.

+ The thin layer of oxide on aluminium stops it from amalgamating aluminium, but the oxide coating can be damaged to expose the metal.

+ Even though it is a form of quartz, it has more iron oxide Fe Heating the amethyst either takes away its colour or changes it to a yellow hue.

+ It has antimony and oxide ions in it.

+ Aluminum oxide is also used to make synthetic rubies and sapphires for lasers.

+ Nitros Oxide himself returns to his home planet of Gasmoxia and hides from society.

+ The lava slowly moves out of this crevasse and then it cools with its iron oxide molecules all pointing in the new direction of the Earth’s magnetic field.

+ Uranium is a shiny white metal, but is usually seen in its oxide form which is black.

+ Copper oxide is used as a semiconductor.

+ At the tipping point where the oceans became permanently oxygenated, small variations in oxygen production produced pulses of free oxygen in the surface waters, alternating with pulses of iron oxide deposition.

+ It is used in the silver oxide battery.

+ It is made by reacting bismuth oxide with hydrofluoric acid or by reacting a large amount of bismuth with fluorine.

+ It has mercury mercury and oxide ions.

+ It then reacts with more oxygen to turn brown as iron oxide is formed.

+ A tin oxide wire is heated.

+ It decomposes to bismuth oxide and oxygen easily.

+ The calcium oxide reacts with the sand to make a liquid called a slag.

+ One reason for this is the IHRA is less restrictive in its rules, such as rules on nitrous oxide and oversized engines.

+ Zinc oxide can be made by heating powdered zinc metal.

+ Magnesium oxide is used by libraries to make books last longer.

+ The carbon monoxide produced by its combustion reduces iron oxide to the iron product.

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