“overrun” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “overrun”:

– After being shot by criminals, he wakes from a coma in the hospital to see that his town is overrun with walking dead people.

– Flooding would turn out to be a huge issue for the community of Squamish and could eventually overrun parts of Highway 99.

– But from 944 to 947 there was a crisis by the revolt of Abu Yazid, who had united the Kharijite Berber peopleBerber tribes of eastern Algeria and overrun Ifriqiya.

– For this and other reasons the riverfront neighborhoods became overrun with crime.

– Closed as not promoted: This one’s overrun the extension by a few days so is probably around about time to be closed to avoid things dragging on.

– The Romanians were overrun by large numbers of tanks.

– He thought the islands were overrun with drugs and guns and were no longer safe.

– The series ends on a cliffhanger, with Gallifrey on the brink of economic and social collapse as well as in danger of being overrun by a Free Time virus, while most of the characters are trapped with no apparent means of escape.

overrun use in-sentences
overrun use in-sentences

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